Tuesday 14 July 2020


Dasakam - 74 - Mathurapuri Pravesam

Krishna reached Mathura by noon. He reached the garden in the outskirts and took lunch along with his friends. Then he proceeded to go around the city. Men and women who had heard of his mighty actions and attributes were waiting eagerly to see his swaroopam. Bhattathiri asked Lord at this juncture, if Krishna was tied and pulled to the main road of city, by the rope of good deeds of those people living in Mathura. Lord Guruvayoorappan immediately agreed with Bhattathiri's words.

Women in Mathura gathered around him. They were similar to Krishna in every respect. They were affectionate and glorious similar to his radiating red lotus feet. They had breasts similar to Krishna's lustre of rain bearing clouds. They were running all around to catch glimpse of Krishna similar to the movement of his eyes. The women were decked with beautiful flowers similar to the necklaces covered chest of Krishna. The women appeared majestic and glowed with purity similar to Krishna's pure and majestic form, with the charming smile. The women wore ornaments in their tresses similar to Krishna's crest which was adorned with peacock feather. (Here one should understand that people of Mathura had stayed focused on Krishna's form and glory all the time, that they looked very much like him)

Krishna walked past the city viewing these beautiful women by side glances, making them happy. People gathered in large numbers in awe and joy to have Krishna's darshan. At that time, Krishna saw a washer man carrying clothes and asked him if he can lend him a robe suitable to wear. The washer man arrogantly replied that it belongs to King and how can he give it to him and asked Krishna to go away. Krishna cut off his head instantly with his hand and due to Krishna's touch, washer man attained salvation immediately.

Another washer man gave him suitable robes to wear and Krishna granted him, his abode Vaikuntam immediately for his good deed. Bhattathiri wondered who else other than Lord, know the virtues of the Jeevathmas. One garland maker adorned Krishna with beautiful garlands and sang his praise. Krishna wanted to give a boon to him but he only requested the boon of always being devoted to Krishna. With his answer, Krishna was pleased and blessed him with more devotion and wealth.

There was a beautiful women with lotus eyes but with a hunch back whom Krishna next met and she welcomed him and smeared sandal paste on him and his friends. Krishna, in return, made her love for him, intense and inorder to make her outer physique reflect her inner purity, Krishna held her chin by his right hand and put his arms around her back and stepped on her foot and made her erect as a normal person transforming her to a beautiful women in the world. 

The people of Mathura who were devoid of even a small amount of sin, stood along the road offering betel leaves, flowers whatever they could and offered their salutations to Krishna. Bhattathiri exclaimed at this point that had he stood there in the Mathura with joined palms in salutation when Krishna was entering and offered him what he could, similar to the fortunate people of Mathura, perhaps he would not be born and suffering from ailments and sorrow this day.

Krishna told the lady who offered him sandal paste, that he will come to her house soon and proceeded to the gate of the Mathura fort. She was looking at the direction Krishna went, for a long time with fear. From the jubilation of the people, Devaki inferred that Krishna has arrived and became immensely happy. Milk started to flow from her breasts similar to how Krishna's fame reached Mathura even before he did.

Krishna entered the festive city and went directly to the ammunition room where the bow was kept. Seeing Krishna's radiance, might and beauty, the guards could not deny entry to him. Even before the guards rush to prevent Krishna from touching or taking the bow, which was decorated with flowers, he had already taken it by hand, strung and broke it too.

The terrific breaking sound of the bow was like the prelude to good and auspicious thing to happen the next day, the Kamsa vadham and sounded like the beat of the drum which symbolises victory. It caused horripilation to the Devas. Kamsa trembled in fear and it was further increased by the cries of the guards who were hit by the broken bow.

Krishna made the good people happy and scared the evil ones. He then went around the city and viewed its prosperity and returned to the camp in the garden by late evening. He spent the evening with friend Sridhaama and was sharing his sorrow due to his separation from Radha. Later Krishna went to take rest, feeling happy that his purpose of incarnation to Earth was going to be fulfilled soon. Bhattathiri requested Lord to protect him and Guruvayoorappan acknowledged it immediately.

Lyrics of Dasakam 74

सम्प्राप्तो मथुरां दिनार्ध विगमे तत्रान्तरस्मिन् वसन्
आरामे विहिताशन: सखिजनै: यात: पुरीम् ईक्षितुम् ।
प्राप्तो राजपथं चिरश्रुति धृत व्यालोक कौतूहल-
स्त्री पुंसोद्यत् अगण्य पुण्य निगलै: आकृष्यमाणो नु किम् ॥१॥

sampraaptO mathuraaM dinaardha vigame tatraantarasmin vasan
aaraame vihitaashana: sakhijanai: yaata: puriim iikshitum |
praapO raajapathaM chirashruti dhR^ita vyaalOka kautuuhala-
strii pumsOdyat agaNya puNya nigalai: aakR^iShyamaaNO nu kim || 1 ||

त्वत् पादद्युति वत्सराग सुभगा: त्वन्मूर्तिवत् योषित:
सम्प्राप्ता विलसत् पयोधर रुचो लोला भवत् दृष्टिवत्  
हारिण्य: त्वदुर: स्थलीवदयि ते मन्द स्मित प्रौढिवत्
नैर्मल्योल्लसिता: कचौघ रुचिवत् राजत् कलापाश्रिता: ॥२॥

tvat paadadyuti vatsaraaga subhagaa: tvanmuurtivat yOShita:
sampraaptaa: vilasat payOdhara ruchau lOlaa bhavat dR^iShTivat |
haariNya: tvadura: sthaliivadayi te manda smita prauDhivat
nairmallyOlasitaa: kachaugha ruchivat raajat kalaapaashritaa: || 2 ||

तासाम् आकलयन् अपाङ्गवलनै: मोदं प्रहर्षाद्भुत-
व्यालोलेषु जनेषु तत्र रजकं कञ्चित् पटीं प्रार्थयन् ।
कस्ते दास्यति राजकीय वसनं याहीति तेनोदित:
सद्य: तस्य करेण शीर्षम् अहृथा: सोऽप्याप पुण्यां गतिम् ॥३॥

taasaam aakalayann apaanga valanai: mOdaM praharShaadbhuta-
vyaalOleShu janeShu tatra rajakaM kanchit paTiiM praarthayan |
kaste daasyati raajakiiya vasanaM yaahiiti tenOdita:
sadya: tasya kareNa shiirSham ahR^ithaa: sO(a)pyaapa puNyaaM gatim || 3 ||

भूयो वायकम् एकमायत मतिं तोषेण वेषोचितं
दाश्वांसं स्वपदं निनेथ सुकृतं को वेद जीवात्मनाम् ।
मालाभि: स्तबकै: स्तवैरपि पुन:-मालाकृता मानितो
भक्तिं तेन वृतां दिदेशिथ परां लक्ष्मीं च लक्ष्मीपते ॥४॥

bhuuyO vaayakam ekamaayata matiM tOSheNa veShOchitaM
daashvaamsaM svapadaM ninetha sukR^itaM kO veda jiivaatmanaam |
maalaabhi: stabakai: stavairapi puna: maalaakR^itaa maanitO
bhaktiM tena vR^itaaM dideshitha paraaM lakshmiiM cha lakshmiipate || 4 ||

कुब्जाम् अब्ज विलोचनां पथि पुन: दृष्ट्वाऽङ्गरागे तया
दत्ते साधु किलाङ्गरागम् अददा: तस्या: महान्तं हृदि ।
चित्तस्थाम् ऋजुताम् अथ प्रथयितुं गात्रेऽपि तस्या: स्फुटं
गृह्णन् मञ्जु करेण ताम् उदनय: तावत् जगत् सुन्दरीम् ॥५॥

kubjaam abjavilOchanaaM pathi puna: dR^iShTvaangaraage tayaa
datte saadhu kilaangaraagam adadaa: tasyaa: mahaantaM hR^idi |
chittasthaam R^ijutaamatha prathayituM gaatre(a)pi tasyaa: sphuTaM
gR^ihNan ma~nju kareNa taam udanaya: taavat jagat sundariim || 5 ||

तावन्निश्चित वैभवास्तव विभो नात्यन्त पापा जना:
यत्किञ्चित् ददते स्म शक्त्यनुगुणं ताम्बूल माल्यादिकम् ।
गृह्णान: कुसुमादि किञ्चन तदा मार्गे निबद्धाञ्जलि:
नातिष्ठं बत हा यतोऽद्य विपुलाम् आर्तिम् व्रजामि प्रभो ॥६॥

taavannishchita vaibhavaastava vibhO naatyanta paapaa janaa:
yatki~nchit dadate sma shaktyanuguNaM taambuula maalyaadikam |
gR^ihNaana: kusumaadi ki~nchana tadaa maarge nibaddhaa~njali:
naatiShThaM batahaa yatO(a)dya vipulaam aartiM vrajaami prabhO || 6 ||

एष्यामीति विमुक्तयाऽपि भगवन् आलेपदात्र्या तया
दूरात् कातरया निरीक्षित गति: त्वम् प्राविशो गोपुरम् ।
आघोषानुमित त्वदागम महा हर्षोल्लललत् देवकी-
वक्षोज प्रगलत् पयोरस मिषात् त्वत् कीर्तिरन्तर्गता ॥७॥

eShyaamiiti vimuktayaa(a)pi bhagavann aalepadaatryaa tayaa
duuraat kaatarayaa niriikshita gati: tvaM praavishO gOpuram |
aaghOShaanumita tvadaagama mahaa harShOllalat devakii-
vakshOja pragalat payOrasa miShaat tvat kiirtirantargataa || 7 ||

आविष्टो नगरीं महोत्सववतीं कोदण्ड शालां व्रजन्
माधुर्येण नु तेजसा नु पुरुषै: दूरेण दत्तान्तर: ।
स्रग्भिर्भूषितम् अर्चितं वरधनु: मा मेति वादात् पुर:
प्रागृह्णा: समरोपय: किल समाक्राक्षी: अभाङ्क्षीरपि ॥८॥

aaviShTO nagariiM mahOtsavavatiiM kOdaNDa shaalaaM vrajan
maadhuryeNa nu tejasaa nu puruShai: duureNa dattaantara: |
sragbhirbhuuShitam architaM varadhanu:maa meti vaadaatpura:
praagR^ihNaa: samarOpaya: kila samaakraakshii: abhaankshiirapi || 8 ||

श्व: कंस क्षपणोत्सवस्य पुरत: प्रारम्भ तूर्योपम:
चाप ध्वंस महाध्वनि: तव विभो देवानरोमाञ्चयत् ।
कंसस्यापि च वेपथुस्तदुदित: कोदण्ड खण्डद्वयी-
चण्डाभ्याहत रक्षि पूरुषरवै: उत्कूलितोऽभूत् त्वया ॥९॥

shva: kamsa kshapaNOtsavasya purata: praarambha tuuryOpama:
chaapa dhvamsa mahaadhvani: tava vibhO devaanarOmaa~nchayat |
kamsasyaapi cha vepathustadudita: kOdaNDa khaNDadvayii-
chaNDaabhyaahata rakshi puuruSharavai: utkuulitO(a)bhuut tvayaa || 9 ||

शिष्टैर्दुष्ट जनैश्च दृष्ट महिमा प्रीत्या च भीत्या तत:
सम्पश्यन् पुरसम्पदं प्रविचरन् सायं गतो वाटिकाम् ।
श्रीदाम्ना सह राधिका विरहजं खेदं वदन् प्रस्वपन्
आनन्दन अवतार कार्य घटनात् वातेश संरक्ष माम् ॥१०॥

shiShTairduShTa janaishcha dR^iShTa mahimaa priityaa cha bhiityaa tata:
sampashyan purasampadaM pravicharan saayaM gatO vaaTikaam |
shriidaamnaa saha raadhikaa virahajaM khedaM vadan prasvapan
aanandann avataara kaarya ghaTanaat vaatesha samraksha maam || 10 ||

---------Sri Krishnarpanam---------

Monday 13 July 2020


Dasakam - 73 - Mathurapuri Yatra

Gopikas heard the news of Krishna planning to leave to Mathura with Akrurar. They were deeply saddened and lamented as to what was that? How and why it was happening? This son of Nandagopan is ocean of mercy, how can he leave us, who have no support otherwise. Why did God do this to us. Fixing their minds on Krishna, the gopikas lamented and cried.

Krishna was to leave along with father and friends in the last part of the night. Krishna sent one of his companions to console the grief struck gopikas. He sent the word of promise that he will be back soon and they will have many more meetings with him. He further consoled them by saying that he will give them more pleasure and drown them in supreme bliss.

Gopikas with great sorrow worshipped Krishna and followed him with their eyes for a long distance. Krishna too glanced through the corner of his eyes at the direction of gopikas and left with Balarama in Akrurar's chariot. Many gopas followed the chariot in their own chariots and even gopikas followed Krishna through their thoughts. Animals in the forest felt very sorrowful. The trees and creepers on the way too drooped. Krishna crossed all these and came to the Yamuna river bank.

As the chariot reached Yamuna river bank, Akrurar, son of Gandhinee got down to take bath in the river and do his daily ritualistic prayers. When he took a dip in water he saw Krishna in the water and when he lifted up from water, saw Krishna seated on the chariot. He became helpless not knowing what it is all about and wondered at the omnipresent swaroopam of Krishna which is seen everywhere and became excited.

The virtuous Akrurar took a dip in the water once again. He saw Lord seated on Adisesha, adorned with the discus, conch, mace and lotus and surrounded by other Devas, siddha purushas and gods. Immersed in supreme bliss, Akrurar worshipped Krishna as Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva and as devas in saguna and nirguna forms. Even after the vision disappeared, Akrurar continued to be soaked in the unlimited bliss, experienced goosebumps all over the body and came to Krishna seated on the chariot.

 Krishna asked Akrurar whether the water was so cold and is that the reason he got goosebumps all over. However Akrurar was speechless as he was completely immersed in the supreme bliss which was caused by his vision of the Lord's form. Bhattathiri worshipped that Lord Form which was seated besides Akrurar in the chariot and prayed that he may be protected. Lord Guruvayoorappan acknowledged his request immediately.

Lyrics of Dasakam 73

निशमय्य तवाथ यानवार्तां
भृशमार्ता: पशुपाल बालिका:ता: ।
किमिदं किमिदं कथं नु इतीमा:
समवेता: परिदेवितानि अकुर्वन् ॥१॥

nishamayya tavaatha yaanavaartaaM
bhR^ishamaartaa: pashupaala baalikaa: taa: |
kimidaM kimidaM kathaM nu itii maa:
samavetaa: paridevitaani akurvan || 1 ||

करुणानिधिरेष नन्द सूनु:
कथमस्मान् विसृजेत् अनन्यनाथा: ।
बत न: किमु दैवमेवम् आसीत
इति ता: त्वत् गत मानसा विलेपु: ॥२॥

karuNaa nidhireSha nandasuunu:
kathamasmaan visR^ijet ananyanaathaa: |
bata na: kimu daivamevam aasiit
iti taa: tvat gata maanasaa vilepu: || 2 ||

चरम प्रहरे प्रतिष्ठमान:
सह पित्रा निजमित्र मण्डलैश्च ।
परिताप भरं नितम्बिनीनां
शमयिष्यन् व्यमुच: सखायम् एकम् ॥३॥

charama prahare pratiShThamaana:
saha pitraa nijamitra maNDalaishcha |
paritaapa bharaM nitambiniinaaM
shamayiShyan vyamucha: sakhaayam ekam || 3 ||

अचिरात् उपयामि सन्निधिं वो
भविता साधु मयैव सङ्गमश्री: ।
अमृताम्बुनिधौ निमज्जयिष्ये
द्रुतमित्याश्वसिता वधू: अकार्षी: ॥४॥

achiraat upayaami sannidhiM vO
bhavitaa saadhu mayaiva sangamashrii: |
amR^itaambunidhau nimajjayiShye
drutamityaashvasitaa vadhuu: akaarShii: || 4 ||

सविषादभरं सयाच्ञम् उच्चै:
अतिदूरं वनिताभि: ईक्ष्यमाण: ।
मृदु तद्दिशि पातयन् अपाङ्गान्
सबलो अक्रूर रथेन निर्गतोऽभू: ॥५॥

saviShaadabharaM sayaach~nam uchchai:
atiduuraM vanitaabhi: iikshyamaaNa: |
mR^idu taddishi paatayann apaangaan
sabalO akruura rathena nirgatO(a)bhuu: || 5 ||

अनसा बहुलेन वल्लवानां
मनसा चानुगतोऽथ वल्लभानाम् ।
वनम् आर्तमृगम् विषण्ण वृक्षं
समतीतो यमुना तटीम् अयासी: ॥६॥

anasaa bahulena vallavaanaaM
manasaa chaanugatO(a)tha vallabhaanaam |
vanam aartamR^igaM viShaNNa vR^ikshaM
samatiitO yamunaa taTiim ayaasii: || 6 ||

नियमाय निमज्य वारिणि त्वाम्
अभिवीक्ष्याथ रथेऽपि गान्दिनेय: ।
विवशोऽजनि किं नु इदम् विभोस्ते
ननु चित्रं तु अवलोकनम् समन्तात् ॥७॥

niyamaaya nimajjya vaariNi tvaam
abhiviikshyaatha rathe(a)pi gaandineya: |
vivashO(a)jani kim nu idaM vibhOste
nanu chitraM tu avalOkanaM samantaat || 7 ||

पुनरेष निमज्य पुण्यशाली
पुरुषं त्वां परमं भुजङ्ग भोगे ।
अरिकम्बु गदाम्बुजै: स्फुरन्तं
सुर सिद्धौघ परीतं आलुलोके ॥८॥

punareSha nimajjya puNyashaalii
puruShaM tvaaM paramaM bhujanga bhOge |
ari kambu gadaambujai: sphurantaM
sura siddhaugha pariitam aalulOke || 8 ||

स तदा परमात्म सौख्य सिन्धौ
विनिमग्न: प्रणुवन् प्रकार भेदै: ।
अविलोक्य पुनश्च हर्ष सिन्धो:
अनुवृत्त्या पुलकावृतो ययौ त्वाम् ॥९॥

sa tadaa paramaatma saukhya sindhau
vinimagna: praNuvan prakaara bhedai: |
avilOkya punashcha harSha sindhO:
anuvR^ittyaa pulakaavR^itO yayau tvaam || 9 ||

किमु शीतलिमा महान् जले यत्-
पुलकोऽसौ  इति चोदितेन तेन ।
अति हर्ष निरुत्तरेण सार्धं
रथवासी पवनेश पाहि मां त्वम् ॥१०॥

kimu shiitalimaa mahaan jale yat
pulakO(a)sauv iti chOditena tena |
ati harSha niruttareNa saardhaM
rathavaasii pavanesha paahi maaM tvam || 10 ||

--------Sri Krishnarpanam--------

Saturday 11 July 2020


Dasakam - 72 - Akrurar's Journey

Kamsan came to know from sage Narada that Krishna, Devaki's eighth son is living in Gokula. He became scared and upset. He immediately summoned Akrurar, son of Gaandhini to meet Krishna and invite him and Balarama to his Dhanur yagna festival. Akrurar had always been a devotee of Krishna for a long time. He hid his longingness to meet Krishna for fear of Kamsan. When Kamsan himself ordered him to meet Krishna, he was overwhelmed with joy and set out on his chariot to meet Lord.

The fortunate Akrurar, on his way to Vraja was constantly thinking of Krishna. He was praying continuously that he should not encounter obstacles in meeting Krishna, so much that he was oblivious of surroundings on the way. While vedic texts offer hundreds of ways to reach Lord, Akrurar wondered if, he will be able to see him, be able to touch him, be able to embrace him, be able to talk to him. Thinking over these, Akrurar went to vraja assuming Krishna to be present everywhere all along the way.

Akrurar reached Brindavana which was sanctified by the holy feet of Krishna and worshipped by Brahma, Parameshwaran and other gods. He was in a state of unexplainable bliss and ecstasy. He worshipped the places where Krishna played. He rolled on the sand where he found Krishna's footprints. At this point, Bhattathiri mentioned that amongst so many devotees in the world then, ardent devotees like Akrurar were still rare to find.

Akrurar passed by the house of gopikas who were singing about various sportive actions of Krishna. It was like sweet nectar flowing in to his ears which took him to a state of bliss and spiritual joy. Finally he reached Krishna's house by dusk. Krishna and Balarama were overseeing milking of cows and it appeared as if Krishna was waiting for the devotee's arrival. Krishna was exhibiting the same internal divine feelings and experiences which Akrurar felt about Krishna on his way to Vraja.

Krishna and Balarama looked fresh and tidy after evening bath and were decked with less jewellery but looking more beautiful. They wore a peethambaram on hip and were sporting a gentle, attractive smile. Krishna spotted Akrurar, the crown of the clan of devotees from distance as he got down from the chariot. Akrura, chief of devotees prostrated to Krishna and Balarama. Krishna lifted him with joy, embraced him and enquired his well-being and led him inside the house.

Krishna and Nandagopa did honours to Akrurar, belonging to Yadavakula. Akrurar conveyed the message of Kamsa to them and Krishna communicated the same to the gopas. Rest of the night, Krishna spent time conversing and exchanging matters with Akrurar at Gokula. That night Gopikas wondered if Krishna spent time with chandrai or chandrabagai or Radha or Mitravrindaa and having fun and forgot the rest of them. Bhattathiri prayed to the Lord who is friendly and loved by everyone to protect him from his disease.

Lyrics of Dasakam 72

कंसोऽथ नारदगिरा व्रजवासिनं त्वां
आकर्ण्य दीर्णहृदय: स हि गान्दिनेयम् ।
आहूय कार्मुक मखच्छलतो भवन्तम्
आनेतुम् एनम् अहिनोत् अहिनाथ शायिन् ॥१॥

kamsO(a)tha naaradagiraa vrajavaasinaM tvaam
aakarNya diirNahR^idaya: sa hi gaandineyam |
aahuuya kaarmuka makhachChalatO bhavantam
aanetum enam ahinOt ahinaatha shaayin || 1 ||

अक्रूर एष भवदंघ्रिपर: चिराय
त्वत् दर्शनाक्षम मना: क्षिति पालभीत्या ।
तस्याज्ञयैव पुनरीक्षितुम् उद्यतस्त्वाम्
आनन्द भारम् अति भूरितरं बभार ॥२॥

akruura eSha bhavadanghripara: chiraaya
tvat darshanaakshama manaa: kshiti paalabhiityaa |
tasyaaj~nayaiva punariikshitum udyatastvaam
aananda bhaaram ati bhuuritaraM babhaara || 2 ||

सोऽयं रथेन सुकृती भवतो निवासं
गच्छन् मनोरथ गणांस्त्वयि धार्यमाणान् ।
आस्वादयन् मुहुरपाय भयेन दैवं
सम्प्रार्थयन् पथि न किञ्चिदपि व्यजानात् ॥३॥

sOyaM rathena sukR^itii bhavatO nivaasaM
gachChan manOratha gaNaamstvayi dhaaryamaaNaan |
aasvaadayan muhurapaaya bhayena daivaM
sampraarthayan pathi na ki~nchidapi vyajaanaat || 3 ||

द्रक्ष्यामि वेद शत गीत गतिं पुमांसं
स्प्रक्ष्यामि किंस्विदपि नाम परिष्वजेयम् ।
किं वक्ष्यते स खलु मां क्वनु वीक्षित: स्यात्
इत्थं निनाय स भवन्मयमेव मार्गम् ॥४॥

drakshyaami veda shata giita gatiM pumaamsaM
sprakshyaami kimsvidapi naama pariShvajeyam |
kiM vakshyate sa khalu maaM kvanu viikshita: syaat
itthaM ninaaya sa bhavanmayameva maargam || 4 ||

भूय: क्रमात् अभिविशन् भवदंघ्रिपूतं
वृन्दावनं हरविरिञ्च सुराभिवन्द्यम् ।
आनन्द मग्न इव लग्न इव प्रमोहे
किं किं दशान्तरम् अवाप न पङ्कजाक्ष ॥५॥

bhuuya: kramaat abhivishan bhavadanghripuutaM
bR^indaavanaM haraviri~ncha suraabhivandyam |
aananda magna iva lagna iva pramOhe
kiM kiM dashaantaram avaapa na pankajaaksha || 5 ||

पश्यन् अवन्दत भवत् विहृति स्थलानि
पांसुष्ववेष्टत भवच्चरणाङ्कितेषु ।
किं ब्रूमहे बहुजना हि तदापि जाता
एवं तु भक्ति तरला विरला: परात्मन् ॥६॥

pashyann avandata bhavat vihR^iti sthalaani
paamsuShvaveShTata bhavachcharaNaankiteShu |
kiM bruumahe bahujanaa hi tadaa(a)pi jaataa
evaM tu bhakti taralaa viralaa: paraatman || 6 ||

सायं स गोप भवनानि भवच्चरित्र-
गीतामृत प्रसृत कर्ण रसायनानि ।
पश्यन् प्रमोद सरितेव किलोह्यमानो
गच्छन् भवद्भवन सन्निधिम् अन्वयासीत् ॥७॥

saayaM sa gOpa bhavanaani bhavachcharitra-
giitaamR^ita prasR^ita karNa rasaayanaani |
pashyan pramOda sariteva kilOhyamaanO 
gachChan bhavadbhavana sannidhim anvayaasiit || 7 ||

तावत् ददर्श पशुदोह विलोक लोलं
भक्तोत्तम आगतिमिव प्रति पालयन्तम् ।
भूमन् भवन्तमयम् अग्रजवन्तमन्त:
ब्रह्मानुभूति रस सिन्धुम् इवोद्वमन्तम् ॥८॥

taavat dadarsha pashudOha vilOka lOlaM
bhaktOttam aagatimiva prati paalayantam |
bhuuman bhavantamayam agrajavantamanta:
brahmaanubhuuti rasa sindhum ivOdvamantam || 8 ||

सायन्तनाप्लव विशेष विविक्त गात्रौ
द्वौ पीत नीलरुचिराम्बर लोभनीयौ ।
नातिप्रपञ्च धृत भूषण चारुवेषौ
मन्द स्मितार्द्र वदनौ स युवां ददर्श ॥९॥

saayantanaaplava visheSha vivikta gaatrau
dvau piita niilaruchiraambara lObhaniiyau |
naatiprapa~ncha dhR^ita bhuuShaNa chaaruveShau
manda smitaardra vadanau sa yuvaaM dadarsha || 9 ||
दूरात् रथात् समवरुह्य नमन्तमेनम्
उत्थाप्य भक्तकुल मौलिं अथोपगूहन् ।
हर्षान्मिताक्षर गिरा कुशलानुयोगी
पाणिं प्रगृह्य सबलोऽथ गृहं निनेथ ॥१०॥

duuraat rathaat samavaruhya namantamenam
utthaapya bhaktakula maulim athOpaguuhan |
harShaanmitaakshara giraa kushalaanuyOgii
paaNiM pragR^ihya sabalO(a)tha gR^ihaM ninetha || 10 ||

नन्देन साकम् अमितादरम् अर्चयित्वा
तं यादवं तदुदितां निशमय्य वार्ताम् ।
गोपेषु भूपति निदेश कथां निवेद्य
नाना कथा भिरिह तेन निशाम् अनैषी: ॥११॥

nandena saakam amitaadaram archayitvaa
taM yaadavaM taduditaaM nishamayya vaartaam |
gOpeShu bhuupati nidesha kathaaM nivedya
naanaa kathaa bhiriha tena nishaam anaiShii: || 11 ||

चन्द्रागृहे किमुत चन्द्रभगागृहे नु
राधागृहे नु भवने किमु मैत्रविन्दे ।
धूर्तो विलम्बत इति प्रमदाभिरुच्चै:
आशङ्कितो निशि मरुत्पुरनाथ पाया: ॥१२॥

chandraagR^ihe kimuta chandrabhagaa gR^ihe nu
raadhaa gR^ihe nu bhavane kimu maitravinde |
dhuurtO vilambata iti pramadaabhiruchchai:
aashankitO nishi marutpuranaatha paayaa: || 12 ||

--------Sri Krishnarpanam-------

Thursday 9 July 2020


Dasakam - 71 - Keshi and Vyomasura Vadham

Keshi, a close friend of Bhoja king Kamsa was never unsuccessful in any of his attempts. He took the form of a horse and started from the land of Sindhu, thinking to himself, Krishna is easily accessible to the lady(Mahalakshmi) who came out of Sindhu(ocean), likewise Krishna will be accessible to him as well. He took the form of celestial horse but his fierce voices frightened the three worlds and went on a rampage attacking people of Gokula. Finally he came and stood in front of Krishna.

Keshi kicked the chest of Sri Krishna, whose legs are kept on his vehicle Garuda, with his hooves. Having heard the story of Sage Bhrigu kicking Lord on his chest, Keshi thought perhaps, even he can do so. Krishna caught and took the horse by its hooves and threw him far. Keshi fainted but then sprung back with more anger and fury.

Deciding to punish the horse, Krishna kept his club like arm in to its mouth. The arm grew in size and choked Keshi to death. Though he was a demon in the form of horse, he became one with Lord immediately. Indra and all other Gods were happy merely at the killing of the horse and considered it to be equivalent to Ashwamedha sacrifice done by Krishna. They gave Krishna with name, "Keshava" meaning killer of Keshi and sang his glory.

Sage Narada introduced Krishna as son of Vasudeva to Kamsa. Kamsa set out to kill vasudeva immediately. Narada verbally prevented Kamsa from killing Vasudeva. At the end of Keshi Vadham, Narada met Krishna and sang his glory.

One day Krishna was playing hide and seek with Gopas in the forest. At that time, son of Mayan, Vyoma who has immense magical powers approached Krishna. Gopas were playing thief and police, when Vyomasura acted as thief in the game and hid the cows and gopas in a cave and closed its entrance with a stone. Krishna understood the situation and killed him and freed the cows and gopas.

Krishna made Vraja a happy place for the gopas with his amazing sports and actions. Bhattathiri prayed to that supreme Lord who made the people of Vraja happy, to protect him from his afflictions.

Lyrics of Dasakam 71

यत्नेषु सर्वेष्वपि नावकेशी 
केशी स भोजेशितुरिष्टबन्धु: ।
त्वां सिन्धुजावाप्य इतीव मत्वा 
सम्प्राप्तवान् सिन्धुज वाजिरूप: ॥१॥

yatneShu sarveShvapi naavakeshii
keshii sa bhOjeshituriShTabandhu: |
tvaM sindhujaavaapya itiiva matvaa 
sampraaptavaan sindhujavaajiruupa: || 1 ||

गन्धर्वतामेष गतोऽपि रूक्षै:
नादै: समुद्वेजित सर्व लोक: ।
भवत् विलोकावधि गोपवाटीं 
प्रमर्द्य पाप: पुनरापतत् त्वाम् ॥२॥

gandharvataameSha gatO(a)pi ruukshai:
naadai: samudvejita sarva lOka: |
bhavat vilOkaavadhi gOpavaaTiiM
pramardya paapa: punaraapatattvaam || 2 ||

तार्क्ष्यार्पिताङ्घ्रे: तव तार्क्ष्य एष 
चिक्षेप वक्षोभुवि नाम पादम् ।
भृगो: पदाघात कथां निशम्य 
स्वेनापि शक्यं तदितीव मोहात् ॥३॥

taarkshyaarpitaanghre: tava taarkshya eSha 
chikshepa vakshObhuvi naama paadam |
bhR^igO: padaaghaata kathaaM nishamya 
svenaapi shakyaM taditiiva mOhaat || 3 ||

प्रवञ्चयन्नस्य खुराञ्चलं द्राक्
अमुं च चिक्षेपिथ दूरदूरम्
सम्मूर्च्छितोऽपि ह्यतिमूर्च्छितेन 
क्रोधोष्मणा खादितुम् आद्रुतस्त्वाम् ॥४॥

prava~nchayannasya khuraa~nchalaM draak 
amuM cha chikshepitha duuraduuram |
sammuurchChitO(a)pi hyatimuurchChitena 
krOdhOShmaNaa khaaditum aadrutastvaam || 4 ||

त्वं वाहदण्डे कृतधीश्च वाहा-
दण्डं न्यधास्तस्य मुखे तदानीम् ।
तद् वृद्धि रुद्धश्वसनो गतासु: 
सप्तीभवन् अप्ययमैक्यम् आगात् ॥५॥

tvaM vaahadaNDe kR^itadhiishcha baahaa-
daNDaM nyadhaastasyamukhe tadaaniim |
tad vR^iddhi ruddhashvasanO gataasu:
saptiibhavann apyayamaikyam aagaat || 5 ||

आलम्भ मात्रेण पशो: सुराणां 
प्रसादके नूत्न इवाश्वमेधे ।
कृते त्वया हर्षवशात् सुरेन्द्रा: 
त्वां तुष्टुवु: केशव नामधेयम् ॥६॥

aalambha maatreNa pashO: suraaNaaM 
prasaadake nuutna ivaashvamedhe |
kR^ite tvayaa harShavashaat surendraa:
tvaaM tuShTuvu: keshava naamadheyam || 6 ||

कंसाय ते शौरि सुतत्वम् उक्त्वा
तं तद्वधोत्कं प्रतिरुध्य वाचा।
प्राप्तेन केशि क्षपणावसाने 
श्रीनारदेन त्वम् अभिष्टुतोऽभू: ॥७॥

kamsaaya te shauri sutatvam uktvaa
taM tadvadhOtkaM pratirudhya vaachaa |
praaptena keshi kshapaNaavasaane 
shriinaaradena tvam abhiShTutO(a)bhuu: || 7 ||

कदापि गोपै: सह काननान्ते 
निलायन क्रीडन लोलुपं त्वाम् ।
मयात्मज: प्राप दुरन्तमायो 
व्योमाभिधो व्योम चरोपरोधी ॥८॥

kadaa(a)pi gOpai: saha kaananaante 
nilaayana kriiDana lOlupaM tvaam |
mayaatmaja: praapa durantamaayO 
vyOmaabhidhO vyOma charOparOdhii || 8 ||

स चोरपालायित वल्लवेषु 
चोरायितो गोपशिशून् पशूंश्च
गुहासु कृत्वा पिदधे शिलाभि:
त्वया च बुद्ध्वा परिमर्दितोऽभूत् ॥९॥

sa chOrapaalaayita vallaveShu 
chOraayitO gOpashishuun pashuumshcha |
guhaasu kR^itvaa pidadhe shilaabhi:
tvayaa cha buddhvaa parimarditO(a)bhuu: || 9 ||

एवं विधैश्चाद्भुत केलिभेदै:
आनन्दमूर्च्छाम् अतुलां व्रजस्य ।
पदे पदे नूतनयन् असीमां 
परात्मरूपिन् पवनेश पाया: ॥१०॥

evaM vidhaishchaadbhuta kelibhedai:
aanandamuurchChaam atulaaM vrajasya |
pade pade nuutanayann asiimaaM 
paraatmaruupin pavanesha paayaa: || 10 ||

--------Sri Krishnarpanam---------

Tuesday 7 July 2020


Dasakam - 70 - Sudharshana Saapa Moksham,

Sankachooda and Arishta/Vrishaba Vadham

After the blissful rasakreeda with gopikas, Krishna went to Ambika vana along with Nandagopa and other gopAs to offer prayer at Sri Parameswaran temple. After performing the divine festival in the night, Krishna and the gopas slept comfortably, a huge snake swallowed Nandagopa. The snake looked up fiercely. Gopas tried to hit the snake with huge logs but it would not simply release Nanda. Gopas surrendered to Krishna and prayed for protection. Krishna went near the snake and touched it with his foot. With Lord's touch, the snake released Nandagopa and took the original form of Vidyaadharan.

Vidyaadharan introduced himself as Sudharshanan to Krishna, the wielder of sudarshana chakra. He said that he was cursed to become snake by divine sage Aangeerasa for having teased him while he was in meditation. When he asked for forgiveness, he was told by sage that he will get back his form only when Krishna touches him. That was the reason, he caught Nandagopa. Sudharshanan thanked Krishna and  prayed with beautiful hymns and left to swargaloka. The gopas happily returned to Vraja.

Once when Krishna and Balarama were playing with gopikas, Kubera's emissary, Sankhachooda kidnapped few gopikas. Krishna and Balarama gave a wild chase and in fear, Sankhachooda left the gopikas and ran away. Krishna caught him, killed him and snatched his crest jewel Choodamani and gifted it to Balarama. Krishna was having good times with Balarama and gopas in the forest during the day time.Krishna looking very attractive, enjoyed playing his flute. This was a wonderful sight for the celestial damsels. Gopikas suffered from the pangs of separation from Krishna and kept lamenting.

Arishta was a demon and servant of Kamsa. He was cruel and evil and terrific in appearance. He took the form of a fierce bull and came bellowing horribly and stood before Krishna. He was chasing all the cows and causing trouble to gopas and finally encountered Krishna, the repository for Vedas. The asura was ready to attack Krishna with his frightening horns but Krishna, though asura came in the auspicious form of Vrishaba, held the horns and attacked him swiftly and killed him.

Devas and divine gods were happy and praised Krishna as the protector of Righteousness or Dharma by slaying Arishtasuran who came in vrishaba form. In Sanskrit, Rishaba means bith Dharma and bull and called him the protector of Dharma. Gopas chased the bulls on the way home for fun, asking them to run as the slayer of bull is with them. Thus Gopas and Krishna reached home happily. Bhattadiri worshipped the Lord, the slayer of Vrishabasura or Arishtasura, to protect him from his afflictions.

Lyrics of Dasakam 70

इति त्वयि रसाकुलं रमितवल्लभे वल्लवा:
कदापि पुरमम्बिका कमितुरम्बिका कानने ।
समेत्य भवता समं निशि निषेव्य दिव्योत्सवं
सुखं सुषुपुरग्रसीत् व्रजपमुग्र नागस्तदा ॥१॥

iti tvayi rasaakulaM ramitavallabhe vallavaa:
kadaa(a)pi puramambikaa kamiturambikaa kaanane |
sametya bhavataa samaM nishi niShevya divyOtsavaM
sukhaM suShupuragrasiid vrajapamugra naagastadaa || 1 ||

समुन्मुखमथोन्मुकै: अभिहतेऽपि तस्मिन् बलात्
अमुञ्चति भवत्पदे न्यपति पाहि पाहीति तै: ।
तदा खलु पदा भवान् समुपगम्य पस्पर्श तं
बभौ स च निजां तनुं समुपसाद्य वैद्यधरीम् ॥२॥

samunmukha mathOnmukai: abhihate(a)pi tasmin balaat
amu~nchati bhavatpade nyapati paahi paahiiti tai: |
tadaa khalu padaa bhavaan samupagamya pasparsha taM
babhau sa cha nijaaM tanuM samupasaadya vaidyaadhariim || 2 ||

सुदर्शनधर प्रभो ननु सुदर्शनाख्योऽस्म्यहं
मुनीन् क्वचिदपाहसं त इह मां व्यधुर्वाहसम् ।
भवत् पद समर्पणात् अमलतां गतोऽस्मीत्यसौ
स्तुवन् निजपदं ययौ व्रजपदं च गोपा मुदा ॥३॥

sudarshanadhara prabhO nanu sudarshanaakhyO(a)smyahaM
muniin kvachidapaahasaM ta iha maaM vyadhurvaahasam |
bhavat pada samarpaNaat amalataaM gatO(a)smiityasau
stuvan nijapadaM yayau vrajapadaM cha gOpaa mudaa || 3 ||

कदापि खलु सीरिणा विहरति त्वयि स्त्रीजनै:
जहार धनदानुग: स किल शङ्ख चूडोऽबला: ।
अतिद्रुतम् अनुद्रुत: तमथ मुक्तनारीजनं
रुरोजिथ शिरोमणिं हलभृते च तस्याददा: ॥४॥

kadaa(a)pi khalu siiriNaa viharati tvayi striijanai:
jahaara dhanadaanuga: sa kila shankha chuuDO(a)balaa: |
atidrutam anudruta: tamatha muktanaariijanaM
rurOjitha shirOmaNiM halabhR^ite cha tasyaadadaa: || 4 ||

दिनेषु च सुहृज्जनै: सह वनेषु लीलापरं
मनोभव मनोहरं रसित वेणु नादामृतम् ।
भवन्तम् अमरीदृशाम् अमृत पारणा दायिनं
विचिन्त्य किमु नालपन् विरहतापिता गोपिका: ॥५॥

dineShu cha suhR^ijjanai: saha vaneShu liilaaparaM
manObhava manOharaM rasita veNu naadaamR^itam |
bhavantam amariidR^ishaam amR^ita paaraNaa daayinaM
vichintya kimu naalapan virahataapitaa gOpikaa: || 5 ||

भोजराज भृतकस्त्वथ कश्चित् 
कष्ट दुष्ट पथदृष्टिररिष्ट: ।
निष्ठुराकृतिरपष्ठु निनाद: 
तिष्ठते स्म भवते वृषरूपी ॥६॥

bhOjaraaja bhR^itakastvatha kashchit
kaShTa duShTa pathadR^iShTirariShTa: |
niShThuraakR^itirapaShThu ninaada:
tiShThate sma bhavate vR^iSharuupii || 6 ||

शाक्वरोऽथ जगतीधृतिहारी 
मूर्तिम् एष बृहतीं प्रदधान: ।
पङ्क्तिम् आशु परिघूर्ण्य पशूनां 
छन्दसां निधिम्  अवाप भवन्तम् ॥७॥

shaakvarO(a)tha jagatiidhR^iti haarii 
muurtim eSha bR^ihatiiM pradadhaana: |
panktim aashu paridhuurNya pashuunaaM 
ChandasaaM nidhim avaapa bhavantam || 7 ||

तुङ्गशृङ्ग मुखम् आश्वभियन्तं 
संगृहय्य रभसादभियं तम् ।
भद्ररूपमपि दैत्यमभद्रं 
मर्दयन्नमदय: सुरलोकम् ॥८॥

tungashR^inga mukham aashvabhiyantaM
sangR^ihayya rabhasaadabhiyaM tam |
bhadraruupamapi daityamabhadraM 
mardayannamadaya: suralOkam || 8 ||

चित्रमद्य भगवन् वृषघातात् 
सुस्थिराऽजनि वृषस्थितिरुर्व्याम् ।
वर्धते च वृषचेतसि भूयान् 
मोद इत्यभिनुतोऽसि सुरैस्त्वम् ॥९॥

chitra madya bhagavan vR^iShaghaataat 
susthiraa(a)jani vR^iShasthitirurvyaam |
vardhate cha vR^iSha chetasi bhuuyaan
mOda ityabhinutO(a)si suraistvam || 9 ||

औक्षकाणि परिधावत दूरं 
वीक्ष्यतामयम् इहोक्ष विभेदी ।
इत्थम् आत्त हसितै: सह गोपै:
गेहगस्त्वमव वातपुरेश ॥१०॥

aukshakaaNi paridhaavata duuraM 
viikshyataamayam ihOksha vibhedii |
ittham aatta hasitai: sahagOpai:
gehagastvamava vaatapuresha ||10 ||

--------Sri Krishnarpanam--------

Sunday 5 July 2020


Dasakam - 69 - Rasakreeda Varnanai

Narayana Bhattathiri closed his eyes in meditation and thinking, how a seven year old boy could have done rasakreedai with the young women and continued his bhajans. Hearing the rhythmic beats, he opened his eyes. To his amazement, Lord was enacting the rasakreedai at the sanctum of Guruvayoor temple and Bhattathiri continued singing in the meter corresponding to the rhythm of the dance enacted.

With peacock feathers adorning his hair lock and dancing fish shaped ear-drops, pearl ornaments and variety of garlands on his neck, sandal paste on chest and golden ring around his hip over the yellow silk dress, stone studded shining anklets on the feet; Lord danced spreading his sweet fragrance everywhere. Bhattathiri meditated on the above form of the Lord.

The gopikas, who were dressed in their best with beautiful ear-drops, surrounded Lord (Guruvayoorappa/Krishna) Padmanabha, the consort of Lakshmi. Krishna took many forms and moved in such a way that he was there between two gopikas and one gopika between his two forms alternately. Raasa means dance or it can also be taken as enjoying the sweet divine form of the Lord. 

Sage Narada pleased with the rasakreeda enacted at Sri Guruvayoorappan sanctum, invited devas, apsaras and beautiful damsels to witness the most beautiful dance. Hearing his call from afar, devas and the celestial women dressed in their best, adorned with jewelry rushed from heaven and gathered along the skies.

The music emanating from the flute was showcasing the beautiful key notes and alapanas of the raga of the song played. Matching to the tune, Krishna danced with rhythmic foot steps and he was accompanied by gopikas who were making matching sounds with their bangles. Krishna was sporting his lotus like hand on the shoulders of the gopikas time and again and his waist cloth moved swiftly while dancing. Bhattathiri, at this point, calls out to the people (us) to pray to Lord, who is doing the rasaleela. 

The song reached higher octaves successively and dance matched the sweet music accordingly. The ornaments wore by them shifted from their places due to dancing and even that appeared beautiful. Devas, celestial women who were watching this feat without batting their eyelids, showered flowers and got engrossed in the rasaleela, driving them to divine ecstasy.

One of the gopikas who was slender like a flower creeper became tired of dancing and with drooping eyes fell on Krishna's attractive shoulders. Another one with falling hair locks on her forehead, took his hand, which had the fragrance of fresh sandal paste and kissed it aggressively in ecstasy with goosebumps all over her body. 

A virtuous gopika wearing dangling earrings, pressed her cheek against Krishna's cheek and enjoyed the nectar like juice of the betel chewed in his mouth. By dancing with Krishna, Lakshmi's sporting field and the most beautiful one in the universe, the gopikas were driven to higher states of intoxication and heights of supreme bliss.

The song concluded gradually and so are the percussion instruments. The gopikas however, were soaked in divine bliss were still seen dancing in circles, totally not conscious of themselves. The constellation of stars in the sky too stood still watching this feat. Bhattathiri went speechless at this point.

Krishna soaked the entire universe in divine bliss and ecstasy through his rasakreeda and completed it. Then entire body of the gopikas were glowing with drops of perspiration due to dancing and they were totally in pure consciousness of the Lord. Due to the virtues of gopikas, Krishna took as many forms as the number of gopikas present there and performed this great festivity.

The women of vraja were exhausted and hence Krishna gently took them to river Yamuna and sported with them. In the forest, surrounded by beautiful mountains with cool breeze and trees spreading fragrance of variety of flowers, Krishna gave those numerous women, the ecstatic joy.

Thus Krishna immersed the gopikas in the supreme consciousness and bliss in the midnight with his mercy, which otherwise was achievable only by  yogis. By this act, Krishna made even Brahma, Shiva and other gods to respect the gopikas. Bhattathiri prayed to the Lord, whose beautiful form is achievable only by his devotees, to protect him. Lord Guruvayoorappan acknowledged his request immediately by his nod.

Lyrics of Dasakam 69

केश पाशधृत पिञ्छिका वितति सञ्चलन् मकर कुण्डलं
हारजाल वनमालिका ललितम् अङ्गराग घन सौरभम् ।
पीतचेल धृतकाञ्चि काञ्चितम् उदञ्चदं शुमणि नूपुरं
रासकेलि परिभूषितं तव हि रूपमीश कलयामहे ॥१॥

kesha paashadhR^ita pinichChakaa vitati sanchalan makarakuNDalam
haarajaala vanamaalikaa lalitam angaraagaghana saurabham |
piitachela dhR^itakaa~nchi kaa~nchitam uda~nchadam shumaNi nuupuram
raasakeli paribhuuShitaM tava hi ruupamiisha kalayaamahe || 1 ||

तावदेव कृत मण्डने कलित कञ्चुलीक कुचमण्डले
गण्ड लोल मणि कुण्डले युवति मण्डलेऽथ परि मण्डले ।
अन्तरा सकल सुन्दरी युगलम् इन्दिरा रमण सञ्चरन्
मञ्जुलां तदनु रासकेलि मयि कञ्जनाभ समुपादधा: ॥२॥

taavadeva kR^ita maNDane kalita ka~nchuliika kuchamaNDale
gaNDalOla maNi kuNDale yuvati maNDale(a)tha pari maNDale |
antaraa sakala sundarii yugalam indiraa ramaNa sa~ncharan
manjulaam tadanu raasakeli mayi ka~njanaabha samupaadadhaa: || 2 ||

वासुदेव तव भासमान मिह रास केलि रस सौरभं
दूरतोऽपि खलु नारदा गदितम् आकलय्य कुतुकाकुला ।
वेष भूषण विलास पेशल विलासिनी शत समावृता
नाकतो युगप दागता वियति वेगतोऽथ सुरमण्डली ॥३॥

vaasudeva tava bhaasamaana miha raasa keli rasa saurabhaM
duuratO(a)pi khalu naaradaa gaditam aakalayya kutukaakulaa |
veSha bhuuShaNa vilaasa peshala vilaasinii shatasamaavR^itaa
naakatO yugapa daagataa viyati vegatO(a)tha suramaNDalii || 3 ||

वेणु नाद कृत तानदानकल गानराग गति योजना-
लोभनीय मृदु पाद पात कृत तालमेलन मनोहरम् ।
पाणि संक्वणित कङ्कणं च मुहुरं सलम्बित कराम्बुजं
श्रोणि बिम्ब चल दम्बरं भजत रासकेलि रस डम्बरम् ॥४॥

veNunaadakR^ita taanadaanakala gaanaraaga gatiyOjanaa
lObhaniiya mR^idu paada paata kR^ita taala melana manOharam |
paaNi sankvaNita kankaNaM cha muhuram salambita karaambujam
shrONi bimba chala dambaraM bhajata raasakeli rasa Dambaram || 4 ||

श्रद्धया विरचि तानुगान कृत तार तार मधुरस्वरे
नर्तनेऽथ ललिताङ्ग हार लुलिताङ्गहार मणिभूषणे ।
सम्मदेन कृत पुष्प वर्षम् अलम् उन्मिषत् दिविषदां कुलं
चिन्मये त्वयि निलीयमानमिव सम्मुमोह सवधूकुलम् ॥५॥

shraddhayaa virachi taanugaana kR^ita taara taara madhurasvare
nartane(a)tha lalitaanga haara lulitaangahaara maNi bhuuShaNe |
sammadena kR^ita puShpa varSham alam unmiShat diviShadaaM kulam
chinmaye tvayi niliiyamaanamiva sammumOha savadhuukulam || 5 ||

स्विन्न सन्न तनु वल्लरी तदनु कापि नाम पशुपाङ्गना
कान्तमंसम् अवलम्बते स्म तव तान्ति भार मुकुलेक्षणा ॥
काचिदाचलित कुन्तला नव पटीर सार घन सौरभं
वञ्चनेन तव सञ्चुचुम्ब भुजम् अञ्चितोरु पुलकाङ्कुरम् ॥६॥

svinna sanna tanu vallarii tadanu kaa(a)pi naama pashupaanganaa
kaantamamsam avalambate sma tava taanti bhaara mukulekshaNaa |
kaachidaachalita kuntalaa nava paTiirasaara gana saurabhaM
va~nchanena tava sa~nchuchumba bhujam a~nchitOru pulakaankuram || 6 ||

कापि गण्डभुवि सन्निधाय निज गण्डमाकुलित कुण्डलं
पुण्यपूर निधिरन्ववाप तव पूगचर्वित रसामृतम् ।
इन्दिरा विहृति मन्दिरं भुवनसुन्दरं हि नटनान्तरे
त्वामवाप्य दधुरङ्गना: किमु न सम्मदोन्मद दशान्तरम् ॥७॥

kaa(a)pi gaNDabhuvi sannidhaaya nija gaNDamaakulita kuNDalaM
puNyapuura nidhiranvavaapa tava puugacharvita rasaamR^itam |
indiraa vihR^iti mandiraM bhuvanasundaram hi naTanaantare
tvaamavaapya dadhuranganaa: kimu na sammadOnmada dashaantaram || 7 ||

गानमीश विरतं क्रमेण किल वाद्य मेलनमुपारतं
ब्रह्म सम्मद रसाकुला: सदसि केवलं ननृतुरङ्गना: ।
नाविदन्नपि च नीविकां किमपि कुन्तलीमपि च कञ्चुलीं
ज्योतिषामपि कदम्बकं दिवि विलम्बितं किमपरं ब्रुवे ॥८॥

gaanamiisha virataM krameNa kila vaadya melanamupaarataM
brahma sammada rasaakulaa: sadasi kevalaM nanR^ituranganaaH |
naavidannapi cha niivikaaM kimapi kuntaliimapi cha ka~nchuliiM
jyOtiShaamapi kadambakaM divi vilambitaM kimaparaM bruve || 8 ||

मोदसीम्नि भुवनं विलाप्य विहृतिं समाप्य च ततो विभो
केलिसम्मृदित निर्मलाङ्ग नव घर्म लेश सुभगात्मनाम् ।
मन्मथासहन चेतसां पशुप योषितां सुकृतचोदित:
तावदाकलित मूर्तिरादधिथ मारवीर परमोत्सवान् ॥९॥

mOdasiimni bhuvanaM vilaapya vihR^itiM samaapya cha tatO vibhO
kelisammR^idita nirmalaanga nava gharma lesha subhagaatmanaam |
manmathaasahana chetasaaM pashupayOShitaaM sukR^ita chOdita:
taavadaakalita muurtiraadadhitha maaraviira paramOtsavaan || 9 ||

केलिभेद परिलोलिताभि रति लालिताभिरबलालिभि:
स्वैरमीश ननु सूरजा पयसि चारुनाम विहृतिं व्यधा: ।
काननेऽपि च विसारि शीतल किशोर मारुत मनोहरे
सूनसौरभमये विलेसिथ विलासिनी शत विमोहनम् ॥१०॥

kelibheda parilOlitaabhi rati laalitaabhi-rabalaalibhi:
svairamiisha nanu suurajaa payasi chaaru naama vihR^itiM vyadhaa: |
kaanane(a)pi cha visaari shiitala kishOra maaruta manOhare
suunasaurabhamaye vilesitha vilaasinii shata vimOhanam || 10 ||

कामिनीरिति हि यामिनीषु खलु कामनीयक निधे भवान्
पूर्ण सम्मद रसार्णवं कमपि योगिगम्यम् अनुभावयन् ।
ब्रह्म शङ्कर मुखानपीह पशुपाङ्गनासु बहुमानयन्
भक्तलोक गमनीय रूप कमनीय कृष्ण परिपाहि माम् ॥११॥

kaaminiiriti hi yaaminiiShu khalu kaamaniiyaka nidhe bhavaan
puurNa sammada rasaarNavaM kamapi yOgigamyam anubhaavayan |
brahma shankara mukhaanapiiha pashupaanganaasu bahumaanayan
bhaktalOka gamaniiya ruupa kamaniiya kR^iShNa paripaahi maam || 11 ||

----------Sri Krishnarpanam--------

Saturday 4 July 2020


Dasakam - 68 - Rasakreedai - Gopika Geetham

Krishna appeared before the Gopikas all of a sudden and seeing him, they stood like a statue and fully drowned in the immortal bliss. One of the Gopika took his lotus flower like hand and placed it on her bosom and stood like that for a long time with her body experiencing goosebumps.

One of the gopikas, took his arm and put it around her neck as if she was trying to avoid the vital breath going out of her neck in the pain of separation. One another Gopika, out of her extreme love, without inhibition, took the chewed betel leaf from Krishna's mouth and put it in hers and felt she has attained the supreme bliss.

One of them stood gazing at Krishna with anger in her tearful eyes, as if to ask him the reason for his abandoning of her in the forest. All the gopikas made a seat for Krishna in the banks of river Yamuna with their upper drape tainted with saffron colour. Krishna sat on it with all splendour and shining glory.

Gopikas questioned Krishna as to what type of mercy he is showing to them. While some may show mercy to all, some only to people surrendering to them, Krishna didn't even show compassion to gopikas who gave up house, family, everything for Krishna and surrendered to him.

Krishna smiled at them enchantingly and asked them not to suspect that he is hard-hearted and said that he was afraid of losing their love. He disappeared so that he can make their minds fixed on him continuously. He promised to Gopikas, that none other than them are dear to him and so asked them to enjoy the beautiful moon-lit night along the river Yamuna with him happily without any hurdle.

Gopikas joy found no limit at his declaration and they sported all night along with full of enthusiasm. Bhattadiri prayed to the Lord who had sported Rasaleela, to end his sufferings and was duly acknowledged by Sri Guruvayoorappan.

PS: This is the equivalent of Gopika geetham in Srimad Bhagawatham.

Lyrics of Dasakam 68

तव विलोकनात् (कृष्ण) गोपिका जना:
प्रमदसङ्कुला: (कृष्ण) पङ्कजेक्षण ।
अमृत धारया (कृष्ण) संप्लुता इव
स्तिमिततां दधु (कृष्ण) त्वत् पुरोगता: ॥१॥

tava vilOkanaa (Krishna) gOpikaajanaa:
pramadasankulaa: (Krishna) pankajekshaNa |
amR^itadhaarayaa (Krishna) samplutaa iva
stimitataaM dadhu: (Krishna) tvat purOgataa: || 1 ||

तदनु काचन (कृष्ण) त्वत्-कराम्बुजम्
सपदि गृह्णती (कृष्ण) निर्विशङ्कितम् ।
घनपयोधरे (कृष्ण) सन्निधाय सा
पुलकसंवृता (कृष्ण) तस्थुषी चिरम् ॥२॥

tadanu kaachana (Krishna) tvat karaambujaM
sapadi gR^ihNatii (Krishna) nirvishankitam |
ghanapayOdhare (Krishna) sanvidhaaya saa
pulakasanvR^itaa (Krishna) tasthuShii chiram || 2 ||

तव विभोऽपरा (कृष्ण) कोमलं भुजं
निजगलान्तरे (कृष्ण) पर्यवेष्टयत् ।
गलसमुद्गतं (कृष्ण) प्राणमारुतं
प्रति निरुन्धतीव (कृष्ण) अतिहर्षुला ॥३॥

tava vibhO(a)paraa (Krishna) kOmalaM bhujaM
nijagalaantare (Krishna) paryaveShTayat |
galasamudgataM (Krishna) praaNamaarutaM
prati nirundhatiivaa (Krishna) ati harShulaa || 3 ||

अपगतत्रपा (कृष्ण) कापि कामिनी
तव मुखाम्बुजात् (कृष्ण) पूग चर्वितम् ।
प्रतिगृहय्य तत् (कृष्ण) वक्त्रपङ्कजे
निदधती गता (कृष्ण) पूर्ण कामताम् ॥४॥

apagatatrapaa (Krishna) kaa(a)pi kaaminii
tava mukhaambujaat (Krishna) puugacharvitam |
pratigR^ihayya tadu (Krishna) vaktrapankaje
nidadhatii gataa (Krishna) puurNakaamataam || 4 ||

विकरुणो वने (कृष्ण) संविहाय माम्
अपगतोऽसि का (कृष्ण) त्वामिह स्पृशेत् ।
इति सरोषया (कृष्ण) तावदेकया
सजल लोचनं (कृष्ण) वीक्षितो भवान् ॥५॥

vikaruNO vane (Krishna) sanvihaaya maam
apagatO(a)si kaa (Krishna) tvaamiha spR^ishet |
iti sarOShayaa (Krishna) taavadekayaa
sajalalOchanaM (Krishna) viikshitO bhavaan || 5 ||

इति मुदाऽऽकुलै: (कृष्ण) वल्लवीजनै:
सममुपागतो (कृष्ण) यामुने तटे ।
मृदुकुचाम्बरै: (कृष्ण) कल्पितासने
घुसृणभासुरे (कृष्ण) पर्यशोभथा: ॥६॥

iti mudaa(a)(a)kulai: (Krishna) vallavii janai:
samamupaagatO (Krishna) yaamune taTe |
mR^idukuchaambarai: (Krishna)  kalpitaasane
ghusR^iNabhaasure (Krishna) paryashObhathaa: || 6 ||

कतिविधा कृपा (कृष्ण) केऽपि सर्वतो
धृतदयोदया: (कृष्ण) केचिदाश्रिते ।
कतिचिदीदृशा (कृष्ण) मादृशेष्वपीति
अभिहितो भवान् (कृष्ण) वल्लवीजनै: ॥७॥

katividhaa kR^ipaa (Krishna) ke(a)pi sarvatO
dhR^itadayOdayaa: (Krishna)  kechidaashrite |
katichidiidR^ishaa (Krishna) maadR^isheShvapiiti
abhihitO bhavaan (Krishna) vallaviijanai: || 7 ||

अयि कुमारिका (कृष्ण) नैव शङ्क्यतां
कठिनता मयि (कृष्ण) प्रेमकातरे ।
मयि तु चेतसो (कृष्ण) वोऽनुवृत्तये
कृतमिदं मया (कृष्ण) इत्यूचिवान् भवान् ॥८॥

ayi kumaarikaa (Krishna) naiva shankyataaM
kaThinataa mayi (Krishna) premakaatare |
mayi tu chetasO (Krishna) vO(a)nuvR^ittaye
kR^itamidaM maya (Krishna) ituuchivaan bhavaan || 8 ||

अयि निशम्यतां (कृष्ण) जीववल्लभा:
प्रियतमो जनो (कृष्ण) नेदृशो मम ।
तदिह रम्यतां (कृष्ण) रम्य यामिनीषु
अनुपरोधमिति (कृष्ण) आलपो विभो ॥९॥

ayi nishamyataaM (Krishna) jiivavallabhaa:
priyatamO janO (Krishna) nedR^ishO mama |
tadiha ramyataam (Krishna) ramya yaaminiiShu
anuparOdha miti (Krishna) aalapO vibhO || 9 ||

इति गिराधिकं (कृष्ण) मोदमेदुरै:
र्व्रज वधूजनै: (कृष्ण) साकमारमन् ।
कलितकौतुको (कृष्ण) रासखेलने
गुरु पुरीपते (कृष्ण) पाहि मां गदात् ॥१०॥

iti giraa(a)dhikaM (Krishna) mOdamedurai:
vrajavadhuujanai: (Krishna)  saakamaaraman |
kalita kautukO (Krishna) raasa khelane
gurupuriipate (Krishna) paahi maaM gadaat || 10 ||

---------Sri Krishnarpanam--------

Friday 3 July 2020


Dasakam - 67 - Gopika Garva Prasamanam

Krishna sported with the gopikas on the moon-lit banks of Yamuna in the autumn and they were drowned in the ecstasy and supreme bliss. They were immersed in the bliss so much that they fell victim to pride and self-importance. Each one of the gopikas thought that Krishna, the Lord of three worlds, Lord of Lakshmi who charms the whole world is engrossed in her. Krishna in order to curb their pride and later bless them, disappeared all of a sudden.

Krishna identified Radha who had no pride or self-importance in her heart and took her along with him to a far off place and sported with her. After Krishna disappeared, gopikas fell in to the pangs of separation. Together all of them, started to search for Krishna in the forest and were grief-stricken as they could not find him.

Gopikas frantically cried out to every tree, creeper, fruit, flower which came in their way if they had seen their lotus eyed Krishna. They were totally devoted to the Lord and kept lamenting. One of the gopika cried out that she saw Krishna in her imaginative vision and this doubled the grief for the rest. Gopikas identified themselves with Krishna so much that they started to imitate Krishna in talk and actions.

While gopikas kept searching for Krishna, they found Radha rani, who went with Krishna initially but eventually got separated from him due to her pride. Then together all of them went searching for Krishna, till late evening. Then all of them, came back to the banks of Yamuna and kept singing praises and talking about Krishna's glories.

Krishna, the ocean of mercy, appeared before the grief-struck women of vraja, sporting an attractive smile with mercy in his eyes. Gopikas could not really believe their eyes when Krishna re-appeared before them and wept in joy and relief from the pain of separation. Bhattathiri prayed to the Lord, who removed the miseries of gopikas, to protect him from his disease and afflictions.

Lyrics of Dasakam 67

स्फुरत् परानन्द रसात्मकेन
त्वया समासादित भोगलीला: ।
असीममानन्दभरं प्रपन्ना
महान्तम् आपु: मदम् अम्बुजाक्ष्य: ॥१॥

sphurat paraananda rasaatmakena
tvayaa samaasaadita bhOgaliilaa: |
asiimamaanandabharaM prapannaa
mahaantam aapu: madam ambujaakshya: || 1 ||

निलीयतेऽसौ मयि मय्यमायं
रमापति: विश्व मनोभिराम: ।
इति स्म सर्वा: कलिताभिमाना
निरीक्ष्य गोविन्द् तिरोहितोऽभू: ॥२॥

niliiyate(a)sau mayi mayyamaayaM
ramaapati: vishva manO(a)bhiraama: |
itisma sarvaa: kalitaabhimaanaa:
niriikshya gOvinda tirOhitO(a)bhuu: || 2 ||

राधाभिधां तावत् अजात गर्वाम्
अतिप्रियां गोपवधूं मुरारे ।
भवानुपादाय गतो विदूरं
तया सह स्वैर विहारकारी ॥३॥

raadhaabhidhaaM taavat ajaata garvaam
atipriyaaM gOpavadhuuM muraare |
bhavaanupaadaaya gatO viduuraM
tayaa saha svaira vihaara kaarii || 3 ||

तिरोहितेऽथ त्वयि जाततापा:
समं समेता: कमलायताक्ष्य: ।
वने वने त्वां परिमार्गयन्त्यो
विषादम्-आपु: भगवन्-अपारम् ॥४॥

tirOhite(a)tha tvayi jaatataapaa:
samam sametaa: kamalaayataakshya: |
vane vane tvaaM parimaargayantyO
viShaadam aapu: bhagavann apaaram || 4 ||

हा चूत हा चम्पक कर्णिकार
हा मल्लिके मालति बालवल्य: ।
किं वीक्षितो नो हृदयैक चोर:
इत्यादि  ता: त्वत् प्रवणा: विलेपु: ॥५॥

haa chuuta haa champaka karNikaara
haa mallike maalati baalavallya: |
kiM viikshitO nO hR^idayaika chOra:
ityaadi taa: tvat pravaNaa vilepu: || 5 ||

निरीक्षितोऽयं सखि पङ्कजाक्ष:
पुरो ममेति आकुलम् आलपन्ती ।
त्वां भावना चक्षुषि वीक्ष्य काचित्
तापं सखीनां द्विगुणी चकार ॥६॥

niriikshitO(a)yaM sakhi pankajaaksha:
purO mameti aakulam aalapantii |
tvaaM bhaavanaa chakshuShi viikshya kaachit
taapaM sakhiinaaM dviguNii chakaara || 6 ||

त्वत् आत्मिकास्ता यमुना तटान्ते
तवानुचक्रु: किल चेष्टितानि ।
विचित्य भूयोऽपि तथैव मानात्
त्वया विमुक्तां ददृशुश्च राधाम् ॥७॥

tvat aatmikaastaa yamunaa taTaante
tavaanuchakru: kila cheShTitaani |
vichitya bhuuyO(a)pi tathaiva maanaat
tvayaa vimuktaaM dadR^ishushcha raadhaam || 7 ||

तत: समं ता विपिने समन्तात्
तमोवतारावधि मार्गयन्त्य: ।
पुनर्विमिश्रा यमुना तटान्ते
भृशं विलेपुश्च जगु: गुणांस्ते ॥८॥

tata: samaM taa vipine samantaat
tamOvataaraavadhi maargayantya: |
punarvimishraa yamunaa taTaante
bhR^ishaM vilepushcha jagu: guNaamste || 8 ||

तथा व्यथा सङ्कुल मानसानां
व्रजाङ्गनानां करुणैक सिन्धो ।
जगत् त्रयी मोहन मोहनात्मा
त्वं प्रादुरासी: अयि मन्दहासी ॥९॥

tathaa vyathaa sankula maanasaanaaM
vrajaanganaanaaM karuNaika sindhO |
jagat trayii mOhana mOhanaatmaa
tvaM praaduraasii: ayi mandahaasii || 9 ||

सन्दिग्ध सन्दर्शनम् आत्मकान्तं
त्वां वीक्ष्य तन्व्य: सहसा तदानीम् ।
किं किं न चक्रु: प्रमदातिभारात्
स त्वं गदात् पालय मारुतेश ॥१०॥

sandigdha sandarshanam aatmakaantaM
tvaaM viikshya tanvya: sahasaa tadaaniim |
kiM kiM na chakru: pramadaatibhaaraat
sa tvaM gadaat paalaya maarutesha || 10 ||

--------Sri Krishnarpanam--------

Thursday 2 July 2020


Dasakam - 66 - Rasakreedai - Rasaleela Begins

The beautiful eyed gopikas approached Krishna with lot of love. Krishna had decided to fulfill the desire of those beautiful women, however initially spoke to them as if he was not in favour. Sages had assembled in the skies to see the rasaleela. Krishna started to advise the duties of the good family women to the gopikas loudly so that even the assembled divine sages in sky could hear. Bhattathiri at this point reminds that one should follow the words of the Lord, which are always in accordance with dharma and not try to practice few of his pure minded actions as they cannot always be classified under right or wrong category with our little knowledge.

Hearing Krishna's unfavourable words, Gopikas felt sad and helpless and requested him not to forsake them. Hearing their cries and rantings, Krishna with his great mercy and compassion towards them indulged himself in the sports of passion with the gopikas in the moonlit banks of Yamuna.

The banks of river Yamuna looked beautiful in the moonlight. Gopikas offered a seat for Krishna made with their drape and he sat on it. Krishna held their hands and spoke sweetly and playfully and embraced them. Gopikas were immensely pleased and happy. Thus Krishna fulfilled the desires of gopikas, as promised by him on the day he snatched their clothes and scared them, while they were sporting in the river. Gopikas were transported to an ecstatic world with Krishna's ever enchanting smile and by embracing him who is the Lord of three worlds.

Bhattathiri mentions that when one gets separated from Krishna, it causes unbearable pain to the heart. When one is with him, he is an absolute embodiment of love. When in union with him like these Gopikas, they reach a state of extreme delight and bliss. Addressing Lord as the one who always yearns to be one with Radha, Bhattathiri requested Lord to take mercy on him and remove his sufferings. Lord Guruvayoorappan acknowledged his request promptly.

Lyrics of Dasakam 66

उपयातानां सुदृशां 
कुसुमायुध बाण पात विवशानाम् ।
अभिवाञ्छितं विधातुं 
कृतमतिरपि ता जगाथ वाममिव ॥१॥

upayaataanaaM sudR^ishaaM 
kusumaayudha baaNapaata vivashaanaam |
abhivaanichChataM vidhaatuM 
kR^itamatirapitaa jagaatha vaamamiva || 1 ||

गगनगतं मुनिनिवहं 
श्रावयितुं जगिथ कुलवधू धर्मम् ।
धर्म्यं खलु ते वचनं 
कर्म तु नो निर्मलस्य विश्वास्यम् ॥२॥

gaganagataM muninivahaM 
shraavayituM jagitha kulavadhuu dharmam |
dharmyaM khalu te vachanaM 
karmatu nO nirmalasya vishvaasyam || 2 ||

आकर्ण्य ते प्रतीपां 
वाणीम् एणीदृश: परं दीना: ।
मा मा करुणासिन्धो 
परित्यजेत्यतिचिरं विलेपु: ता: ॥३॥

aakarNya te pratiipaaM 
vaaNiim eNiidR^isha: param diinaa: |
maa maa karuNaasindhO 
parityajetyatichiraM vilepu: taa: || 3 ||

तासां रुदितै: लपितै: 
करुणाकुल मानसो मुरारे त्वम् ।
ताभि: समं प्रवृत्तो 
यमुना पुलिनेषु कामम् अभिरन्तुम् ॥४॥

taasaaM ruditairlapitai: 
karuNaakula maanasO muraare tvam |
taabhi: samaM pravR^ittO 
yamunaa pulineShu kaamam abhirantum || 4 ||

चन्द्रकर-स्यन्द लसत् 
सुन्दर यमुना तटान्त वीथीषु ।
आपादित संस्तरो न्यषीदस्त्वम् ॥५॥

chandrakara syanda lasat
sundara yamunaa taTaanta viithiiShu |
gOpii janOttariiyai:
aapaadita samstarO nyaShiidastvam || 5 ||

सुमधुर नर्मालपनै: 
करसंग्रहणैश्च चुम्बनोल्लासै: ।
गाढालिङ्गन सङ्गै:
त्वमङ्गना लोकम् आकुली चकृषे ॥६॥

sumadhura narmaalapanai:
karasangrahaNaishcha chumbanOllaasai: |
gaaDhaalingana sangai:
tvamanganaa lOkam aakulii chakR^iShe || 6 ||

वासोहरण दिने यत्
वासोहरणं प्रतिश्रुतं तासाम् ।
तदपि विभो रसविवश-
स्वान्तानां कान्त सुभ्रुवाम् अदधा: ॥७॥

vaasOharaNa dine yat
vaasO haraNaM pratishrutaM taasaam |
tadapi vibhO rasavivasha-
svaantaanaaM kaanta subhruvaam adadaa: || 7 ||

कन्दलित घर्मलेशं 
कुन्दमृदुस्मेर वक्त्रपाथोजम् ।
नन्दसुत त्वां त्रिजगत् 
सुन्दरमुपगूह्य नन्दिता बाला: ॥८॥

kandalita gharmaleshaM 
kunda mR^idusmera vaktrapaathOjam |
nandasuta tvaaM trijagat 
sundaramupaguuhya nanditaa baalaa: || 8 ||

विरहेषु अङ्गारमय: 
शृङ्गारमयश्च सङ्गमे हि त्वम् 
नितराम् अङ्गारमय:
तत्र पुन: सङ्गमेऽपि चित्रमिदम् ॥९॥

viraheShu angaaramaya:
shR^ingaaramayashcha sangame hi tvam |
nitaraam angaaramaya:
tatra puna: sangame(a)pi chitramidam || 9 ||

राधातुङ्ग पयोधर साधु-
परीरम्भ लोलुपात्मानम् ।
आराधये भवन्तं पवनपुराधीश-
शमय सकल गदान् ॥१०॥

raadhaa tunga payOdhara saadhu-
pariirambha lOlupaatmaanam |
aaraadhaye bhavantaM pavana puraadhiisha-
shamaya sakala gadaan || 10 ||

---------Sri Krishnarpanam----------

Wednesday 1 July 2020


Dasakam - 65 - Rasakreedai - 

Gopikas rushing to the Forest

Krishna had promised gopikas at the end of the Kathyaayini pooja that he would spend time with them on the moon-lit autumn nights in the banks of river yamuna. One cold night, in the luminescence of full moon, in the forest on the banks of the river Yamuna, Krishna took his flute and started to play sweetly. The ascending and descending seven musical notes that emanated from the flute enchanted the whole world and hearing it from far, Gopikas instantly got attracted to it.

When flute was played by Krishna, few gopikas were taking care of their babies, few others were serving food to their husbands, few others were engaged in household chores. The gopikas captivated by Krishna's flute, abandoned all the work and rushed to the forest to see him. Some of the gopikas dressed themselves well adorning jewellery. Some rushed half adorned with jewels, carrying rest in the hand and these gopikas looked more beautiful to Krishna's eyes.

One charming faced Gopika in hurry to meet Krishna, put the necklace in her hip and waistband on her neck, as if to clearly indicate the attractiveness of her hips. One in her excitement to see Krishna, forgot her drape and carried only her intense love. Few Gopikas were prevented from leaving the house by their husbands, relatives. They meditated on Krishna with such a deep devotion that they left their physical bodies and merged with Krishna. They were the most lucky ones to attain salvation.

Gopikas merely rushed to Krishna abandoning their homes not thinking him as Paramatma but thinking that he is their lover, still they attained state of liberation which even the divine sages cannot attain easily. Those gopikas soaked their mind in the supreme bliss and meditated on it with great difficulty, that they attained salvation so easily.

The beautiful damsels of vraja were looking at the smiling and compassionate face of Krishna who showed unlimited mercy. Bhattathiri worshipped the one and only Lord who steals the heart of all and requested him to cure him of his afflictions.

Lyrics of Dasakam 65

गोपीजनाय कथितं नियमावसाने
मारोत्सवं त्वमथ साधयितुं प्रवृत्त: ।
सान्द्रेण चान्द्र महसा शिशिरी कृताशे
प्रापूरयो मुरलिकां यमुना वनान्ते ॥१॥

gOpii janaaya kathitaM niyamaavasaane
maarOtsavaM tvamatha saadhayituM pravR^itta: |
saandreNa chaandra mahasaa shishirii kR^itaashe
praapuurayO muralikaaM yamunaa vanaante || 1 ||

सम्मूर्छनाभि: उदित स्वर मण्डलाभि:
सम्मूर्छयन्तम् अखिलं भुवनान्तरालम् ।
त्वत् वेणु नादम् उपकर्ण्य विभो तरुण्य:
तत्तादृशं कमपि चित्त विमोहम् आपु: ॥२॥

sammuurchChanaabhi: udita svara maNDalaabhi:
sammuurchChayantam akhilaM bhuvanaantaraalam |
tvat veNunaadam upakarNya vibhO taruNya:
tattaadR^ishaM kamapi chitta vimOham aapu: || 2 ||

ता गेहकृत्य निरता: तनय प्रसक्ता:
कान्तोप सेवन पराश्च सरोरुहाक्ष्य: ।
सर्वं विसृज्य मुरलीरव मोहितास्ते
कान्तार देशमयि कान्ततनो समेता: ॥३॥

taa gehakR^itya nirataa: tanaya prasaktaa:
kaantOpa sevana paraashcha sarOruhaakshya: |
sarvaM visR^ijya muraliirava mOhitaaste
kaantaara deshamayi kaantatanO sametaa: || 3 ||

काश्चिन्निजाङ्ग परिभूषणम् आदधाना
वेणु प्रणादम् उपकर्ण्य कृतार्धभूषा: ।
त्वामागता ननु तथैव विभूषिताभ्य:
ता एव संरुरुचिरे तव लोचनाय ॥४॥

kaashchinnijaanga paribhuuShaNa maadadhaanaa
veNu praNaadam upakarNya kR^itaardhabhuuShaa: |
tvaamaagataa nanu tathaiva vibhuuShitaabhya:
taa eva sanruruchire tava lOchanaaya || 4 ||

हारं नितम्ब भुवि काचन धारयन्ती
काञ्चीं च कण्ठभुवि देव समागता त्वाम् ।
हारित्वम् आत्म जघनस्य मुकुन्द तुभ्यं
व्यक्तं बभाष इव मुग्धमुखी विशेषात् ॥५॥

haaraM nitamba bhuvi kaachana dhaarayantii
kaa~nchii~n cha kaNThabhuvi deva samaagataa tvaam |
haaritvam aatma jaghanasya mukunda tubhyaM
vyaktaM babhaaSha iva mugdhamukhii visheShaat || 5 ||

काचित् कुचे पुनरसज्जित कञ्चुलीका
व्यामोहत: परवधूभि: अलक्ष्यमाणा ।
त्वामाययौ निरुपम प्रणयातिभार-
राज्याभिषेक विधये कलशीधरेव ॥६॥

kaachitkuche punarasajjita ka~nchuliikaa
vyaamOhata: paravadhuubhi: alakshyamaaNaa |
tvaamaayayow nirupama praNayaatibhaara-
raajyaabhiSheka vidhaye kalashiidhareva || 6 ||

काश्चित् गृहात् किल निरेतुम् अपारयन्त्य:
त्वामेव देव हृदये सुदृढं विभाव्य ।
देहं विधूय परचित् सुखरूपम् एकं
त्वाम् आविशन् परमिमा ननु धन्य धन्या: ॥७॥

kaashchit gR^ihaat kila niretum apaarayantya:
tvaameva deva hR^idaye sudR^iDhaM vibhaavya |
dehaM vidhuuya parachit sukharuupam ekaM
tvaam aavishan paramimaa nanu dhanya dhanyaa: || 7 ||

जारात्मना न परमात्मतया स्मरन्त्यो
नार्यो गता: परमहंस गतिं क्षणेन ।
तं त्वां प्रकाश परमात्म तनुं कथञ्चित्
चित्ते वहन् अमृतम् अश्रमम् अश्नुवीय ॥८॥

jaaraatmanaa na paramaatmatayaa smarantyO
naaryO gataa: paramahamsa gatiM kshaNena |
taM tvaaM prakaasha paramaatma tanuM katha~nchit
chitte vahann amR^ita-m ashramam ashnuviiya || 8 ||

अभ्यागताभिरभितो व्रज सुन्दरीभि:
मुग्ध स्मितार्द्र वदन: करुणावलोकी ।
निस्सीम कान्ति जलधि: त्वम् अवेक्ष्यमाणो
विश्वैकहृद्य हर मे पवनेश रोगान् ॥९॥

abhyaagataabhirabhitO vraja sundariibhi:
mugdha smitaardra vadana: karuNaavalOkii |
nissiima kaanti jaladhi: tvam avekshyamaaNO
vishvaikahR^idya hara me paramesha rOgaan || 9 ||

---------Sri Krishnarpanam---------