Sunday 16 August 2020


Dasakam - 87 - Kuchelopakyanam

During Krishna's stay at Saandeepani Ashram, a brahmin named Kuchela studied in the gurukul along with him. He was always deeply devoted to Krishna, as a result he had controlled state of mind and was not having interests on any worldly desires. Kuchela's wife was equally of the same nature, less the balanced state of mind. One day, she suggested to Kuchela to go and meet his friend Krishna, consort of Mahalakshmi to get some means to manage the livelihood. 

Kuchels's wife suggested the above, only because of the miseries faced due to hunger. Kuchela did not have interest in wealth and knows that possession of it, can make one mad. Still due to interest in meeting Krishna, he took the suggestion and left with some beaten rice folded and kept in his cloth, to give as gift to Krishna.When Kuchela entered Dwaraka, he felt happy as though he has entered Vaikuntam. Krishna welcomed him with honours which made Kuchela more happy. 

Krishna asked his wife to fan for his friend and he did the pooja. Krishna held the hands of Kuchela and discussed memories of their stay at Saandeepani ashram. Krishna reminded him of an instance, when Guru-pathni sent them to forest to bring wooden logs for fire and they were caught unaware in rain and how they managed it. While Kuchela was embarrassed at the hospitality and affection showered on him, Krishna snatched forcibly the beaten rice which Kuchela was feeling shy to give it to him. Krishna took one handful of beaten rice and ate it with affection. When he took the second time, Rukmini stopped Krishna from eating further and alerted Krishna that they have no more wealth to give Kuchela if Krishna eats the beaten rice, the second time. 

The whole night Krishna spent happily with his devotee and friend Kuchela, talking all stories of their student hood and next day morning Kuchela returned to his place without asking Krishna for anything. Yet strange are the ways, Krishna shows mercy and compassion for his devotees. While on his return, Kuchela wondered what answer he can give to his wife. Perhaps if he had requested wealth, Krishna would have given but he felt too embarrassed to ask anything. Then he drowned himself in the thoughts of happy times spent with Krishna and reached home. 

On entering his house, Kuchela was stunned and even doubted if he had entered a wrong house. He saw his wife decked with ornaments made of gold and rubies, surrounded by her friends. Kuchela felt overwhelmed and surprised at Lord's mercy. Though Kuchela lived in the palatial house made of rubies, he spent his days fixing his mind on Krishna and after living long time, he reached Moksham. Bhattathiri worshipped the Lord, who was kind enough to grant desires of his devotee and friend Kuchela, to cure his ailments.

Lyrics of Dasakam 87 

कुचेल नामा भवत: सतीर्थ्यतां 
गत: स सान्दीपनि मन्दिरे द्विज: ।
त्वदेक रागेण धनादि निस्स्पृहो 
दिनानि निन्ये प्रशमी गृहाश्रमी ॥१॥

kuchela naamaa bhavata: satiirthyataaM
gata: sa saandiipani mandire dvija: |
tvadeka raageNa dhanaadi niHspR^ihO
dinaani ninye prashamii gR^ihaashramii || 1 ||

समान शीलाऽपि तदीय वल्लभा 
तथैव नो चित्तजयं समेयुषी ।
कदाचिदूचे बत वृत्ति लब्धये 
रमापति: किं न सखा निषेव्यते ॥२॥

samaana shiilaapi tadiiya vallabhaa
tathaiva nO chittajayaM sameyuShii |
kadaachiduuche bata vR^ittilabdhaye
ramaapatiH kiM na sakhaa niShevyate || 2 ||

इतीरितोऽयं प्रियया क्षुधार्तया
जुगुप्समानोऽपि धने मदावहे ।
तदा त्वदालोकन कौतुकात् ययौ
वहन् पटान्ते पृथुकानुपायनम् ॥३॥

itiiritO(a)yaM priyayaa kshudhaa(a)(a)rtayaa
jugupsamaanO(a)pi dhane madaavahe |
tadaa tvadaalOkana kautukaat yayau
vahan paTaante pR^ithukaanupaayanam || 3  ||

गतोऽयम् आश्चर्यमयीं भवत्पुरीं 
गृहेषु शैब्या भवनं समेयिवान् ।
प्रविश्य वैकुण्ठम् इवाप निर्वृतिं 
तवाति सम्भावनया तु किं पुन: ॥४॥

gatO(a)yam aashcharyamayiiM bhavatpuriiM
gR^iheShu shaibyaa bhavanaM sameyivaan |
pravishya vaikuNTham ivaapa nirvR^itiM
tavaati sambhaavanayaa tu kiM puna: || 4 ||

प्रपूजितं तं प्रियया च वीजितं 
करे गृहीत्वा अकथय: पुराकृतम् ।
यदिन्धनार्थं गुरुदार चोदितै:
अपर्तुवर्ष तदमर्षि कानने ॥५॥

prapuujitaM taM priyayaa cha viijitaM
kare gR^ihiitvaa (a)kathaya: puraakR^itam |
yadindhanaarthaM gurudaara chOditai:
apartu varShaM tadamarShi kaanane || 5 ||

त्रपाजुषोऽस्मात् पृथुकं बलादथ 
प्रगृह्य मुष्टौ सकृदाशिते त्वया ।
कृतं कृतं नन्वियतेति संभ्रमात्
रमा किलोपेत्य करं रुरोध ते ॥६॥

trapaajuShO (a)smaat pR^ithukaM balaadatha
pragR^ihya muShTau sakR^idaashite tvayaa |
kR^itaM kR^itaM nanviyateti sambhramaad
ramaa kilOpetya karaM rurOdha te || 6 ||

भक्तेषु भक्तेन स मानितस्त्वया 
पुरीं वसन्नेक निशां महासुखम् ।
बतापरेद्यु: र्द्रविणं विना ययौ 
विचित्र रूप: तव खल्वनुग्रह: ॥७॥

bhakteShu bhaktena sa maanitastvayaa
puriiM vasanneka nishaaM mahaasukham |
bataaparedyu: draviNaM vinaa yayau
vichitra ruupa: tava khalvanugraha: || 7 ||

यदि ह्ययाचिष्यम् अदास्यदच्युतो 
वदामि भार्यां किमिति व्रजन्नसौ ।
त्वदुक्ति लीलास्मित मग्नधी: पुन: 
क्रमादपश्यन् मणि दीप्रमालयम् ॥८॥

yadi hyayaachiShyam adaasyadachyutO
vadaami bhaaryaaM kimiti vrajannasau |
tvadukti liilaasmita magnadhii: puna:
kramaadapashyan maNi diipramaalayam || 8 ||

किं मार्ग विभ्रंश इति भ्रंमन् क्षणं 
गृहं प्रविष्ट: स ददर्श वल्लभाम् ।
सखी परीतां मणिहेम भूषितां 
बुबोध च त्वत् करुणां महाद्भुताम् ॥९॥

kiM maarga vibhramsha iti bhraman kshaNaM
gR^ihaM praviShTaH sa dadarsha vallabhaam |
sakhii pariitaaM maNihema bhuuShitaaM
bubOdha cha tvat karuNaaM mahaadbhutaam || 9 ||

स रत्नशालासु वसन्नपि स्वयं 
समुन्नमद् भक्ति भरोऽमृतं ययौ ।
त्वमेवम् आपूरित भक्त वाञ्छितो 
मरुत्पुराधीश हरस्व मे गदान् ॥१०॥

sa ratnashaalaasu vasannapi svayaM
samunnamad bhakti bharO(a)mR^itaM yayau |
tvamevam aapuurita bhakta vaanChitO
marutpuraadhiisha harasva me gadaan || 10 ||

-------Sri Krishnarpanam-------

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