Wednesday, 29 April 2020


Dasakam - 17 - Dhuruva Charithram

Swayambhu Manu's Son Uttanapada had two wives, Suneethi and Suruchi. Suruchi was extremely dear to the King Uttanapada that he neglected his other wife Suneethi. Overwhelmed by grief, Suneethi surrendered at the feet of Lord. 

One day Dhruva, Suneethi's five year old son wished to sit on his father's lap after seeing his step brother Uttama seated. Suruchi scolded Dhruva harshly and pushed him away due to her jealousy which arises out of her lack of devotion for Lord. King was a mute spectator to this incident. Suneethi consoled her son and advised Dhruva to take refuge at Lord's feet. 

Dhruva left to forest and met Sage Narada on his way. Sage Narada gave Dwadashakshara Mantram and taught him how to perform devotion, how the Lord will look like. He reached Madhuvanam and  performed penance for five months.

Pleased with the child's rigorous penance at tender age, Lord appeared before him, seated on Garuda. Soaked in bliss, Dhuruva was speechless, Lord touched the cheek of the boy with his conch.  Dhuruva sang the glory of the God, enlightened with the knowledge gained from the Lord and was  granted the boon of attaining the highest abode, the Dhruvapadam after successful reign over the kingdom with peace and prosperity. 

Dhruva returned to the Kingdom and ruled it peacefully with prosperity, after his father retired to the forest. Later, Uttama was killed by Yaksha and feeling enraged Dhruva raised a war against Yakshas, but with Swayambhu Manu's advice, he dropped the war. Yaksha king Kubera, pleased with his action, wanted to grant a boon, still Dhruva only wanted the boon of permanent devotion to Lord. 

At the most appropriate time, Dhruva along with his mother, was taken to Dhruvalokha by lord's attendants and is living there, ever, happily by Lord's mercy.

Bhattathiri pleased at Lord's kindness to protect his devotees, requested him to cure his ailments. Lord acknowledged his request immediately.

Lyrics of Dasakam 17

उत्तानपाद नृपते: मनुनन्दनस्य
जाया बभूव सुरुचि: नितरामभीष्टा ।
अन्या सुनीतिरिति भर्तुरनादृता सा
त्वामेव नित्यमगति: शरणं गताऽभूत् ॥१॥

uttaanapaada nR^ipate: manunandanasya
jaayaa babhuuva suruchi: nitaraamabhiiShTaa |
anyaa suniitiriti bharturanaadR^itaa saa
tvaameva nityamagati: sharaNaM gataa(a)bhuut || 1 ||

अङ्के पितु: सुरुचि पुत्रक उत्तमं तं
दृष्ट्वा ध्रुव: किल सुनीति सुतोऽधिरोक्ष्यन् ।
आचिक्षिपे किल शिशु: सुतरां सुरुच्या
दुस्सन्त्यजा खलु भवत्-विमुखैरसूया ॥२॥

anke pitu: suruchi putrakam uttamaM taM
dR^iShTvaa dhruva: kila suniiti sutO(a)dhirOkshyan |
aachikshipe kila shishu: sutaraaM suruchyaa
dussantyajaa khalu bhavad-vimukhairasuuyaa || 2 ||

त्वन्मोहिते पितरि पश्यति दारवश्ये
दूरं दुरुक्ति निहत: स गतो निजाम्बाम् ।
साऽपि स्व कर्मगति सन्तरणाय पुंसां
त्वत्पादमेव शरणं शिशवे शशंस ॥३॥

tvanmOhite pitari pashyati daaravashye
duuraM durukti nihata: sa gatO nijaambaam |
saa(a)pi sva karmagati santaraNaaya pumsaaM
tvatpaadameva sharaNaM shishave shashamsa || 3 ||

आकर्ण्य सोऽपि भवदर्चन निश्चितात्मा
मानी निरेत्य नगरात् किल पञ्चवर्ष: ।
सन्दृष्ट नारद निवेदित मन्त्रमार्ग:
त्वामारराध तपसा मधुकाननान्ते ॥४॥

aakarNya sO(a)pi bhavadarchana nishchitaatmaa
maanii niretya nagaraat kila pa~nchavarSha: |
sandR^iShTa naarada nivedita mantramaarga:
tvaamaararaadha tapasaa madhukaananaante || 4 ||

ताते विषण्णहृदये नगरीं गतेन
श्रीनारदेन परिसान्त्वित चित्तवृत्तौ ।
बालस्त्वदर्पित मना: क्रम वर्धितेन
निन्ये कठोर तपसा किल पञ्चमासान् ॥५॥

taate viShaNNahR^idaye nagariiM gatena
shriinaaradena parisaantvita chittavR^ittau |
baalastvadarpita manaa: krama vardhitena
ninye kaThOra tapasaa kila pa~nchamaasaan || 5 ||

तावत्तपोबल निरुच्छ्-वसिते दिगन्ते
देवार्थित: त्वम् उदयत् करुणार्द्र चेता: ।
त्वद्रूप चिद्रस निलीन मते: पुरस्तात्
आविर्बभूविथ विभो गरुडाधिरूढ: ॥६॥

taavattapObala niruchCh-vasite digante
devaarthita: tvam udayat karuNaardra chetaa: |
tvadruupa chidrasa niliina mate: purastaat
aavirbabhuuvitha vibhO garuDaadhiruuDha: || 6 ||

त्वद्दर्शन प्रमद भार तरङ्गितं तं
दृग्भ्यां निमग्नमिव रूप रसायने ते ।
तुष्टूषमाणम् अवगम्य कपोलदेशे
संस्पृष्टवानसि दरेण तथाऽऽदरेण ॥७॥

tvaddarshana pramada bhaara tarangitaM taM
dR^igbhyaaM nimagnamiva ruupa rasaayane te |
tuShTuuShamaaNam avagamya kapOladeshe
samspR^iShTavaanasi dareNa tathaa(a)dareNa || 7 ||

तावत्-विबोध-विमलं प्रणुवन्तमेनम्
आभाषथा: त्वम्-अवगम्य तदीय भावम् ।
राज्यं चिरं समनुभूय भजस्व भूय:
सर्वोत्तरं ध्रुव पदं विनिवृत्तिहीनम् ॥८॥

taavat-vibOdha-vimalaM praNuvantamenam
aabhaaShathaa: tvam-avagamya tadiiya bhaavam |
raajyaM chiraM samanubhuuya bhajasva bhuuya:
sarvOttaraM dhruva padaM vinivR^ittihiinam || 8 ||

इत्यूचिषि त्वयि गते नृपनन्दनोऽसौ
आनन्दिताखिल जनो नगरीमुपेत: ।
रेमे चिरं भवदनुग्रह पूर्णकाम:
ताते गते च वनमादृत-राज्यभार: ॥९॥

ityuuchiShi tvayi gate nR^ipanandanO(a)saa
aananditaakhila janO nagariimupeta: |
reme chiraM bhavadanugraha puurNakaama:
taate gate cha vanamaadR^ita raajyabhaara: || 9 ||

यक्षेण देव निहते पुनरुत्तमेऽस्मिन्
यक्षै: स युद्ध निरतो विरतो मनूक्त्या ।
शान्त्या प्रसन्न हृदयात्-धनदादुपेतात्
त्वत्-भक्तिमेव सुदृढां अवृणोन्महात्मा ॥१०॥

yaksheNa deva nihate punaruttame(a)smin
yakshai: sa yuddha niratO viratO manuuktyaa |
shaantyaa prasanna hR^idayaat-dhanadaadupetaat
tvat-bhaktimeva sudR^iDhaam avR^iNOnmahaatmaa || 10 ||

अन्ते भवत्-पुरुषनीत विमानयातो
मात्रा समं ध्रुवपदे मुदितोऽयमास्ते ।
एवं स्व भृत्य जनपालन लोलधीस्त्वं
वातालयाधिप निरुन्धि ममामयौघान् ॥११॥

ante bhavat-puruShaniita vimaanayaatO
maatraa samaM dhruvapade muditO(a)yamaaste |
evaM svabhR^itya janapaalana lOladhiistvaM
vaataalayaadhipa nirundhi mamaamayaughaan || 11 ||

-------Sri Krishnarpanam-------

Tuesday, 28 April 2020


Dasakam - 16 - Incarnation of Nara & Narayana

One of the daughters of Swayambhuva Manu was Devahuti, mother of Kapila. Yet another daughter of Swayambhu Manu was Prasuti. She was married to the son of Brahma, Daksha Prajapathi. 

Daksha and Prasuti had 16 daughters. Out of these 16, thirteen were married to Dharma Deva. Swadhaa was married to Pitrus; Swaaha to Agni and another named Sati was married to Siva. 

Out of the thirteen married to Dharmadeva, one was Murthy by name. She gave birth to the divine twins - NARA and NARAYANA. These twin brothers were the forms of the Lord and they were always together.

The secret of the birth of the twin brothers, who were for all purposes considered as 'one’, even though possessing two bodies was to kill Karna or popularly known as Sahasra Kavacha, born protected by a thousand coats of armor (Kavacha). No one could break them without performing thousand years of penance and at the same time fighting with him simultaneously for the same thousand years. This explains the secret of the birth of Nara and Narayana.

Nara and Narayana did penance for thousand years and fought with Asura for another thousand years and finally killed the Asura-Sahasra Kavacha.

After slaying of Sahasra Kavacha, Nara and Narayana went to Badarika Ashrama to settle down for teaching and practicing the path to "MOKSHA". Indra could not stand this and wanted to see their spiritual downfall. He sent Manmatha and celestial women to distract them but to in vain. With their will, they not only withstood the distraction but also presented them a gift to Indra,"URVASI", whose beauty put to shame the beauty of all the celestial damsels. The pride of Indra was thus removed forever by the Divine Twins.

Daksha was arrogant due to his dominating rajo guna, developed hatred for Lord Shiva, and went to the extent of insulting his daughter Sati in the due course. Lord Shiva, angry at the insult of his wife, destroyed Daksha's sacrifice, cut Daksha's head. Lord Shiva restored Daksha's life again after being requested by other Gods. By the grace of Lord, Daksha completed his sacrifice and attained mental peace. 

Bhattathiri requested Lord Guruvayoorappa who brings peace to devotee's heart to free him from ailments. Lord acknowledged his request immediately.

Lyrics of Dasakam 16

दक्षो विरिञ्च तनयोऽथ मनोस्तनूजां
लब्ध्वा प्रसूतिमिह षोडश चाप कन्या: ।
धर्मे त्रयोदश ददौ पितृषु स्वधां च
स्वाहां हविर्भुजि सतीं गिरिशे त्वदंशे ॥१॥

dakshO viri~ncha tanayO(a)tha manOstanuujaaM
labdhvaa prasuutimiha ShODasha chaapa kanyaa: |
dharme trayOdasha dadau pitR^iShu svadhaaM cha
svaahaaM havirbhuji satiiM girishe tvadamshe || 1 ||

मूर्तिर्हि धर्म गृहिणी सुषुवे भवन्तं
नारायणं नरसखं महितानुभावम् ।
यज्जन्मनि प्रमुदिता: कृत तूर्यघोषा:
पुष्पोत्करान् प्रववृषु:-नुनुवु: सुरौघा: ॥२॥

muurtirhi dharma gR^ihiNii suShuve bhavantaM
naaraayaNaM narasakhaM mahitaanubhaavam |
yajjanmani pramuditaaH kR^itatuuryaghOShaa:
puShpOtkaraan pravavR^iShu: nunuvu: suraughaa: || 2 ||

दैत्यं सहस्र कवचं कवचै: परीतं
साहस्र वत्सर तप: समराभिलव्यै: ।
पर्याय निर्मित तप:-समरौ भवन्तौ
शिष्टैक कङ्कटममुं न्यहतां सलीलम् ॥३॥

daityaM sahasrakavachaM kavachai: pariitaM
saahasra vatsara tapa: samaraabhilavyai: | 
paryaaya nirmita tapa: samarau bhavantau
shiShTaika kankaTamamuM nyahataaM saliilam || 3 ||

अन्वाचरन्-उपदिशन्नपि मोक्ष धर्मं
त्वं भ्रातृमान् बदरिकाश्रम मध्यवात्सी: ।
शक्रोऽथ ते शम तपोबल निस्सहात्मा
दिव्याङ्गना परिवृतं प्रजिघाय मारम् ॥४॥

anvaacharann upadishannapi mOksha dharmaM
tvaM bhraatR^imaan badarikaashrama madhyavaatsii: |
shakrO(a)tha te shama tapObala nissahaatmaa
divyaanganaa parivR^itaM prajighaaya maaram || 4 ||

कामो वसन्त मलयानिल बन्धुशाली
कान्ता कटाक्ष विशिखै:-विकसद्विलासै: ।
विध्यन् मुहुर्मुहु:-अकम्पं उदीक्ष्य च त्वां
भीतस्त्वयाऽथ जगदे मृदुहासभाजा ॥५॥

kaamO vasanta malayaanila bandhushaalii
kaantaa kaTaaksha vishikhai: vikasadvilaasai: |
vidhyan muhurmuhu: akampam udiikshya cha tvaaM
bhiitastvayaa(a)tha jagade mR^iduhaasabhaajaa || 5 ||

भीत्याऽलमङ्गज वसन्त सुराङ्गना वो
मन्मानसं तु-इह जुषध्वं इति ब्रुवाण: ।
त्वं विस्मयेन परित: स्तुवतामथैषां
प्रादर्शय: स्वपरिचारक कातराक्षी: ॥६॥

bhiityaalamangaja vasanta suraanganaa vO
manmaanasaM tu-iha juShadhvam iti bruvaaNa: |
tvaM vismayena parita: stuvataamathaiShaaM
praadarshaya: svaparichaaraka kaataraakshii: || 6 ||

सम्मोहनाय मिलिता मदनादयस्ते
त्वत्-दासिका परिमलै: किल मोहमापु: ।
दत्तां त्वया च जगृहु:-त्रपयैव सर्व-
स्वर्वासि गर्व शमनीं पुनरुर्वशीं ताम् ॥७॥

sammOhanaaya militaa madanaadayaste
tvat-daasikaa parimalai: kila mOhamaapu: |
dattaaM tvayaa cha jagR^ihu: trapayaiva sarva-
svarvaasi garva shamaniiM punarurvashiiM taam || 7 ||

दृष्ट्वोर्वशीं तव कथां च निशम्य शक्र:
पर्याकुलोऽजनि भवन् महिमावमर्शात् ।
एवं प्रशान्त रमणीय तरावतारात्
त्त्वत्तोऽधिको वरद कृष्णतनुस्त्वमेव ॥८॥

dR^iShTvOrvashiiM tava kathaaM cha nishamya shakra:
paryaakulO(a)jani bhavan mahimaavamarshaat |
evaM prashaanta ramaNiiya taraavataaraat
tvattO(a)dhikO varada kR^iShNatanustvameva || 8 ||

दक्षस्तु धातुरतिलालनया रजोऽन्धो
नात्यादृत:-त्वयि च कष्टं अशान्तिरासीत् ।
येन व्यरुन्ध स भवत् तनुमेव शर्वं
यज्ञे च वैरपिशुने स्वसुतां व्यमानीत् ॥९॥

dakshastu dhaaturatilaalanayaa rajO(a)ndhO
naatyaadR^ita: tvayi cha kaShTam ashaantiraasiit |
yena vyarundha sa bhavat tanumeva sharvaM
yaj~ne cha vairapishune svasutaaM vyamaaniit || 9 ||

क्रुद्धेशमर्दितमख: स तु कृत्तशीर्षो
देव प्रसादित हरात्-अथ लब्धजीव: ।
त्वत्पूरित क्रतुवर: पुनरापशान्तिं
स त्वं प्रशान्तिकर पाहि मरुत्पुरेश ॥१०॥

kruddheshamarditamakha: sa tu kR^ittashiirShO
devaprasaadita haraat: atha labdhajiiva: |
tvatpuurita kratuvara: punaraapa shaantiM
sa tvaM prashaantikara paahi marutpuresha || 10 ||

-------Sri Krishnarpanam------

Monday, 27 April 2020


Dasakam 15 - Kapila Geethai

Kardamar left to forest embracing sanyasa ashram when Kapila attained the age of 5. Before leaving, Kardamar, knowing that Kapila is Lord himself, offered salutations to him and requested that he bestow his grace and teach his Mother Devahuti, the greatness and importance of Bhakthi and show her the path to salvation.

Devahuti asked Kapila the reason for rebirth. He replied that the attachment to material benefits and relationships are the reason for people to be born again and again in this world. The human mind must get detached from material objects and devotion to Lord must be their only goal. Serving great people aids in increasing the devotion and such things are possible only in this world. Such devotion only can give Mukthi or salvation.

Kapila explained the twenty-five basic principles governing human existence in this world through the moolaprakruthi tree. Prakriti or Primordial Nature, Mahat-tatva or the great Spirit, Ahankaara namely the " I" sense, the five Tanmaatraas namely sound, smell, touch, form, taste, the five Bhootaas or subtle elements denoted by space,air,fire, water, earth, Antahkarana (mind and its various modes), the ten Indriyaas  which are Organs, five of knowledge-hearing, seeing, touch, taste smell, and five of action-speech,hands,legs,anus,genitals), and Purush (Atman), these are the twenty-five  principles. When one understands the difference and significance of each of this, he/she will be liberated. 

Attraction to Prakruthi or nature will make man get influenced by it, instead if he worships Lord always, he gets to understand the Lord's nature and actions. After having controlled one's senses, if meditated upon the Lord who is decked with divine jewels and weapons seated on Garuda and sing his glory, one can conquer death. 

Earning and acquiring wealth by unfair means, attachment to children and other worldly possessions without devotion to Lord leads to sufferings at hell. The Jeeva on entering the mother's womb remembers the association with Lord until it is born. The minute it falls in to the world, the child forgets the association, suffers through childhood, attains youth and again get infatuated by the materialistic life. 

A righteous person performing poojas to Devathas and Pithrus go to heaven and and attain birth again after enjoying the fruits of his meritorious deeds. Those who perform the same, dedicating the fruits of deeds to Lord himself and expect no result and always stay devoted to Lord will eventually attain salvation.

Following the advice of Kapila, Mother Devahuti was liberated from worldly attachments and attained salvation. Lord Kapila left with group of sanyasis in the North east direction and stays there even now for the good of the people. 

Declaring once again that firm devotion to Lord will alleviate all fears and sufferings, Bhattathiri  requested Lord to cure his afflictions. Lord nodded his head and acknowledged his request immediately.

Lyrics of Dasakam 15

मतिरिह गुणसक्ता बन्ध-कृत्तेष्वसक्ता
त्वमृतकृदुपरुन्धे भक्तियोगस्तु सक्तिम् ।
महदनुगमलभ्या भक्तिरेवात्र साध्या
कपिलतनुरिति त्वं देवहूत्यै न्यगादी: ॥१॥

matiriha guNasaktaa bandha-kR^itteShvasaktaa
tvamR^itakR^iduparundhe bhaktiyOgastu saktim |
mahadanugamalabhyaa bhaktirevaatra saadhyaa
kapilatanuriti tvaM devahuutyai nyagaadii: || 1 ||

प्रकृति महदहङ्काराश्च मात्राश्च भूतानि
अपि हृदपि दशाक्षी पूरुष: पञ्चविंश: ।
इति विदित विभागो मुच्यतेऽसौ प्रकृत्या
कपिलतनुरिति त्वं देवहूत्यै न्यगादी: ॥२॥

prakR^iti mahadahankaaraashcha maatraashcha bhuutaani
Api hR^idapi dashaakshii puuruShaH pa~nchavimshaH |
iti vidita vibhaagO muchyate(a)sau prakR^ityaa
kapilatanuriti tvaM devahuutyai nyagaadii: || 2 ||

प्रकृतिगतगुणौघै: नाज्यते पूरुषोऽयं
यदि तु सजति तस्यां तत् गुणास्तं भजेरन् ।
मदनुभजन तत्त्वालोचनै:  साऽप्यपेयात्
कपिलतनुरिति त्वं देवहूत्यै न्यगादी: ॥३॥

prakR^itigataguNaughai: naajyate puuruShO(a)yaM
yadi tu sajati tasyaaM tat guNaastaM bhajeran |
madanubhajana tattvaalOchanai: saa(a)pyapeyaat
kapilatanuriti tvaM devahuutyai nyagaadii: || 3 ||

विमलमतिरुपात्तै: आसनाद्यैर्मदङ्गं
गरुडसमधिरूढं दिव्य भूषायुधाङ्कम् ।
रुचितुलित तमालं शीलये तानुवेलं
कपिलतनुरिति त्वं देवहूत्यै न्यगादी: ॥४॥

vimalamatirupaattai: aasanaadyairmadangaM
garuDasamadhiruuDhaM divya bhuuShaayudhaankam |
ruchitulita tamaalaM shiilaye taanuvelaM
kapilatanuriti tvaM devahuutyai nyagaadii: || 4 ||

मम गुणगण लीला कर्णनै: कीर्तनाद्यै:
मयि सुरसरिदोघ प्रख्य चित्तानुवृत्ति: ।
भवति परम भक्ति: सा हि मृत्योर्विजेत्री
कपिलतनुरिति त्वं देवहूत्यै न्यगादी: ॥५॥

mama guNagaNa liilaa karNanai: kiirtanaadyai:
mayi surasaridOgha prakhya chittaanuvR^itti: |
bhavati paramabhakti: saa hi mR^ityOrvijetrii
kapilatanuriti tvaM devahuutyai nyagaadii: || 5 ||

अहह बहुलहिंसा सञ्चितार्थै: कुटुम्बं
प्रतिदिनमनुपुष्णन् स्त्रीजितो बाललाली ।
विशति हि गृहसक्तो यातनां मय्यभक्त:
कपिलतनुरितित्वं देवहूत्यै न्यगादी: ॥६॥

ahaha bahulahimsaa sa~nchitaarthai: kuTumbaM
pratidinamanupuShNan striijitO baalalaalii |
vishati hi gR^ihasaktO yaatanaaM mayyabhakta:
kapilatanuriti tvaM devahuutyai nyagaadii: || 6 ||

युवति जठर खिन्नो जात बोधोऽप्यकाण्डे
प्रसव गलितबोध: पीडयोल्लङ्घ्य बाल्यम् ।
पुनरपि बत मुह्यति एव तारुण्यकाले
कपिलतनुरिति त्वं देवहूत्यै न्यगादी: ॥७॥

yuvati jaThara khinnO jaata bOdhO(a)pyakaaNDe
prasava galitabOdha: piiDayOllanghya baalyam |
punarapi bata muhyati: eva taaruNyakaale
kapilatanuriti tvaM devahuutyai nyagaadii: || 7 ||

पितृ सुरगणयाजी धार्मिको यो गृहस्थ:
स च निपतति काले दक्षिणाध्वोपगामी ।
मयि निहितमकामं कर्म तूदक्पथार्थं
कपिल्तनुरिति त्वं देवहूत्यै न्यगादी: ॥८॥

pitR^i suragaNayaajii dhaarmikO yO gR^ihastha:
sa cha nipatati kaale dakshiNaadhvOpagaamii |
mayi nihitamakaamaM karma tuudakpathaarthaM
kapilatanuriti tvaM devahuutyai nyagaadii: || 8 ||

इति सुविदित वेद्यां देव हे देवहूतिं
कृतनुतिमनुगृह्य त्वं गतो योगिसङ्घै: ।
विमलमतिरथाऽसौ भक्तियोगेन मुक्ता
त्वमपि जनहितार्थं वर्तसे प्रागुदीच्याम् ॥९॥

iti suvidita vedyaaM deva he devahuutiM
kR^itanutim anugR^ihya tvaM gatO yOgisanghai: |
vimalamatirathaa(a)sau bhaktiyOgena muktaa
tvamapi janahitaarthaM vartase praagudiichyaam || 9 ||

परम किमु बहूक्त्या त्वत् पदाम्भोजभक्तिं
सकल भय विनेत्रीं सर्व कामोपनेत्रीम् ।
वदसि खलु दृढं त्वं तत्-विधूयामयान् मे
गुरुपवन पुरेश त्वय्युपाधत्स्व भक्तिम् ॥१०॥

parama kimu bahuuktyaa tvat padaambhOjabhaktiM
sakala bhaya vinetriiM sarva kaamOpanetriim |
vadasi khalu dR^iDhaM tvaM tat-vidhuuyaamayaan me
gurupavanapuresha tvayyupaadhatsva bhaktim || 10 ||

------Sri Krishnarpanam------

Thursday, 23 April 2020


 DASAKAM - 14 - Incarnation of Kapila

After the Lord's Varaha incarnation, Brahma's son, Swayambhu Manu spent his life span peacefully without any trouble, always immersed in deep devotion to Lord. Meanwhile, Prajapati Kardama, born from Brahma's own shadow, worshipped Lord Narayana for ten thousand years, awaiting to take up the work of 'creation' of the species, as instructed by Lord Brahma. 

Lord Narayana appeared before Kardama, seated on the divine Garuda.The Lord blessed him to marry Devahuti, daughter of Manu and said that couple would beget nine daughters.The Lord Himself would thereafter, be born to him as the tenth child with the name, KAPILA. Thereafter, the Lord promised "Moksha" to Kardama.

Advised by Sage Narada, Swamyambhu Manu got his daughter Devahuti married to Kardama. The couple were blessed with nine daughters and Kardama then awaited for Lord to be born to them as Kapila. 

After Kapila was born, Kardama retired to forest to perform penance. Kapila became a great philosopher and taught the essence of his teachings to his own mother, Devahuti.

Bhattathiri requested Lord who came to earth as Kapila to teach mankind, the means for attainment of salvation, to cure him from his illness. Lord nodded his head and acknowledged his request immediately.

Lyrics of Dasakam 14

स मनुस्मृत तावकाङ्घ्रि युग्म:
स मनु: पङ्कज सम्भवाङ्गजन्मा ।
निजमन्तरं अन्तरायहीनं
चरितं ते कथयन् सुखं निनाय ॥१॥

samanusmR^ita taavakaanghriyugma:
sa manu: pankaja sambhavaangajanmaa |
nijamantaram antaraayahiinaM
charitaM te kathayan sukhaM ninaaya || 1 ||

समये खलु तत्र कर्दमाख्यो
द्रुहिणच्छायभव: तदीयवाचा ।
धृत सर्ग रसो निसर्ग रम्यं
भगवंस्त्वां अयुतं समा: सिषेवे ॥२॥

samaye khalu tatra kardamaakhyO
druhiNachChaayabhava: tadiiyavaachaa |
dhR^ita sarga rasO nisarga ramyaM
bhagavamstvaam ayutaM samaa: siSheve || 2 ||

गरुडोपरि कालमेघ क्रमं
विलसत्केलि सरोज पाणि पद्मम् ।
हसितोल्लसिताननं विभो त्वं
वपुराविष्कुरुषे स्म कर्दमाय ॥३॥

garuDOpari kaalamegha kamraM
vilasatkeli sarOja paaNi padmam |
hasitOllasitaananaM vibhO tvaM
vapuraaviShkuruShe sma kardamaaya || 3 ||

स्तुवते पुलकावृताय तस्मै
मनुपुत्रीं दयितां नवापि पुत्री: ।
कपिलं च सुतं स्वमेव पश्चात्
स्वगतिं चाप्यनुगृह्य  निर्गतोऽभू: ॥४॥

stuvate pulakaavR^itaaya tasmai
manuputriiM dayitaaM navaapi putrii: |
kapilaM cha sutaM svameva pashchaat
svagatiM chaapyanugR^ihya nirgatO(a)bhuu: || 4 ||

स मनु: शतरूपया महिष्या
गुणवत्या सुतया च देवहूत्या ।
भवदीरित नारदोपदिष्ट:
समगात् कर्दममागति-प्रतीक्षं ॥५॥

sa manu: shataruupayaa mahiShyaa
guNavatyaa sutayaa cha devahuutyaa |
bhavadiirita naaradOpadiShTa:
samagaat kardamamaagati-pratiiksham || 5 ||

मनुनोपहृतां च देवहूतिं
तरुणी रत्नम् अवाप्य कर्दमोऽसौ ।
भवदर्चन निवृतोऽपि तस्यां
दृढ शुश्रूषणया दधौ प्रसादम् ॥६॥

manunOpahR^itaaM cha devahuutiM
taruNii ratnam avaapya kardamO(a)sau |
bhavadarchana nirvR^itO(a)pi tasyaaM
dR^iDha shushruuShaNayaa dadhau prasaadam || 6 ||

स पुन: त्वदुपासन प्रभावात्
दयिता कामकृते कृते विमाने ।
वनिताकुल सङ्कुलो नवात्मा
व्यहरत् देव पथेषु देवहूत्या ॥७॥

sa puna: tvadupaasana prabhaavaat
dayitaa kaamakR^ite kR^ite vimaane |
vanitaakula sankulO navaatmaa
vyaharat devapatheShu devahuutyaa || 7 ||

शत वर्षमथ व्यतीत्य सोऽयं
नव कन्या: समवाप्य धन्यरूपा: ।
वनयान समुद्यतोऽपि कान्ता-
हितकृत् त्त्वज्जननोत्सुको न्यवात्सीत् ॥८॥

shata varShamatha vyatiitya sO(a)yaM
nava kanyaa: samavaapya dhanyaruupaa: |
vanayaana samudyatO(a)pi kaantaa-
hitakR^itt vajjananOtsukO nyavaatsiit || 8 ||

निज भर्तृगिरा भवन्निषेवा-
निरतायामथ देव देवहूत्याम् ।
कपिलस्त्वम् अजायथा जनानां
प्रथयिष्यन् परमात्म तत्त्व विद्याम् ॥९॥

nija bhartR^igiraa bhavanniShevaa-
nirataayaam atha deva devahuutyaam |
kapilastvam ajaayathaa janaanaaM
prathayiShyan paramaatma tattva vidyaam || 9 ||

वनमेयुषि कर्दमे प्रसन्ने
मतसर्वस्वं उपादिशन् जनन्यै ।
कपिलात्मक वायुमन्दिरेश
त्वरितं त्वं परिपाहि मां गदौघात् ॥१०॥

vanameyuShi kardame prasanne
matasarvasvam  upaadishan jananyai |
kapilaatmaka vaayumandiresha
tvaritaM tvaM paripaahi maaM gadaughaat || 10 ||

------Sri Krishnarpanam------

Tuesday, 21 April 2020


Dasakam - 13 - Slaying of Hiranyaksha

Hiranyaksha was so huge in size that  even the ocean waters were only up to his knees. He frantically searched  for Lord Vishnu everywhere. Sage Narada who is very adept in helping Lord meet his avathara purpose, now went and met Hiranyaksha. Narada praised Hiranyaksha's strength profusely and spoke less of Lord's prowess just to boost Hiranyaksha's ego. He told that decietful Lord has already found the Earth and picked it up in his tusks and leaving to his abode.

Hiranyaksha fierce with anger roared big and spotted Lord rising up the waters with earth in its tusk. Hurling abuses at the Lord Varaha for its look of a wild boar, Hiranyaksha got ready to fight. Lord lowered down the trembling Goddess Earth carefully from his tusk on to the sea floor and got ready to fight back.

As Hiranyaksha was armed with mace, Lord Varaha too sported a mace and was playfully fighting with him. As the maces struck with each other, with huge sound, host of gods assembled in the sky to witness the fight. Brahma cautioned Lord Varaha to kill Hiranyaksha before night fall. 

During the fight, Hiranyaksha knocked down Lord's mace. Smiling at this action, Lord invoked the Sudarshan Chakra. Angered by rage, Hiranyaksha threw a trident on Lord, which was again broken down by Sudarshan chakra. Hiranyaksha hit Lord with his fist and with Maya tried many feats of warfare only to lose all before the Lord, who is above all maya. The illusions created by asura were all nullified by Lord Varaha's discus. He then resorted to heavy blows with his mighty fists when Lord Varaha, gave a deathly blow with his big toe at the base of the asura's ear.

Crushed by Lord's toe, Hiranyaksha fell at the Lord's feet. Sages and Gods were delighted and sang hyms in appreciation of  Varaha Murthy. Lord's skin are the Vedic Mantras, hair are the 'kusha' grass, eyes are the ghee, feet are the four sacrificing priests, face is 'sruk',( the ladle for sacrifice) and  stomach is the 'Ida' (the vessel which holds the sacrificial ingredients), tongue is the soma pot, ears are the chamasas (the vessel which holds the sacrificial remnants) and  virility is soma, neck are the sacrifices called Upasat, (the subsidiary rites) and the entire body is the embodiment of the holy Yagna.

Pleased with the hyms on his countless glory, Lord concluded purpose of his avatar and retired to Vaikunta. Bhattathiri requested Lord Guruvayoorappan to be pleased with him, and help him overcome his ailments. Lord acknowledged his request immediately by nodding his head.

Note: It is mentioned in Srimad Bhagawatham that whoever chants or hears this Varaha avatharam will get rid of Brahmahatthi Dosham, remedy for which is not easily found in Vedas. Other benefits include material comforts, fame, long life and ultimately whoever listens to this will be protected by Lord himself at their death bed.

Lyrics of Dasakam 13

हिरण्याक्षं तावत्-वरद भवदन्वेषण परं
चरन्तं सांवर्ते पयसि निज-जङ्घा-परिमिते ।
भवद्भक्तो गत्वा कपटपटुधी: नारदमुनि:
शनै:-ऊचे नन्दन् दनुजमपि निन्दन्-तव बलम् ॥१॥

hiraNyaakshaM taavat-varada bhavadanveShaNa paraM
charantaM saamvarte payasi nija-janghaa-parimite |
bhavadbhaktO gatvaa kapaTapaTudhii: naaradamuni:
shanai: uuche nandan danujamapi nindan-tava balam || 1 ||

स मायावी विष्णु:-हरति भवदीयां वसुमतीं
प्रभो कष्टं कष्टं किमिदमिति तेनाभिगदित: ।
नदन् क्वासौ क्वासौ-इति स मुनिना दर्शितपथो
भवन्तं सम्प्रापत्- धरणिधरं उद्यन्तं-उदकात् ॥२॥

sa maayaavii viShNu: harati bhavadiiyaaM vasumatiiM
prabhO kaShTaM kaShTaM kimidamiti tenaabhigadita: |
nadan kvaasau kvaasau-iti sa muninaa darshitapathO
bhavantaM sampraapat-dharaNidharam udyantam-udakaat || 2 ||

अहो आरण्योऽयं मृग इति हसन्तं बहुतरै:
दुरुक्तै:-विध्यन्तं दितिसुतं-अवज्ञाय भगवन् ।
महीं दृष्ट्वा दंष्ट्रा-शिरसि चकितां स्वेन महसा
पयोधौ-आधाय प्रसभं-उदयुङ्क्थां उधविधौ ॥३॥

ahO aaraNyO(a)yaM mR^iga iti hasantaM bahutarai
duruktai: vidhyantaM ditisutam-avaj~naaya bhagavan |
mahiiM dR^iShTvaa damShTraa-shirasi chakitaaM svena mahasaa
payOdhov-aadhaaya prasabham-udayunkthaam udhavidhau || 3 ||

गदापाणौ दैत्ये त्वमपि हि गृहीतोन्नत-गदो
नियुद्धेन क्रीडन् घटघट रवोद्घुष्ट-वियता ।
रणालोकौत्सुक्यान्मिलति सुरसङ्घे द्रुतममुं
निरुन्ध्या: सन्ध्यात: प्रथममिति धात्रा जगदिषे ॥४॥

gadaapaaNau daitye tvamapi hi gR^ihiitOnnata-gadO
niyuddhena kriiDan ghaTaghaTa ravOdghuShTa-viyataa |
raNaalOkautsukyaanmilati surasanghe drutamamuM
nirundhyaa: sandhyaata: prathamamiti dhaatraa jagadiShe || 4 ||

गदोन्मर्दे तस्मिं-स्तव खलु गदायां दितिभुवो
गदाघातात्-भूमौ झटिति पतितायां अहह भो: ।
मृदुस्मेरास्यस्त्वं दनुज कुल निर्मूलनचणं
महाचक्रं स्मृत्वा करभुवि दधानो रुरुचिषे ॥५॥

gadOnmarde tasmim-stava khalu gadaayaaM ditibhuvO
gadaaghaataad-bhuumau jhaTiti patitaayaam ahaha bhO: |
mR^idusmeraasyastvaM danuja kula nirmuulanachaNaM
mahaachakraM smR^itvaa karabhuvi dadhaanO ruruchiShe || 5 ||

तत: शूलं काल प्रतिमरुषि दैत्ये विसृजति
त्वयि छिन्दत्येनत् करकलित चक्र प्रहरणात् ।
समारुष्टो मुष्ट्या स खलु वितुदन्-त्वां समतनोत्
गलन्माये माया: त्वयि किल जगन्मोहनकरी: ॥६॥

tata: shuulaM kaala pratimaruShi daitye visR^ijati
tvayi Chindatyenat karakalita chakra praharaNaat |
samaaruShTO muShTyaa sa khalu vitudan-tvaaM samatanOt
galanmaaye maayaa: tvayi kila jaganmOhanakarii: || 6 ||

भवच्चक्र ज्योतिष्कण लवनिपातेन विधुते
ततो मायाचक्रे विततघन रोषान्ध मनसम् ।
कराग्रेण स्वेन श्रवण पदमूले निरवधी: ॥७॥

bhavachchakra jyOtiShkaNa lavanipaatena vidhute
tatO maayaachakre vitataghana rOShaandha manasam |
gariShThaabhi: muShTi-prahR^itibhi: abhighnantam-asuraM
karagreNa swena shravaNa padamuule niravadhii: || 7 ||

महाकाय: सो॓ऽयं तव कर सरोज प्रमथितो
गलत्-रक्तो वक्त्रात् अपतत् ऋषिभि: श्लाघितहति: ।
तदा त्वाम्-उद्दाम प्रमदभर विद्योति हृदया
मुनीन्द्रा: सान्द्राभि:स्तुतिभि:-अनुवन्-अध्वरतनुम्॥८॥

mahaakaaya: sO(a)yaM tava kara saroja pramathitO
galat-raktO vaktraat-apatat R^iShibhi: shlaaghitahati: |
tadaa tvaam-uddaama pramadabhara vidyOti hR^idayaa
muniindraa: saandraabhi: stutibhi: anuvann-adhvaratanum || 8 ||

त्वचिच्छन्दो रोमस्वपि कुशगण: चक्षुषि घृतं
चतुर्होतारोऽङ्घ्रौ स्रुगपि वदने च-उदर इडा ।
ग्रहा जिह्वायां ते परपुरुष कर्णे च चमसा
विभो सोमो वीर्यं वरद गलदेशेऽपि उपसद: ॥९॥

tvachicChandO rOmasvapi kushagaNa: chakshuShi ghR^itaM
chaturhOtaarO(a)~Nghrau srugapi vadane cha-udara iDaa |
grahaa jihvaayaaM te parapuruSha karNe cha chamasaa
vibhO sOmO viiryaM varada galadeshe(a)pi upasada: || 9 ||

मुनीन्द्रै: इत्यादि स्तवन मुखरै: मोदितमना
महीयस्या मूर्त्या विमलतर कीर्त्या च विलसन् ।
स्वधिष्ण्यं सम्प्राप्त: सुखरस विहारी मधुरिपो
निरुन्ध्या रोगं मे सकलमपि वातालयपते ॥१०॥

muniindrai: ityaadi stavana mukharai: mOditamanaa:
mahiiyasyaa muurtyaa vimalatara kiirtyaa cha vilasan |
svadhiShNyaM sampraapta: sukharasa vihaarii madhuripO
nirundhyaa rOgaM me sakalamapi vaataalayapate || 10 ||

------Sri Krishnarpanam------

Sunday, 19 April 2020


Dasakam - 12 - The Boar Incarnation 

Varaha Avatharam

Swayambhu Manu, Son of Brahma started creating the species on earth as per his father's advice. Suddenly he noticed that Earth was floating in water, even though there was no pralaya. Immediately he went to satyaloka, along with other sages and surrendered to Brahma who remains blissful, ever contemplating on the Lotus feet of Lord. Swayambu Manu requested Brahma to give a place to put the species created by him, as the earth was sinking in the water. Brahma contemplated and surrendered at the lotus feet of the Lord. 

Lord took the form of Varaha (Boar) and came out through Brahma's nostril. It was small as a thumb initially, grew to size of an elephant and then extended up to the sky. Brahma and his sons were surprised to see the growth of the Varaha at such a short time. While Brahma was wondering whether this varaha is just an act of Lord's maya, it grew to the size of the mountain and roared big. The sound reached the three worlds and the sages began to sing in praise of the Lord in the form of Varaha murthy. The pleased Lord roared once again happily and jumped in to the ocean, searching for the Goddess Earth. 

Lord Varaha had tail lifted up with reddish and black hair standing erect, had a fierce looking nose, pointed downand rolling eyes. With face slightly bent so as to bless the praising sages, Varaha broke through the clouds and jumped in to the ocean. The crocodiles and whales in the water were caught in the whirl pool created by the turbulent waves. The inhabitants of Rasatala were shook with fear, when Lord Varaha started searching for the earth roaring fiercely.

Lord Varaha found the earth at the floor of Rasa Thala and lifted it from the swirling waters with the tip of its tusk. The gigantic earth looked like a blade of grass stuck to the tip of the tooth of Lord Varaha.

Bhattathiri requested Lord Guruvayoorappan, who with his Maya took the form of Varaha (Boar) and saved the Earth from sinking in ocean, to eradicate his ailments. Lord Guruvayoorappan acknowledged his request immediately by nodding his head.

Lyrics of Dasakam 12 

स्वायम्भुवो मनुरथो जनसर्गशीलो
दृष्ट्वा महीं असमये सलिले निमग्नाम् ।
स्रष्टारमाप शरणं भवदङ्घ्रि सेवा-
तुष्टाशयं मुनिजनै: सह सत्यलोके ॥१॥

svaayambhuvO manurathO janasargashiilO
dR^iShTvaa mahiim asamaye salile nimagnaam |
sraShTaaramaapa sharaNaM bhavadanghri sevaa-
tuShTaashayaM munijanai: saha satyalOke ||1||

कष्टं प्रजा: सृजति मय्यवनि र्निमग्ना
स्थानं सरोजभव कल्पय तत् प्रजानाम् ।
इत्येवमेष कथितो मनुना स्वयंभू: -
अम्भोरुहाक्ष तव पादयुगं व्यचिन्तीत् ॥ २ ॥

kaShTaM prajaa: sR^ijati mayyavanii nimagnaa
sthaanaM sarOjabhava kalpaya tat prajaanaam |
ityevameSha kathitO manunaa svayambhuu:-
ambhOruhaaksha tava paadayugaM vyachintiit ||2||

हा हा विभो जलमहं न्यपिबं पुरस्तात्
अद्यापि मज्जति मही किमहं करोमि ।
इत्थं त्वदङ्घ्रि युगलं शरणं यतोऽस्य
नासापुटात् समभव: शिशुकोलरूपी ।३॥

haa haa vibhO jalamahaM nyapibaM purastaat
adyaapi majjati mahii kimahaM karOmi |
itthaM tvadanghri yugalaM sharaNaM yatO(a)sya
naasaapuTaat samabhava: shishukOlaruupii ||3||

अङ्गुष्ठ-मात्र-वपु: उत्पतित: पुरस्तात्
भूयोऽथ कुम्भिसदृश: समजृम्भ थास्त्वम् ।
अभ्रे तथाविधं-उदीक्ष्य भवन्तमुच्चै:
विस्मेरतां विधिरगात्-सह सूनुभि: स्वै: ॥४॥

anguShTTa-maatra vapu: utpatita: purastaat
bhuuyO(a)tha kumbhisadR^isha: samajR^imbha thaastvam |
abhre tathaavidham-udiikshya bhavantamuchchai:
vismerataaM vidhiragaat-saha suunubhi: svai: ||4||

कोऽसौ-अचिन्त्य महिमा किटिरुत्थितो मे
नासापुटात् किमु भवेत्-अजितस्य माया ।
इत्थं विचिन्तयति धातरि शैलमात्र:
सद्यो भवन् किल जगर्जिथ घोरघोरम् ॥५॥

kO(a)sov-achintya mahimaa kiTirutthitO me
naasaapuTaat kimu bhavet-ajitasya maayaa |
itthaM vichintayati dhaatari shailamaatra:
sadyO bhavan kila jagarjitha ghOraghOram ||5||

तं ते निनादं-उपकर्ण्य जनस्तपस्था:
सत्य स्थिताश्च मुनयो नुनुवुर्भवन्तम् ।
तत् स्तोत्र हर्षुल-मना: परिणद्य भूय:
तोयाशयं विपुलमूर्ति: अवातरस्त्वम् ॥६॥

taM te ninaadam-upakarNya janas-tapaHsthaa:
satya sthitaashcha munayO nunuvurbhavantam |
tat stOtra harShula-manaa: pariNadya bhuuya:
tOyaashayam vipulamuurti: avaatarastvam ||6||

ऊर्ध्व प्रसारि परिधूम्र विधूत-रोमा
प्रोत्क्षिप्त-वालधि: अवाङ्-मुख घोर-घोण: ।
तूर्ण प्रदीर्ण जलद: परिघूर्णदक्ष्णा
स्तोतृन् मुनीन् शिशिरयन् अवतेरिथ त्वम् ॥७॥

uurdhva prasaari paridhuumra vidhuuta-rOmaa
prOtkshipta-vaaladhi: avaa~Nmukha ghOra-ghONa: |
tuurNa pradiirNa jalada: parighuurNadakshNaa
stOtR^In muniin shishirayann avateritha tvam ||7||

अन्तर्जलं तदनु संकुल नक्रचक्रं
भ्राम्यत्-तिमिङ्गिल कुलं कलुषोर्मिमालम् ।
आविश्य भीषणरवेण रसातलस्थान्
आकम्पयन् वसुमतीं अगवेषयस्त्वम् ॥८॥

antarjalaM tadanu sankula nakrachakraM
bhraamyat-timingila kulaM kaluShOrmimaalam |
aavishya bhiiShaNaraveNa rasaatalasthaan
aakampayan vasumatiim agaveShayastvam || 8

दृष्ट्वाऽथ दैत्यहतकेन रसातलान्ते
संवेशितां झटिति कूटकिटिर्विभो त्वम् ।
आपातुकान् अविगण्य्य सुरारिखेटान्
दंष्ट्राङ्कुरेण वसुधां अदधा: सलीलम् ॥९॥

dR^iShTvaa(a)tha daityahatakena rasaatalaante
sanveshitaaM jhaTiti kuuTakiTirvibhO tvam |
aapaatukaan avigaNayya suraarikheTaan
damShTraankureNa vasudhaam-adadhaa: saliilam ||9||

अभ्युद्धरन् अथ धरां दशनाग्रलग्न-
-मुस्ताङ्कुराङ्कित इवाधिक पीवरात्मा ।
उद्धूत-घोर सलिलात् जलधे: उदञ्चन्
क्रीडावराह वपु: -ईश्वर पाहि रोगात् ॥१०॥

abhyuddharann atha dharaaM dashanaagralagna-
mustaankuraankita ivaadhika piivaraatmaa |
uddhuuta-ghOra salilaat jaladhe: uda~nchan
kriiDaavaraaha vapu: iishvara paahi rOgaat ||10||

------Sri Krishnarpanam------

Saturday, 18 April 2020


Dasakam - 11 - Sanaka Enters Vaikuntha

The creation of species progressed with Brahma creating Swayambumanu and Shatarupa. The four divine sages Sanaka, Sananda, Sanat Sujatar, Sanatkumara desirous of having darshan of Lord, went to the Vaikunta. Crossing Six fortresses or gates and a beautiful garden full of Kalpa trees, known as "NAISREYAM", surrounded by several lakes and mansions shining with pearls and gems, the divine sages came to the abode of the Lord,

As sages were about to enter the Lord's abode, gate keepers Jaya and Vijaya stopped them. The sages, prompted by Lord from within, forgot their satvic nature and got angry. They cursed Jaya and Vijaya to become asuras, as the conduct of the two made them unfit to be in Vaikunta. Jaya and Vijaya requested the sages to pardon them for their mistake.

The divine sages sung praise of the Lord standing at the gate of the abode, Lord appeared before them with Mahalakshmi on Garuda vahana. Having got the enchanting darshan of the Lord, sages became so happy and fell at the Lord's feet. 

Jaya and Vijaya, now took refuge at Lord's feet, prostrated and asked for pardon. Lord with great kindness said that Jaya and Vijaya will have only three births in earth as asuras and then will come back to Vaikunta.

Jaya and Vijaya were born as Hiranyaksha and Hiranyakasipu, for Sage Kashyapa and Diti. Both were cruel in nature due to mother Diti conceiving them at the wrong time of twilight. The two brothers tormented the whole world with their evil tendencies.

One of them, Hiranyaksha sought an opponent to fight. Since no one was ready to fight with him, he immersed the earth in the waters and roamed around the worlds with his mace.

God Varuna, the Lord of waters told Hiranyaksha that only Lord Vishnu is proper opponent for him. He then went around searching for Lord Vishnu, who can be attained only by his devotees.

Bhattathiri requested Lord, whose form is visible only to his true devotees, to cure him of his ailments. Lord Guruvayoorappan acknowledged his request immediately by nodding his head.

Lyrics of Dasakam 11

क्रमेण सर्गे परिवर्धमाने
कदापि दिव्या: सनकादयस्ते ।
भवत्-विलोकाय विकुण्ठ लोकं
प्रपेदिरे मारुत मन्दिरेश ॥१॥

krameNa sarge parivardhamaane
kadaapi divyaa: sanakaadayaste |
bhavat-vilOkaaya vikuNTha lOkaM
prapedire maaruta mandiresha || 1 ||

मनोज्ञ नैश्रेयस काननाद्यै:
अनेक वापी मणिमन्दिरैश्च ।
अनोपमं तं भवतो निकेतं
मुनीश्वरा: प्रापु: अतीत कक्ष्या: ॥२॥

manOj~na naishreyasa kaananaadyai:
aneka vaapii maNimandiraishcha
anOpamaM taM bhavatO niketam
muniishvaraa: praapu: atiitakakshyaa: || 2 ||

भवत्-दिद्दृक्षून् भवनं विविक्षून्
द्वा:स्थौ जयस्तान् विजयोऽप्यरुन्धाम् ।
तेषां च चित्ते पदमाप कोप:
सर्वं भवत्-प्रेरणयैव भूमन् ॥३॥

bhavat-didR^ikshuun bhavanaM vivikshuun
dvaaHsthau jayasthaan vijayO(a)pyarundhaam |
teShaaM cha chitte padamaapa kOpa:
sarvaM bhavat-preraNayaiva bhuuman || 3 ||

वैकुण्ठलोकान्  उचित प्रचेष्टौ
कष्टौ युवां दैत्य-गतिं भजेतम् ।
इति प्रशप्तौ भवदाश्रयौ तौ
हरिस्मृतिर्नो-अस्त्विति नेमतुस्तान् ॥४॥

vaikuNThalOkaan uchita pracheShTau
kaShTau yuvaaM daityagatiM bhajetam |
iti prashaptau bhavadaashriyau tau
harismR^itirnO(a)sitvati nematustaan || 4 ||

तदेतदाज्ञाय भवानवाप्त:
सहैव लक्ष्म्या बहिरम्बुजाक्ष ।
खगेश्वरां-सार्पित चारुबाहु:
आनन्दयंस्तान् अभिराममूर्त्या ॥५॥

tadetadaaj~naaya bhavaanavaapta:
sahaiva lakshmyaa bahirambujaaksha |
khageshvaraam-saarpita chaarubaahu:
aanandayamstaan abhiraamamuurtyaa|| 5 ||

प्रसाद्य गीर्भि: स्तुवतो मुनीन्द्रान्
अनन्य-नाथौ अथ पार्षदौ तौ ।
संरम्भ-योगेन भवैस्त्रिभिर्माम्
उपेतमित्यात्त-कृपं न्यगादी: ॥६॥

prasaadya giirbhi: stuvatO muniindraan
ananya-naathov atha paarShadau tau |
samrambha-yOgena bhavaistribhirmaam
upetamityaatta kR^ipaM nyagaadii: || 6 ||

त्वदीय-भृत्यौ अथ काश्यपात्तौ
सुरारि-वीरौ उदितौ दितौ द्वौ ।
सन्ध्या समुत्पादन कष्टचेष्टौ
यमौ च लोकस्य यमौ-विवान्यौ ॥७॥

tvadiiya-bhR^ityov atha kashyapaattau
suraari-viirov uditau ditau dvau |
sandhyaa samutpaadana kaShTacheShTau
yamau cha lOkasya yamov vivaanyau || 7 ||

हिरण्यपूर्व: कशिपु: किलैक:
परो हिरण्याक्ष इति प्रतीत: ।
उभौ भवन्नाथं अशेष-लोकं
रुषा न्यरुन्धां निजवासनान्धौ ॥८॥

hiraNyapuurvaH kashipuH kilaikaH
parO hiraNyaaksha iti pratiitaH |
ubhau bhavan-naatham asheSha-lOkaM
ruShaa nyarundhaaM nijavaasanaandhau || 8 ||

तयोर्हिरण्याक्ष महासुरेन्द्र:
रणाय धावन्-अनवाप्तवैरी ।
भवत्-प्रियां क्ष्मां सलिले निमज्य
चचार गर्वात्-विनदन् गदावान् ॥९॥

tayOr-hiraNyaaksha mahaasurendra:
raNaaya dhaavann-anavaaptavairii |
bhavat-priyaaM kshmaaM salile nimajya
chachaara garvaad-vinadan gadaavaan || 9 ||

ततो जलेशात् सदृशं भवन्तं
निशम्य बभ्राम गवेषयंस्त्वाम् ।
भक्तैकदृश्य: स कृपानिधे त्वं
निरुन्धि रोगान् मरुदालयेश ॥१०।

tatO jaleshaat sadR^ishaM bhavantaM
nishamya babhraama gaveShayamstvaam |
bhaktaika dR^ishya: sa kR^ipaanidhe tvaM
nirundhi rOgaan marudaalayesha || 10 ||

-------Sri Krishnarpanam------

Thursday, 16 April 2020


Dasakam - 10 - Variety of Creation

With the grace of the Lord, Brahma got strength to create plants, trees, birds, animals, human beings, yaksha, kinnara, other living and non-living things on earth. He also seeded ignorance by way of false apprehension, egoism, attachment, anger and fear in the living beings. Brahma repented for the creation of the negative qualitites and realised that this act was due to his tamo guna. To get rid of the dosha Brahma meditated upon the lotus feet of the Lord for purification.

Brahma from his mind created four sages Sanaka, Sananda, Sanatana and Sanatkumara to help him with creation work. The sages however spent time on meditation and contemplation on Lord's lotus feet due to their extreme devotion to Lord and did not offer to help in creation. This made Brahma angry which he tried to control. That caused the creation of Rudra from the point between Brahma's eyebrows. 

Rudra, a part of lord's incarnation, saw the world around and the undesirable happenings in it and started to shed tears. Brahma gave eleven forms to Rudra, gave wives and abodes and directed him to start the creation. Rudra started to create frightful rudras and filled the three worlds with them. Prompted by Lord within, Brahma asked rudra to stop creation and directed him to perform penance for the sake of welfare of the world. 

Brahma from his own body then created nine prajapathis namely Mareechi, Atri, Angiraas, Kritumuni, Pulaha, Pulastya, Bhrigu, Vasishtha, the Dakshas and also Shri Naarada, an ardent devotee of  Lord's lotus feet. These prajapathis then continued the creation of the world.

Brahma created Dharma(righteousness), adharma (unrighteousness), Kama(desire), Krodha (anger), Lobha (Lust) and Kardamar from his shadow. Brahma created Saraswathy and got attracted and became desirous of possessing her. Prompted by Lord, Sanakas enlightened Brahma which led him to leave his desire as illusion. 

Brahma from his four faces created Rig, Yajur, sama and atarvana vedas, veda-angas (parts of vedha), puranas and all branches of learning and taught them to his sons. The process of creation got stalled by this process and eventually Brahma surrendered to Lord once again. Gaining wisdom to further begin creations, Brahma created a couple from his two sides of his body. The male was called Swayambhumanu and female Satarupa, his wife, who then took care of creation of species.

After explaining the process of creation of species, Bhattathiri prayed to Lord Guruvayoorappan who was responsible for evolution of human race, to cure him of his disease. Lord acknowledged his request immediately.

Lyrics of Dasakam 10

वैकुण्ठ वर्धित बलोऽथ भवत्प्रसादात्
अम्भोज्योनि:-असृजत् किल जीवदेहान् ।
स्थास्नूनि भूरुहमयानि तथा तिरश्चां
जातिं मनुष्य निवहानपि देव भेदान् ॥१॥

vaikuNTha vardhita balO(a)tha bhavatprasaadaat
ambhOjayOni: asR^ijat kila jiivadehaan |
sthaasnuuni bhuuruhamayaani tathaa tirashchaaM
jaatim manuShya nivahaanapi deva bhedaan || 1 ||

मिथ्याग्रहा-अस्मिमति-राग विकोपभीति:
अज्ञानवृत्तिं -इति पञ्चविधां स सृष्ट्वा ।
उद्दाम तामस पदार्थ विधानदून:
तेने त्वदीय चरण स्मरणं विशुद्ध्यै ॥२॥

mithyaagraha-asmimati-raaga vikOpa bhiiti:
aj~naana vR^ittim-iti pa~nchavidhaaM sa sR^iShTvaa |
uddaama taamasa padaartha vidhaanaduuna:
tene tvadiiya charaNa smaraNaM vishuddhyai || 2 ||

तावत् ससर्ज मनसा सनकं सनन्दं
भूय: सनातनमुनिं च सनत्कुमारं ।
ते सृष्टिकर्मणि तु तेन नियुज्यमाना:
त्वत्-पाद-भक्ति-रसिका जगृहुर्न वाणीम् ॥३॥

taavat sasarja manasaa sanakaM sanandaM
bhuuya: sanaatana muniM cha sanatkumaaram |
te sR^iShTi karmaNi tu tena niyujyamaanaa:
tvatpaada bhakti rasikaa jagR^uhurna vaaNiim || 3 ||

तावत् प्रकोपमुदितं प्रति रुन्धतोऽस्य
भ्रूमध्यतोऽजनि मृडो भवदेक देश: ।
नामानि मे कुरु पदानि च हा विरिञ्च-
इत्यादौ रुरोद किल तेन स रुद्रनामा ॥४॥

 taavat prakOpamuditaM prati rundhatO(a)sya
bhruumadhyatO(a)jani mR^iDO bhavadeka desha: |
naamaani me kuru padaani cha haa viri~ncha-
ityaadau rurOda kila tena sa rudranaamaa || 4 ||

एकादशाह्वयतया च विभिन्न रूपं
रुद्रं विधाय दयिता वनिताश्च दत्वा ।
तावन्त्यदत्त च पदानि भवत्-प्रणुन्न:
प्राह प्रजा विरचनाय च सादरं तम् ॥५॥

ekaadashaahvayatayaa cha vibhinna ruupaM
rudraM vidhaaya dayitaa vanitaashcha datvaa |
taavantyadatta cha padaani bhavat-praNunna:
praaha prajaa virachanaaya cha saadaraM tam || 5 ||

रुद्राभि सृष्ट भयदाकृति रुद्रसंघ-
सम्पूर्यमाण भुवनत्रय भीतचेता: ।
मा मा प्रजा: सृज तपश्चर मङ्गलाय-
इत्याचष्ट तं कमलभू: भवदीरितात्मा ॥६॥

rudraabhi: sR^iShTa bhayadaakR^iti rudrasangha-
sampuuryamaaNa bhuvanatraya bhiitachetaa: |
maa maa prajaa: sR^ija tapashchara mangalaaya
ityaachaShTa taM kamalabhuu: bhavadiiritaatmaa || 6 ||

तस्याथ सर्ग रसिकस्य मरीचिरत्रि:
तत्राङिगरा: क्रतुमुनि: पुलह: पुलस्त्य: ।
अङ्गाद-जायत भृगुश्च वसिष्ठ दक्षौ
श्रीनारदश्च भगवन् भवदंघ्रि दास: ॥७॥

tasyaatha sarga rasikasya mariichiratri:
tatraangiraa: kratumuni: pulaha: pulastya: |
angaada-jaayata bhR^igushcha vasiShTha dakshau
shriinaaradashcha bhagavan bhavadanghri daasa: || 7 ||

धर्मादिकान् अभिसृजन् अथ कर्दमं च
वाणीं विधाय विधि:-अङ्गज-संकुलोऽभूत् ।
त्वत्-बोधितै: सनक दक्ष मुखै: तनूजै:
उद्बोधिश्च विरराम तमो विमुञ्चन् ॥८॥

dharmaadikaan abhisR^ijann atha kardamaM cha
vaaNiiM vidhaaya vidhi: angaja-sankulO(a)bhuut |
tvat-bOdhitai: sanaka daksha mukhai: tanuujai:
udbOdhitashcha viraraama tamO vimu~nchan || 8 ||

वेदान् पुराण निवहानपि सर्व विद्या:
कुर्वन् निजानन गणात्-चतुराननोऽसौ ।
पुत्रेषु तेषु विनिधाय स सर्गवृद्धिं
अप्राप्नुवं-व पदाम्बुजं आश्रितोभूत् ॥९॥

vedaan puraaNa nivahaanapi sarvavidyaa:
kurvan nijaanana gaNaat-chaturaananO(a)sau |
putreShu teShu vinidhaaya sa sargavR^iddhim
apraapnuvam-tava padaambujam aashritO(a)bhuut || 9 ||

जानन् उपायं-अथ देहं-अजो विभज्य
स्त्री-पुंस-भावं-अभजत् मनु-तत्-वधूभ्यां
ताभ्यां च मानुषकुलानि विवर्धयन्
त्वं गोविन्द मारुतपुराधिप निरुन्धि रोगान् ॥१०॥

jaanann upaayam-atha deham-ajO vibhajya
strii-pumsa-bhaavam-abhajat manu-tat-vadhuubhyaam |
taabhyaaM cha maanuShakulaani vivardhayan
tvaM gOvinda maarutapuraadhipa nirundhi rOgaan || 10 ||

-------Sri Krishnarpanam------


Dasakam - 9 - Creation of the Universe

Brahma who originated from the Lotus, started to wonder the source of the lotus. He saw on all four sides with the help of his four faces and eight eyes. Yet, he found himself sitting alone on the lotus which was tossing due to the waves in the casual waters. Even with his mighty intellect, he could not figure out the source of the lotus. He descended through the hollow stem to its base using his yogic powers. Still he could not see Lord's enchanting form. The search continued for one hundred divine years.

Realising that, without Lord's grace, his efforts will not yield any result, Brahma followed Ashtanga yoga and did meditation with focused intellect for another hundred divine years. He was blessed with knowledge and divine vision to see the Lord reclining on Adhisesha. Bhattathiri worshipped that divine form of Lord, colour like that of a blue lily, sparkling like the Kalaya flower, decked with golden crown, bracelets, necklaces and shoulder ornaments, wearing yellow coloured silk robe, gold studded waist band and shining Kausthubh jewel round the neck.

Brahma happy and contented to have seen the Lord's divine form, worshipped him and requested Lord to protect him. Lord blessed him with capability to create the three worlds and directed Brahma to perform penance to beget the intense devotion which will help him accomplish everything. With tapas  for another 100 divine years, Brahma gathered spiritual and mental powers to start creation of three worlds and other beings. The Lotus swayed in the casual waters and he drank wind and water.

Brahma created the three worlds with the help of the Lotus which was possible only due to Lord's grace. Bhattathiri requested the Lord to bestow on him, mercy, like he did for Brahma and cure his ailments. Lord acknowledged his request immediately.

Lyrics of Dasakam 9

स्थितस्स कमलोद्भव: तव हि नाभिपङ्केरुहे
कुत: स्विदिदं-अम्बुधौ उदितं -इति-अनालोकयन् |
तदीक्षण कुतूहलात्-प्रतिदिशं विवृत्तानन:
चतुर्वदनतां-अगात् विकसदष्ट दृष्ट्यम्बुजाम् ॥१॥

sthitassa kamalOdbhava: tava hi naabhipankeruhe
kuta: svididam-ambudhaav uditam-iti-anaalOkayan |
tadiikshaNa kutuuhalaat pratidishaM vivR^ittaanana:
chaturvadanataam agaat vikasadaShTa dR^iShTyambujaam || 1 ||

महार्णव विघूर्णितं कमलमेव तत्-केवलं
विलोक्य तदुपाश्रयं तव तनुं तु नालोकयन् ।
क एष कमलोदरे महति निस्सहायो ह्यहं
कुत: स्विदिदं-अम्बुजं  समजनीति चिन्तामगात् ॥२॥

mahaarNava vighuurNitaM kamalameva tat kevalaM
vilOkya tadupaashrayaM tava tanuM tu naalOkayan |
ka eSha kamalOdare mahati nissahaayO hyahaM
kuta: svididam ambujaM samajaniiti chintaamagaat || 2 ||

अमुष्य हि सरोरुह: किमपि कारणं सम्भवेत्
इति स्म कृत निश्चय: स खलु नाल-रन्ध्राध्वना ।
स्व योगबल विद्यया समवरूढवान् प्रौढधी:
त्वदीयं अति-मोहनं न तु कलेबरं दृष्टवान् ॥३॥

amuShya hi sarOruha: kimapi kaaraNaM sambhaved
iti sma kR^ita nishchaya: sa khalu naala-randhraadhvanaa |
sva yOgabala vidyayaa samavaruuDhavaan prauDhadhii:
tvadiiyam ati mOhanaM na tu kalebaraM dR^iShTavaan || 3 ||

तत: सकल नालिका विवर मार्गगो मार्गयन्
प्रयस्य शत वत्सरं किमपि नैव संदृष्टवान् ।
निवृत्य कमलोदरे सुखनिषण्ण एकाग्रधी:
समाधि बलमादधे भवदनुग्रहैकाग्रही ॥४॥

tata: sakala naalikaa vivara maargagO maargayan
prayasya shata vatsaraM kimapi naiva sandR^iShTavaan |
nivR^itya kamalOdare sukhaniShaNNa ekaagradhii:
samaadhi balamaadadhe bhavadanugrahaikaagrahii || 4 ||

शतेन परिवत्सरै: दृढ-समाधि बन्धोल्लसत्-
प्रबोध विशदी कृत: स खलु पद्मिनी सम्भव: ।
अदृष्टचरं अद्भुतं तव हि रूपं अन्तर्दृशा
व्यचष्ट परितुष्टधी: भुजग भोग भागाश्रयम् ॥५॥

shatena parivatsarai: dR^iDha samaadhi bandhOllasat-
prabOdha vishadii kR^ita: sa khalu padminii sambhava: |
adR^iShTacharam adbhutaM tava hi ruupam antardR^ishaa
vyachaShTa parituShTadhii: bhujaga bhOga bhaagaashrayam || 5

किरीट मकुटोल्लसत्-कटक हारकेयूरयुग्-
मणिस्फुरित मेखलं सुपरिवीत पीताम्बरं  ।
कलाय कुसुमप्रभं गलत-लोल्लसत्  कौस्तुभं
वपुस्तदयि भावये कमलजन्मने दर्शितम् ॥६॥

kiriiTa makuTOllasat kataka haarakeyuurayug-
maNisphurita mekhalaM supariviita piitaambaram |
kalaaya kusumaprabhaM galata-lOllasat kaustubhaM
vapustadayi bhaavaye kamalajanmane darshitam || 6 ||

श्रुतिप्रकर दर्शित प्रचुर वैभव श्री पते
हरे जय जय प्रभो पदमुपैषि दिष्ट्या दृशो: ।
कुरुष्व धियमाशु मे भुवन निर्मितौ कर्मठां
इति द्रुहिण वर्णित स्वगुणबंहिमा पाहि माम् ॥७॥

shrutiprakara darshita prachura vaibhava shriipate
hare jaya jaya prabhO padamupaiShi diShTyaa dR^ishO: |
kuruShva dhiyamaashu me bhuvananirmitau karmaTaaM
iti druhiNavarNita svaguNabanhimaa paahi maam || 7 ||

लभस्व भुवनत्रयी रचनदक्षतां-अक्षतां
गृहाण मदनुग्रहं कुरु तपश्च भूयो विधे ।
भवत्वखिल साधनी मयि च भक्ति रत्युत्कटेति
उदीर्य गिरमादधा मुदित चेतसं वेधसम् ॥८॥

labhasva bhuvanatrayiir achanadakshataam-akshataaM
gR^ihaaNa madanugrahaM kuru tapashcha bhuuyO vidhe |
bhavatvakhila saadhanii mayi cha bhakti ratyutkaTeti
udiirya giramaadadhaa mudita chetasaM vedhasam || 8 ||

शतं कृत तपास्तत: स खलु दिव्य संवत्सरान्
अवाप्य च तपोबलं मतिबलं च पूर्वाधिकं ।
उदीक्ष्य किल कम्पितं पयसि पङ्कजं वायुना
भवत्-बल विजृम्भित: पवनपाथसी पीतवान् ॥९॥

shataM kR^ita tapaastata: sa khalu divya sanvatsaraan
avaapya cha tapObalaM matibalaM cha puurvaadhikam |
udiikshya kila kampitaM payasi pankajaM vaayunaa
bhavad-bala vijR^imbhita: pavanapaathasii piitavaan || 9 ||

तवैव कृपया पुन: सरसिजेन तेनैव स:
प्रकल्प्य भुवनत्रयीं प्रववृते प्रजा निर्मितौ ।
तथाविध कृपाभरो गुरुमरुत्पुराधीश्वर
त्वमाशु परिपाहि मां गुरुदयोक्षितै: ईक्षितै: ॥१०॥

tavaiva kR^ipayaa puna: sarasijena tenaiva sa:
prakalpya bhuvanatrayiiM pravavR^ite prajaa nirmitau |
tathaavidha kR^ipaabharO gurumarutpuraadhiishvara
tvamaashu paripaahi maaM gurudayOkshitai: iikshitai: ||10 ||

-------Sri Krishnarpanam------