Showing posts with label Mahabharat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mahabharat. Show all posts

Friday 14 August 2020


Dasakam - 86 - Saalva Vadham and 

Mahabharata Yuddham

Saalvan was defeated during Rukmini kalyanam by yadava army. He prayed to Lord Parameswara and got Soubham, the aerial car as boon from him. When Krishna left to Indraprastha for the rajasuya yagna, Saalvan attacked Dwaraka. Pradyumna fought with him courageously and killed his minister Dhyuman. The battle went on for 27 days. Krishna came to Dwaraka with Balarama and destroyed Saalvan's army. Saalvan pushed Krishna's bow and arrow down and with his magic made a fake Vasudeva, Krishna's father and killed him, to confuse Krishna. Some say that even Krishna did not realise that it was an illusion for some time. But Sage Vyasa has denied that fact.

Krishna broke the aerial car with his mace and threw it in the ocean. Krishna killed Saalvan by chopping his head with the Sudarshan Chakra. Dantavakra opposed Krishna and continued to fight with him. Krishna took his Kowmodahi and killed Dantavakra. Since he was virtuous and devoted to Krishna in his previous birth, he merged with Lord just like Shishupala and attained Salvation, Bhattathiri wondered, if Krishna's avatar itself was only to give salvation to his devotees who had their minds fixed on the Lord in their previous births.

After Krishna returned to Dwaraka, Duryodana, who could not bear insult by Draupadi and Bhima, invited Pandavas for a game of dice at Hastinapur. Duryodhana tricked Yudhisthira in this game and with help of his maternal uncle Sakuni, he won the game. As a result, Yudhisthira lost wealth, his brothers, himself and finally Draupadi. Duchaadanan, brother of Duryodhana, brought Draupadi forcibly to the court holding her hair and stripped her for clothes from her hip. Helpless Draupadi cried and surrendered to Krishna for help and he granted her endless length of clothes and protected her modesty at the assembly of Kurus. Later during the pandavas stay in the forest, Sage Durvasa visited them after they had taken food. Dharmaputra did pooja for the rishi and requested him to have food at their place. Rishi also agreed and went to take bath at the river. Draupadi had a divine bowl given by Surya God which can give food only once. After consuming it that day and bowl washed, it did not have the power to give food again. Draupadi was helpless again and in the fear of Rishi's curse, she prayed to Krishna. Krishna went there and consumed the speck of greens sticking to the vessel and satiated the hunger of Durvasa rishi and other sages who accompanied him.

When the fight between Pandavas and Kauravas was planned, Arjuna requested Krishna's help on his side while Duryodhana requested only Krishna's army on his side. Krishna granted the army to Duryodhana and stood by Arjuna's side. Then Krishna went as a messenger to Hastinapur at the request of Pandavas to see if he can stop the fight from happening. Though Bhishma and Drona were happy with his coming, Duryodhana refused any peace talks. Krishna showed his Cosmic form to the assembly of sages and shook the entire Hastinapur and returned to Dwaraka.

In the battle field, Krishna played the role of Charioteer to Arjuna. Seeing his own relatives and acharyas on the opposite front at the battle field, the compassionate Arjuna was upset and had no will to kill them. Krishna looked at the sad and dejected warrior and questioned him why he was sad? He advised Arjuna that Aatma is eternal and one. There is an atma in every form of life which is pure and cannot be destroyed. Hence asked him to leave the fear of killing his relatives and asked him to surrender his mind to Krishna and do his rightful duty as Kshatriya. Krishna revealed his cosmic form to Arjuna which restored balance to his confused mind.

Bhishma, one of the prime devotees of Krishna, attacked and killed 10000 warriors everyday to aid Krishna's intention of reducing the evil in the world. Arjuna had become tired of resisting Bheeshma;'s arrows. Noticing this, Krishna who had vowed not to take weapons in the war, broke the vow and took the Sudarshan chakra and ran towards Bhishma as if he was angry. Bheeshma put his weapons down and put his head down and prayed to Krishna. This pleased Krishna and he returned back. When Arjuna was fighting with Drona, Narakasura's son Bhagadatta used Vaishnava Asthram to kill Arjuna. Krishna took the asthram on his chest thereby protecting Arjuna. Then he masked sunlight and made Arjuna kill Jayathrathan. Karna used his Nagastra to kill Arjuna. Krishna stepped his foot hard and made the chariot go few inches below the earth and let the arrow take Arjuna's crown but spare his life. Bhattathiri was surprised at the various feats of Krishna to protect Pandavas.

Before the start of the battle, Balaram went on pilgrimage to Naimisharanya. When Balaram reached Naimisharanya, Sutha Puranikar did not get up to respect him and hence Balaram killed him. He then made Sutha Puranikar's son assume his father's position there to continue conducting the discourses. Valkalan, an asura was destroying the yagnas conducted during various seasons. Balarama killed Balvalan and completed his pilgrimage and returned at the time when Duryodhana and Bhima were fighting with mace terrifically towards the end of the battle. After watching the prolonged fight, Balarama returned to Dwaraka.

Drona's son Ashwathama killed Draupadi's sons, the upa-pandavas while they were sleeping. Krishna advised Arjuna to retract the Brahmastra sent by Ashwathama in a bid to kill Arjuna. The Asthra discharged by Arjuna clipped of Ashwathama's crest Jewel. As per Krishna's advice, Arjuna took possession of the crest jewel. Later Ashwathama in a bid to remove future generations of Pandavas sent a Brahmastra in to Uttara's (Abhimanyu's wife) womb to kill the foetus. Uttara worshipped Krishna to protect her. Krishna took a miniscule form of the size of a thumb and entered her womb with sudarshan chakra and protected Uttara and the foetus.

Bhishma who was defeated in the war and the one who had the power of deciding the moment of his death, was lying in the bed of arrows. He advised all about Dharmas to Yudhisthira. Then by his will, keeping his vision fixed on Krishna, Bheeshma took his last breath and attained Salvation. Krishna enabled Yudhisthira to perform three yagnas to fulfill all his aspirations and returned to Dwaraka. Bhattathiri worshipped the Lord who did so much acts to protect Pandavas and uphold Dharma on Earth, and requested to protect him too from all his ailments.

Lyrics of Dasakam 86

साल्वो भैष्मी विवाहे यदुबल विजित: चन्द्रचूडात् विमानं
विन्दन् सौभं स मायी त्वयि वसति कुरून् त्वत् पुरीं अभ्यभाङ्क्षीत् ।
प्रद्युम्नस्तं निरुन्धन् निखिल यदुभटै: र्न्यग्रहीदुग्र वीर्यं
तस्यामात्यं द्युमन्तं व्यजनि च समर: सप्त-विंशत्यहान्त: ॥१॥

saalvO bhaiShmii vivaahe yadubala vijita: chandrachuuDaat vimaanaM
vindan saubhaM sa maayii tvayi vasati kuruun tvatpuriim abhyabhaankshiit |
pradyumnastaM nirundhan nikhila yadubhaTai: nyagrahiidugra viiryaM
tasyaamaatyaM dyumantaM vyajani cha samara: sapta-vimshatyahaanta: || 1 ||

तावत्त्वं रामशाली त्वरितं-उपगत: खण्डित प्रायसैन्यं
सौभेशं तं न्यरुन्धा: स च किल गदया शार्ङ्गम् अभ्रंशयत्ते ।
मायातातं व्यहिंसीत्-अपि तव पुरत: तत्त्वयापि क्षणार्धं
नाज्ञायीत्याहुरेके तदिदं अवमतं व्यास एव न्यषेधीत् ॥२॥

taavattvaM raamashaalii tvaritamupagata: khaNDita praayasainyaM
saubheshaM taM nyarundhaa: sa cha kila gadayaa shaarngam abhramshayatte |
maayaataataM vyahimsiit-api tava purata: tattvayaapi kshaNaardhaM
naajnaayiityaahureke tadidam avamataM vyaasa eva nyaShedhiit || 2 ||

क्षिप्त्वा सौभं गदाचूर्णितं उदकनिधौ मङ्क्षु साल्वेऽपि चक्रेण
उत्कृत्ते दन्तवक्त्र: प्रसभं  अभिपतन् अभ्यमुञ्चत् गदां ते ।
कौमोदक्या हतोऽसौ अपि सुकृत निधि: चैद्यवत् प्रापदैक्यं
सर्वेषां  एष पूर्वं त्वयि धृत मनसां मोक्षणार्थ: अवतार: ॥३॥

kshiptvaa saubhaM gadaa chuurNitam udakanidhau mankshu saalve(a)pi chakreNa
UtkR^itte dantavaktra: prasabham abhipatann abhyamunchat gadaaM te |
kaumOdakyaa hatO(a)saau api sukR^ita nidhi: chaidyavat praapadaikyaM
sarveShaam eSha puurvaM tvayi dhR^ita manasaaM mOkshaNaartha: avataara: ||

त्वय्यायातेऽथ जाते किल कुरुसदसि द्यूतके संयताया:
क्रन्दन्त्या याज्ञसेन्या: सकरुणमकृथा: चेलमालां अनन्तां ।
अन्नान्त प्राप्त शर्वांशज मुनिचकित द्रौपदी चिन्तितोऽथ
प्राप्त: शाकान्नमश्नन् मुनिगणं अकृथा: तृप्तिमन्तं वनान्ते ॥४॥

tvayyaayaate(a)tha jaate kila kurusadasi dyuutake sanyataayaa:
krandantyaa yaajnasenyaa: sakaruNamakR^ithaa: chelamaalaam anantaam |
annaanta praapta sharvaamshaja muni chakita draupadii chintitO(a)tha
praapta: shaakaannamashnan munigaNam akR^ithaa: tR^iptimantaM vanaante || 4 ||

युद्धोद्योगेऽथ मन्त्रे मिलति सति वृत: फल्गुनेन त्वमेक:
कौरव्ये दत्त सैन्य: करिपुपुरं अगमो दूत्यकृत् पाण्डवार्थं ।
भीष्म द्रोणादि मान्ये तव खलु वचने धिक्कृते कौरवेण
व्यावृण्वन् विश्वरूपं मुनिसदसि पुरीं क्षोभयित्वा आगतोऽभू: ॥५॥

yuddhOdyOge(a)tha mantre milati sati vR^ita: phalgunena tvameka:
kauravye datta sainya: karipuram agamO dautyakR^it paaNDavaartham |
bhiiShma drONaadi maanye tava khalu vachane dhikkR^ite kauraveNa
vyaavR^iNvan vishvaruupaM muni sadasi puriiM kshObhayitva agatO(a)bhuu: || 5 ||

जिष्णोस्त्वं कृष्ण सूत: खलु समरमुखे बन्धुघाते दयालुं
खिन्नं तं वीक्ष्य वीरं किमिदमयि सखे नित्य एकोऽयं आत्मा ।
को वध्य: कोऽत्र हन्ता तदिह वधभियं प्रोज्झ्य मय्यर्पितात्मा
धर्म्यं युद्धं चरेति प्रकृति मनयथा दर्शयन् विश्वरूपम् ॥६॥

jiShNOstvaM kR^iShNa suuta: khalu samaramukhe bandhughaate dayaaluM
khinnaM taM viikshya viiraM kimidamayi sakhe nitya ekOyam aatmaa |
kO vadhya: kO(a)tra hantaa tadiha vadhabhiyaM prOjjhya mayyarpitaatmaa
dharmyaM yuddhaM chareti prakR^iti manayathaa darshayan vishvaruupam || 6 ||

भक्तोत्तंसेऽथ भीष्मे तव धरणिभर क्षेपकृत्यैक सक्ते
नित्यं नित्यं विभिन्दति अवनिभृदयुतं प्राप्तसादे च पार्थे ।
निश्शस्त्रत्व प्रतिज्ञां विजह दरिवरं धारयन् क्रोधशाली-
वाधावन् प्राञ्जलिं तं नतशिरसम् अथो वीक्ष्य मोदादपागा: ॥७॥

bhaktOttamsetha bhiiShme tava dharaNibhara kshepa kR^ityaikasakte
nityaM nityaM vibhindati avani bhrudayutaM praaptasaade cha paarthe |
nishshastratva pratij~naaM vijaha darivaraM dhaarayan krOdhashaalii
vaadhaavan praa~njaliM taM natashirasam athO viikshya mOdaadapaagaa: || 7 ||

युद्धे द्रोणस्य हस्ति स्थिर रण भगदत्तेरितं वैष्णवास्त्रं
वक्षस्याधत्त चक्र-स्थगितर विमहा: प्रार्दयन् सिन्धु राजं ।
नागास्त्रे कर्णमुक्ते क्षितिमवनमयन् केवलं कृत्त मौलिं
तत्रे तत्रापि पार्थं किमिव नहि भवान् पाण्डवानां अकार्षीत् ॥८॥

yuddhe drONasya hasti sthira raNa bhagadatteritaM vaiShNavaastraM
vakshasyaadhatta chakra-sthagitara vimahaa: praardayan sindhuraajam |
naagaastre karNamukte kshitimavanamayan kevalaM kR^ittamauliM
tatre tatraapi paarthaM kimiva nahi bhavaan paaNDavaanaam akaarShiit || 8 ||

युद्धादौ तीर्थगामी स खलु हलधरो नैमिश क्षेत्रमृच्छन्
अप्रत्युत्थायि सूतक्षयकृदथ सुतं तत्पदे कल्पयित्वा ।
यज्ञघ्नं बल्वलं पर्वणि परिदलयन् स्नाततीर्थो रणान्ते
सम्प्राप्तो भीम दुर्योधन रणमशमं वीक्ष्य यात: पुरीं ते ॥९॥

yuddhaadau tiirthagaamii sa khalu haladharO naimisha kshetra mR^ichChan
apratyutthaayi suutakshaya kR^idatha sutaM tatpade kalpayitvaa |
yaj~naghnaM balvalaM parvaNi paridalayan snaatatiirthO raNaante
sampraaptO bhiima duryOdhana raNamashamaM viikshya yaataH puriiM te || 9

संसुप्त द्रौपदेय क्षपण हतधियं द्रौणिमेत्य त्वदुक्त्या
तन्मुक्तं ब्राह्ममस्त्रं समहृत विजयो मौलिरत्नं च जह्रे ।
उच्छित्यै पाण्डवानां पुनरपि च विशति उत्तरा गर्भं अस्त्रे 
रक्षन् अङ्गुष्ठमात्र: किल जठरमगा: चक्रपाणि: विभो त्वम् ॥१०॥

samsupta draupadeya kshapaNa hatadhiyaM drauNimetya tvaduktyaa
tanmuktaM braahmamastraM samahR^ita vijayO mauliratnaM cha jahre |
uchChityai paaNDavaanaaM punarapi cha vishatyuttaraa garbham astre
rakshann anguShThamaatra: kila jaTharamagaa: chakrapaaNi: vibhO tvam || 10 ||

धर्मौघं धर्मसूनो: अभिदधदखिलं छन्द मृत्यु: स भीष्म:
त्वां पश्यन् भक्ति भूम्नैव हि सपदि ययौ निष्कल ब्रह्म भूयम् ।
संयाज्याथ अश्वमेधै: त्रिभिरति महितै: धर्मजं पूर्णकामं
स्म्प्राप्तो द्वारकां त्वं पवनपुरपते पाहि मां सर्वरोगात् ॥११॥

dharmaughaM dharmasuunO: abhidadhadakhilaM Chanda mR^ityu: sa bhiiShma:
tvaaM pashyan bhakti bhuumnaiva hi sapadi yayau niShkala brahmabhuuyam |
sanyaajyaatha ashvamedhai: tribhiratimahitai: dharmajaM puurNakaamaM
sampraaptO dvaarakaaM tvaM pavanapurapate paahi maaM sarvarOgaat || 11 ||

---------Sri Krishnarpanam---------