Monday, 22 June 2020


Dasakam - 58 - Rescuing Cows from Forest Fire

Krishna was engaged in playing with the gopas and in Pralambasura vadham. Meanwhile cows wandered deep in to the forest and reached another forest in the neighborhood called Aishika. The Cows which have never been exposed to heat in Vrindavan, now experienced an intense heat at this dry forestland Aishika. The separation from Krishna and the summer heat made them thirsty and motionless.

Krishna and gopas searched for the cows and reached the Munja forest. Cows, having lost the way, were standing in the forest in distress. Krishna went near them faster when a huge forest fire broke, surrounding everyone, spreading fast. The fire was blazing in all directions making huge sounds and and surrounded everyone quickly obstructing every possible way to escape. The gopas and cows were tormented by the fire and felt as if they were half burnt. They took refuge in Krishna, the only friend and saviour of all sorrows and cried to him to save them from the fire.

Krishna asked the gopas to close their eyes and when they opened after some time, they were back in Bhaandeera forest under the same banyan tree. Gopas wondered where the Munja forest was and the forest fire which surrounded them. Gopas praised Krishna for his glory and valour, which he accepted with a gracious smile. Krishna continued to sport with the gopas making them happy in the forest blooming with Paatala flowers indicating it is summer season.

The heat of the summer was as intense as the weight of the heat of the grief carried by those who are indifferent to the Lord. Just like how the brilliance emanating from Lord's hands increases and dries up the slush in the heart of the devotees, the heat of the summer was drying up the slush around in the water bodies.  Krishna spent the rest of the summer season on the banks of Yamuna.

The rainy season came where in the clouds resembled Krishna's splendorous body and the lightening similar to his lustrous yellow garment. Krishna along with the gopas and cows spent the rainy season in the caves of the mountain Govardhana very happily. The mountain king Govardhana sang hymns of praise to Krishna, in the form of cooings of peacocks. The mountain worshipped Krishna by offering fully bloomed Kutaja and Kadamba flowers which fell from branches at his feet.

The spring season came marked by flow of crystal clear water in the different streams of the forest which were as clear like that of the mind of lord's devotees. Krishna enjoyed the spring season allowing the cows to graze in the fertile grasslands. Thus explaining how Krishna spent all the seasons in the forest happily with the gopas and cows, Bhattathiri prayed to Lord Guruvayoorappan to cure him of his afflictions.

Lyrics of Dasakam 58

त्वयि विहरणलोले बालजालै: प्रलम्ब-
प्रमथन सविलम्बे धेनव: स्वैरचारा: ।
तृण कुतुक निविष्टा दूरदूरं चरन्त्य:
किमपि विपिनम् ऐषीकाख्यम् ईषां बभूवु: ॥१॥

tvayi viharaNalOle baala jaalai: pralamba-
pramathana savilambe dhenava: svairachaaraa: |
tR^iNa kutuka niviShTaa duura duuraM charantya:
kimapi vipinam aiShiikaakhyam iiShaaM babhuuvu: || 1 ||

अनधिगत निदाघक्रौर्य वृन्दावनान्तात्
बहिरिदम् उपयाता: काननं धेनवस्ता: ।
तव विरह विषण्णा ऊष्मल ग्रीष्म ताप-
प्रसर विसरत् अम्भस्य आकुला: स्तम्भम्-आपु: ॥२॥

anadhigata nidaagha kraurya bR^indaavanaantaat
bahiridamupayaataaH kaananaM dhenavastaa: |
tava viraha viShaNNaa uuShmala griiShma taapa
prasara visarat ambhasya aakulaa: stambhamaapu: || 2 ||

तदनु सह सहायै: दूरम् अन्विष्य शौरे
गलित सरणि मुञ्जारण्य सञ्जात खेदम् ।
पशुकुलम् अभिवीक्ष्य क्षिप्रम् आनेतुम् आरात्
अयि गतवति ही ही सर्वतोऽग्नि: जजृम्भे ॥३॥

tadanu saha sahaayai: duuram anviShya shaure
galita saraNi mu~njaaraNya sa~njaata khedam |
pashukulam abhiviikshya kshipram aanetum aaraat
ayi gatavati hii hii sarvatO(a)gni: jajRumbhe || 3 ||

सकल हरिति दीप्ते घोर भाङ्कार भीमे
शिखिनि विहत मार्गा अर्ध दग्धा इवार्ता: ।
अहह भुवन बन्धो पाहि पाहीति सर्वे
शरणम् उपगतास्त्वां ताप हर्तारम् एकम् ॥४॥

sakala hariti diipte ghOra bhaankaara bhiime
shikhini vihata maargaa ardha dagdhaa ivaartaa: |
ahaha bhuvana bandhO paahi paahiiti sarve
sharaNam upagataastvaaM taapa hartaaram ekam || 4 ||

अलम् अलम् अतिभीत्या सर्वतो मीलयध्वं
दृशमिति तव वाचा मीलिताक्षेषु तेषु ।
क्वनु दव दहनोऽसौ कुत्र मुञ्जाटवी सा
सपदि ववृतिरे ते हन्त भाण्डीर देशे ॥५॥

alam alam atibhiityaa sarvatO miilayadhvaM
dR^ishamiti tava vaachaa miilitaaksheShu teShu |
kvanu dava dahanO(a)sau kutra mu~njaaTavii saa
sapadi vavR^itire te hanta bhaaNDiira deshe || 5 ||

जय जय तव माया केयम् इशेति तेषां
नुतिभि: उदितहासो बद्ध नाना विलास: ।
पुनरपि विपिनान्ते प्राचर: पाटलादि-
प्रसव निकर मात्र ग्राह्य घर्मानुभावे ॥६॥

jaya jaya tava maayaa keyam iisheti teShaaM
nutibhi: uditahaasO baddha naanaa vilaasa: |
punarapi vipinaante praachara: paaTalaadi-
prasava nikara maatra graahya gharmaanubhaave || 6 ||

त्वयि विमुखमिवोच्चै: ताप भारं वहन्तं
तव भजनवदन्त: पङ्कम् उच्छोषयन्तम् ।
तव भुजवत् उदञ्चत् भूरितेज: प्रवाहं
तपसमयम् अनैषी: यामुनेषु स्थलेषु ॥७॥

tvayi vimukhamivOchchai: taapa bhaaraM vahantaM
tava bhajanavadanta: pangam uchChOShayantam |
tava bhujavat uda~nchat bhuuriteja: pravaahaM
tapasamayam anaiShii: yaamuneShu sthaleShu || 7 ||

तदनु जलद जालै: त्वद्वपुस्तुल्यभाभि:
विकसदमल विद्युत् पीतवासो विलासै: ।
सकल भुवन भाजां हर्षदां वर्षवेलां
क्षितिधर कुहरेषु स्वैरवासी व्यनैषी: ॥८॥

tadanu jalada jaalai: tvadvapustulyabhaabhi:
vikasadamala vidyut piitavaasO vilaasai: |
sakala bhuvana bhaajaaM harShadaaM varShavelaaM
kshitidhara kuhareShu svairavaasii vyanaiShii: || 8 ||

कुहरतल निविष्टं त्वां गरिष्ठं गिरीन्द्र:
शिखिकुल नवकेका काकुभि: स्तोत्रकारी ।
स्फुट कुटज कदम्बस्तोम पुष्पाञ्जलिं च
प्रविदधत् अनुभेजे देव गोवर्धनोऽसौ ॥९॥

kuharatala niviShTaM tvaaM gariShThaM giriindra:
shikhikula nava kekaa kaakubhi: stOtrakaarii |
sphuTa kuTaja kadambastOma puShpaa~njaliM cha
pravidadhat anubheje deva gOvardhanO(a)sau || 9 ||

अथ शरदमुपेतां तां भवत् भक्त चेत:
विमल सलिल पूरां मानयन् काननेषु ।
तृणम् अमल वनान्ते चारु सञ्चारयन् गा:
पवनपुरपते त्वं देहि मे देह सौख्यम् ॥१०॥

atha sharadamupetaaM taaM bhavat bhakta chetO
vimala salila puuraaM maanayan kaananeShu |
tR^iNam amala vanaante chaaru sa~nchaarayan gaa:
pavanapurapate tvaM dehi me dehasaukhyam ||10 ||

-------Sri Krishnarpanam--------

Saturday, 20 June 2020


Dasakam - 57 - Pralambasura Vadham

Krishna, the fulfiller of all wishes, one day decked in best attire went to the forest together with Balarama and Gopas surrounded by cows. Happily showing the pure scenic beauty of the Brindavana to Balarama, Krishna carrying a staff and sporting a playful mood reached the Bhandareeka(Banyan) tree.

At that time, Pralambasura came there in disguise of a gopa, in an intention to kill Krishna. Krishna quickly recognizing him and his motive, acted innocent and welcomed him and allowed him to be a part of the group. Then Krishna divided the group in to two one headed by him and other by his brother, organised a dual fight between people of two groups with condition that whoever wins should be carried on back by the loser. Pralambasura joined Krishna's group as he was aware of Krishna's power.

Balarama's group overpowered Krishna's group soon. Krishna having lost to his dearest friend Sridhama carried him on his back, affirming his affection for his devotees. In due course of time, Many cowherd boys were carrying and be carried by the other as per game rules. Balarama defeated Pralambasura who then carried Balarama on his back and went long distance away from Krishna.

Balarama increased his weight slowly by his divine power. Unable to bear Balarama's weight for long, Pralambasura dropped him and took his actual form. He resembled a huge mountain touching the cloud and his form was so scary that even Balarama for a second, was shocked. Then seeing Krishna from far, he warded off his fear and sat on shoulders of Pralambasura and hit his head with his mighty fist. Pralambasura was crushed to pulp and fell dead.

Balarama returned back victoriously after killing asura. Krishna embraced his brother and devas and God, who watched this from the celestial world, showered flowers on them. Bhattathiri praised the Lord, the supporter of the three world, one who shines like bees, the one who perfectly executed the plan to kill Pralambasura without delay to protect his devotees and requested to cure his afflictions soon.

Lyrics of Dasakam 57

रामसख: क्वापि दिने कामद भगवन् गतो भवान् विपिनम् ।
सूनुभिरपि गोपानां धेनुभि: अभिसंवृतो लसद्वेष:       ॥१॥

raamasakha: kvaapi dine kaamada bhagavan gatO bhavaan vipinam |
suunubhirapi gOpaanaaM dhenubhi: abhisanvR^itO lasadveSha: || 1 ||

सन्दर्शयन् बलाय स्वैरं वृन्दावनश्रियं विमलाम् ।
काण्डीरै: सह बालै: भाण्डीरकम् आगमो वटं क्रीडन् ॥२॥

sandarshayan balaaya svairaM bR^indaavanashriyaM vimalaam |
kaaNDiirai: saha baalai: bhaaNDiirakam aagamO vaTaM kriiDan || 2 ||

तावत्-तावक-निधन स्पृहयालु: गोपमूर्ति: अदयालु: ।
दैत्य: प्रलम्बनामा प्रलम्ब बाहुं भवन्तम्-आपेदे ॥३॥

taavat-taavaka-nidhana spR^ihayaalu: gOpamuurti: adayaalu: |
daitya: pralambanaamaa pralamba baahuM bhavantam-aapede || 3 ||

जानन्-अपि अविजानन्-इव तेन समं निबद्ध सौहार्द: ।
वटनिकटे पटु पशुप व्याबद्धं द्वन्द्वयुद्धम् आरब्धा: ॥४॥

jaanann-api avijaanann-iva tena samaM nibaddha sauhaarda: |
vaTanikaTe paTu pashupa vyaabaddhaM dvandvayuddham :|| 4 ||

गोपान् विभज्य तन्वन् सङ्घं बलभद्रकं भवत्कमपि ।
त्वत्-बल-भीतम् दैत्यं त्वद्-बल-गतमन्वम् अन्यथा भगवन् ॥५॥
gOpaan vibhajya tanvan sanghaM balabhadrakaM bhavatkamapi |
tvat-bala-bhiitaM daityaM tvad-bala-gatamanvam anyathaa bhagavan || 5 ||

कल्पित विजेतृवहने समरे परयूथगं स्वदयिततरम् ।
श्रीदामानम् अधत्था: पराजितो भक्त दासतां प्रथयन् ॥६॥

kalpita vijetR^ivahane samare parayuuthagaM svadayitataram |
shriidaamaanam adhatthaa: paraajitO bhakta daasataaM prathayan || 6 ||

एवं बहुषु विभूमन् बालेषु वहत्सु वाह्यमानेषु ।
रामविजित: प्रलम्बो जहार तं दूरतो भवद्भीत्या ॥७॥

evaM bahuShu vibhuuman baaleShu vahatsu vaahyamaaneShu |
raamavijita: pralambO jahaara taM duuratO bhavadbhiityaa || 7 ||

त्वद्दूरं गमयन्तं तं दृष्ट्वा हलिनि विहितगरिम् अभरे ।
दैत्य: स्वरूपमागात् यत्-रूपात् स हि बलोऽपि चकितोऽभूत् ॥८॥

tvadduuraM gamayantaM tam dR^iShTvaa halini vihitagarim abhare |
daitya: svaruupamaagaat yat-ruupaat sa hi balO(a)pi chakitO(a)bhuut || 8 ||

उच्चतया दैत्य-तनो: त्वत्-मुखम् आलोक्य दूरतो राम: ।
विगत भयो दृढमुष्ट्या भृशदुष्टं सपदि पिष्टवानेनम् ॥९॥

uchchatayaa daitya-tanO: tvat-mukhaM aalOkya duuratO raama: |
vigata bhayO dR^iDhamuShTyaa bhR^ishaduShTaM sapadi piShTavaanenam || 9 ||

हत्वा दानव वीरं प्राप्तं बलम् आलिलिङ्गिथ प्रेम्णा ।
तावन्-मिलतो:-युवयो: शिरसि कृता पुष्पवृष्टि: अमरगणै: ॥१०॥

hatvaa daanava viiraM praaptaM balam-aalilingitha peramNaa |
taavan-milatO: yuvayO: shirasi kR^itaa puShpavR^iShTi: amaragaNai: || 10 ||

आलम्बो भुवनानां प्रालम्बं निधनमेव आरचयन् ।
कालं विहाय सद्यो लोलम्बरुचे हरे हरे: क्लेशान् ॥११॥

aalambO bhuvanaanaaM praalambaM nidhanamevaM aarachayan |
kaalaM vihaaya sadyO lOlambaruche hare hareH kleshaan || 11 ||

--------Sri Krishnarppanam---------

Thursday, 18 June 2020


Dasakam - 56- Kaaliya Garva Samanam and 
Bhagawath Anugraham

Krishna, for long time, danced on the raised hoods of Kaaliya with his lotus feet, for the tunes of  musical sound made by Devas on dundhubhi, a drum type instrument and songs rendered by the beautiful celestial damsels, with his ear drops too dancing along with him. Krishna played around for long time, dancing on the hoods with his lotus feet, clapping hands beautifully in rhythm with dancing on hoods of Kaaliya which raised up, leaving the ones which dropped down.

The hoods were getting crushed under Krishna's feet and soon Kaaliya became tired and expelled blood making the waters of the river Yamuna red. When all the hoods started to droop in fatigue, the serpent wives surrendered at the feet of Lord with humility. Having known the mighty valour of the Lord, they sang such praises of Lord, which were not even sung by even Devarishis and requested that their husband be spared.

Overcome with melting compassion, Krishna took his feet off Kaaliya, who immediately surrendered at Lord's lotus feet along with his wives. Krishna directed Kaaliya to go to Ramanaka Island, situated in the middle of the ocean and promised that he will not be disturbed by Garuda there. Respecting the words of Krishna, serpent king Kaaliya left to Ramanakam island with his wives immediately.

Krishna dressed himself with the priceless gems and jewels gifted by the wives of serpent king and reached the shore by the evening. Gopas greeted Krishna with tears of joy. It became dark by then and hence, Krishna and gopas could not return to Vraja. They decided to stay back in the forest for the night.

Gopas were sleeping on the banks of the river in the shelter of Krishna's feet. A forest fire engulfed them at the middle of night on all four sides. Gopas awakened by the forest fire, cried to Krishna for help. Krishna drank the fire to protect the gopas. It is no surprise as Lord's face itself is agni.

Gopas appreciated the fact that earlier, the Peethathvam or yellowness was only found in agni or fire as colour, but now due to his action, it can be perfectly called Peethathvam (act of drinking in the verb form). Bhattathiri prayed to the Lord Guruvayoorappan to remove his sins and afflictions.

Lyrics of Dasakam 56

रुचिर कम्पित कुण्डल मण्डल:
सुचिरमीश ननर्तिथ पन्नगे ।
अमरताडित दुन्दुभि सुन्दरं
वियति गायति दैवत यौवते ॥१॥

ruchira kampita kuNDala maNDala:
suchiramiisha nanartitha pannage |
amarataaDita dundubhi sundaram
viyati gaayati daivatayauvate || 1 ||

नमति यद्यदमुष्य शिरो हरे
परिविहाय तदुन्नतम् उन्नतम् ।
परिमथन् पद पङ्करुहा चिरं
व्यहरथा: करताल मनोहरम् ॥२॥

namati yadyadamuShya shirO hare
parivihaaya tadunnatam unnatam |
parimathan pada pankaruhaa chiraM
vyaharathaaH karataala manOharam || 2 ||

त्वदवभग्न विभुग्न फणागणे
गलित शोणित शोणित पाथसि ।
फणिपतौ-अवसीदति सन्नता:
तदबलास्तव माधव पादयो: ॥३॥

tvadavabhagna vibhugna phaNaagaNe
galita shONita shONita paathasi |
phaNipatov-avasiidati sannataa:
tadabalaastava maadhava paadayO: || 3 ||

अयि पुरैव चिराय परिश्रुत-
त्वदनुभाव विलीन हृदो हि ता: ।
मुनिभिरपि अनवाप्य-पथै: स्तवै:
नुनुवुरीश भवन्तम् अयन्त्रितम् ॥४॥

ayi puraiva chiraaya parishruta-
tvadanubhaava viliina hR^idO hi taa: |
munibhirapi anavaapya-pathai: stavai:
nunuvuriisha bhavantam ayantritam || 4 ||

फणिवधूजन भक्ति विलोकन
प्रविकसत् करुणाकुल चेतसा ।
फणिपति: भवताऽच्युत जीवित:
त्वयि समर्पित मूर्तिरवानमत् ॥५॥

phaNivadhuujana bhakti vilOkana
pravikasat karuNaakula chetasaa |
phaNipati: bhavataa(a)chyuta jiivita:
tvayi samarpita muurtiravaanamat || 5 ||

रमणकं व्रज वारिधि मध्यगं
फणि रिपुर्न करोति विरोधिताम् ।
इति भवत्-वचनानिअतिमानयन्
फणिपति: निरगादुरगै: समम् ॥६॥

ramaNakaM vraja vaaridhi madhyagaM
phaNi ripurna karOti virOdhitaam |
iti bhavat-vachanaani ati maanayan
phaNipati: niragaaduragai: samam || 6 ||

फणिवधूजन दत्त मणिव्रज
ज्वलित हार दुकूल विभूषित: ।
तटगतै: प्रमदाश्रु विमिश्रितै:
समगथा: स्वजनै: दिवसावधौ ॥७॥

phaNivadhuujana datta maNivraja
jvalita haara dukuula vibhuuShita: |
taTagatai: pramadaashru vimishritai:
samagathaa: svajanai: divasaavadhau || 7 ||

निशि पुनस्तमसा व्रज मन्दिरं
व्रजितुम् अक्षम एव जनोत्करे ।
स्वपति तत्र भवच्चरणाश्रये
दवकृशानुररुन्ध समन्तत: ॥८॥

nishi punastamasaa vraja mandiraM
vrajitum akshama eva janOtkare |
svapiti tatra bhavachcharaNaashraye
davakR^ishaanurarundha samantata: || 8 ||

प्रबुधितानथ पालय पालय
इत्युदयदार्त रवान् पशुपालकान् ।
अवितुमाशु पपाथ महानलं
किमिह चित्रमयं खलु ते मुखम् ॥९॥

prabudhitaanatha paalaya paalaya
ityudayadaarta ravaan pashupaalakaan |
avitumaashu papaatha mahaanalaM
kimiha chitramayaM khalu te mukham || 9 ||

शिखिनि वर्णत एव हि पीतता
परिलसत्यधुना क्रिययाऽप्यसौ ।
इति नुत: पशुपै: मुदितै: विभो
हर हरे दुरितै: सह मे गदान् ॥१०॥

shikhini varNata eva hi piitataa
parilasatyadhunaa kriyayaapyasau |
iti nuta: pashupai: muditai: vibhO
hara hare duritai: saha me gadaan ||10 ||

--------Sri Krishnarpanam--------

Tuesday, 16 June 2020


Dasakam - 55 - Kaaliya Narthanam

With the intention to drive away Kaaliya from river Yamuna, Krishna reached the Kadamba tree near the bank of the river, leaves of which had already dried up due to the poisonous air. Krishna climbed the tree with his lotus feet. From the top of the tree, he leaped into the river waters with swirling waves. Krishna, who bears three worlds, when jumped in to the water, the river rose and swell due to his immense weight, submerging river bed to an extent of hundred yards.

Disturbed by the uproar and upsurge, Kaaliya came out angrily with his thousand hoods, each resembling a mountain, emitting fire and deadly poison, attacked Krishna who did not even move. Then Kaaliya who was fuming poison and spreading intense heat wrapped himself around Krishna.

Meanwhile Gopas waiting for Krishna became restless and came in search of him to the river. Also the people of Vrindavan experienced some bad omens at home and rushed to river yamuna to see what was happening there.  All of them saw that Krishna was being surrounded by thousand heads of the deadly Kaaliya. Immediately they were gripped by fear and grief, wanted to give up their life to save Krishna. But all of a sudden, Krishna freed himself from the clutches of Kaaliya's hoods and rose smilingly above the coils of the serpant in the water.

Mounted on the hoods of the serpent king Kaaliya, Krishna started to dance with his tender lotus like beautiful feet. He danced so gracefully over every rising hood of the serpent with his anklets making gentle sound matching with the tinklings of the bangles on his wrists. Gopas were awestruck to see the dance, Divine sages and Gods from heaven who gathered to witness the dance, showered flowers.

Bhattathiri delighted with the grace with which Lord danced on the serpent king Kaaliya, prayed to Guruvayoorappan to protect him and cure him of afflictions.

Lyrics of Dasakam 55

अथ वारिणि घोरतरं फणिनं
प्रतिवारयितुं कृतधीर्भगवन् ।
द्रुत मारिथ तीरगनीप तरुं
विषमारुत शोषित पर्णचयम् ॥१॥

atha vaariNi ghOrataraM phaNinaM
prativaarayituM kR^itadhiirbhagavan |
drutamaaritha tiiraga niipataruM
viShamaarutashOShita parNachayam || 1 ||

अधिरुह्य पदाम्बुरुहेण च तं
नव पल्लव तुल्य मनोज्ञरुचा ।
ह्रदवारिणि दूरतरं न्यपत:
परिघूर्णित घोर तरङ्ग गणे ॥२॥

adhiruhya padaamburuheNa cha taM
nava pallava tulya manOj~naruchaa |
hradavaariNi duurataraM nyapata:
parighuurNita ghOra taranga gaNe || 2 ||

भुवनत्रयभार भृतो भवतो
गुरुभार विकम्पि विजृम्भि जला ।
परिमज्जयति स्म धनुश्शतकं
तटिनी झटिति स्फुट घोषवती ॥३॥

bhuvanatraya bhaara bhR^itO bhavatO
gurubhaara vikampi vijR^imbhi jalaa |
parimajjayati sma dhanushshatakaM
taTinii jhaTiti sphuTa ghOShavatii || 3 ||

अथ दिक्षु विदिक्षु परिक्षुभित-
भ्रमितोदर वारि निनादभरै: ।
उदकादुदगा दुरगाधिपति:
त्वदुपान्तम् अशान्त रुषाऽन्धमना: ॥४॥

atha dikshu vidikshu parikshubhita -
bhramitOdara vaari ninaadabharai: |
udakaadudagaa duragaadhipati:
tvadupaantam ashaanta ruShaa(a)ndhamanaa: || 4 ||

फणशृङ्ग सहस्र विनिस्सृमर-
ज्वलदग्नि कणोग्र विषाम्बुधरम् ।
पुरत: फणिनं समलोकयथा
बहुशृङ्गिणम् अञ्जन शैलमिव ॥५॥

phaNashR^inga sahasra vinissR^imara-
jvaladagni kaNOgra viShaambudharam |
purata: phaNinaM samalOkayathaa
bahushR^ingiNam anjana shailamiva || 5 ||

ज्वलदक्षि परिक्षरदुग्र विष-
श्वसनोष्मभर: स महाभुजग: ।
परिदश्य भवन्तम् अनन्तबलं
समवेष्टयद स्फुट चेष्टमहो ॥६॥

jvaladakshi parikshara dugra viSha-
shvasanOShmabhara: sa mahaabhujaga: |
paridashya bhavantam anantabalaM
samaveShTayada sphuTa cheShTamahO || 6 ||

अविलोक्य भवन्तम् अथाकुलिते
तट गामिनि बालक धेनु गणे ।
व्रजगेह तलेऽप्यनिमित्त शतं
समुदीक्ष्य गता यमुनां पशुपा: ।।७॥

avilOkya bhavantam athaakulite
taTa gaamini baalaka dhenu gaNe |
vrajageha tale(a)pyanimitta shataM
samudiikshya gataa yamunaaM pashupaa: || 7 ||

अखिलेषु विभो भवदीय दशाम्
अवलोक्य जिहासुषु जीवभरम् ।
फणि बन्धनमाशु विमुच्य जवात्
उदगम्यत हासजुषा भवता ॥८॥

akhileShu vibhO bhavadiiya dashaamM
avalOkya jihaasuShu jiivabharam |
phaNi bandhanamaashu vimuchya javaat
udagamyata haasajuShaa bhavataa || 8 ||

अधिरुह्य तत: फणिराज फणान्
ननृते भवता मृदु पादरुचा ।
कलशिञ्जित नूपुर मञ्जुमिलत्
करकङ्कण सङ्कुल सङ्क्वणितम् ॥९॥

adhiruhya tata: phaNiraaja phaNaan
nanR^ite bhavataa mR^idu paadaruchaa |
kalashi~njita nuupura manjumilat
karakankaNa sankula sankvaNitam || 9 ||

जहृषु: पशुपा: तुतुषुर्मुनयो
ववृषु: कुसुमानि सुरेन्द्र गणा: ।
त्वयि नृत्यति मारुत गेहपते
परिपाहि स मां त्वमदान्त गदात् ॥१०॥

jahR^iShu: pashupaa: tutuShurmunayO
vavR^iShu: kusumaani surendra gaNaa: |
tvayi nR^ityati maaruta gehapate
paripaahi sa maaM tvamadaanta gadaat || 10 ||

--------Sri Krishnarpanam---------

Monday, 15 June 2020


Dasakam - 54 - Kaaliya takes refuge in Yamuna

Long ago, there was a sage called Soubhari, a devotee of Lord, who did penance to have Lord's vision, by immersing himself in the river Yamuna/Kaalindi for twelve years. During his stay in the river, he got attached to the fishes living there. Once when Lord's mount, Garuda was hungry and ate fish present in the Kalindi river, Shoubari noticed this and overwhelmed with pity for the fishes, cursed Garuda that if he ever came to the river to eat fishes he would die.

A powerful serpent, Kaaliya was very proud due to the power of his poison. He ate offerings kept for Garuda, the enemy of Serpents. Angry with Kaliya, Garuda took refuge at the lotus feet of Lord and then attacked Kaaliya with his wings, overpowered him and chased him out. Knowing that Garuda will not come to the river Yamuna due to Shoubari's Curse, Kaaliya took refuge in it. 

After Kaaliya started to live in the river, the water turned poisonous.  The vegetation in the forest began to wither, birds flying over the river, fell dead inhaling the air around the river. Lord's heart melted in compassion and was moved with the plight of the creatures around the river.

On one hot summer day, Krishna went to the interior of the forest on the banks of the river Yamuna without his brother Balarama. The cows and cowherds which felt very thirsty drank the river water, soon fell dead on the ground. Krishna felt pity for the cows and Gopas and by his merciful glances, which were like showering nectar in to their body and revived them back to life. 

Gopas got up from ground wondering what is flowing in their various parts of the body to make it cool. Remembering various divine acts of Krishna, they concluded that all this must be one of his pranks and hugged him and thanked Krishna for saving them. Even the cows felt grateful and surrounded Krishna and kept mooing, shedding tears of joy.

Gopas had goosebumps all over their body and was experiencing a bliss which could not be expressed. Wondering if it was all due to the poison, the gopas fell at Krishna's feet and praised and prayed to him. Thus Lord revived his devotees by his merciful glances and rendered them devoid of any disease. Bhattathiri prayed to that Lord Guruvayoorappan to protect him and cure him of his disease with his merciful glances and Lord acknowledged it promptly.

Lyrics of Dasakam  54

त्वत् सेवोत्क: सौभरिर्नाम पूर्वं
कालिन्द्यन्त; द्वादशाब्दम् तपस्यन् ।
मीनव्राते स्नेहवान् भोगलोले
तार्क्ष्यं साक्षात् ऐक्षताग्रे कदाचित् ॥१॥

tvat sevOtka: saubharir naama puurvaM
kaalindyanta: dvaadashaabdaM tapasyan |
miinavraate snehavaan bhOgalOle
taarkshyaM saakshaat aikshataagre kadaachit || 1 ||

त्वत् वाहं तं सक्षुधं तृक्षसूनुं
मीनं कञ्चित् जक्षतं लक्षयन् स: ।
तप्तश्चित्ते शप्तवानत्र चेत्त्वं
जन्तून् भोक्ता जीवितं चापि भोक्ता ॥२॥

tvat vaahaM taM sakshudhaM tR^ikshasuunuM
miinaM ka~nchit jakshataM lakshayan sa: |
taptashchitte shaptavaanatra chettvaM
jantuun bhOktaa jiivitaM chaapi bhOktaa || 2 ||

तस्मिन् काले कालिय: क्ष्वेलदर्पात्
सर्पाराते: कल्पितं भागमश्नन् ।
तेन क्रोधात् त्वत् पदाम्भोज भाजा
पक्षक्षिप्त: तद्दुरापं पयोऽगात् ॥३॥

tasmin kaale kaaliya: kshveladarpaat
sarpaaraate: kalpitaM bhaagamashnan |
tena krOdhaat tvat padaambhOja bhaajaa
pakshakshipta: tadduraapaM payO(a)gaat || 3 ||

घोरे तस्मिन् सूरजा नीरवासे
तीरे वृक्षा विक्षता: क्ष्वेल वेगात् ।
पक्षिव्राता: पेतुरभ्रे पतन्त:
कारुण्यार्द्रं त्वन्मनस्तेन जातम् ॥४॥

ghOre tasmin suurajaa niiravaase
tiire vR^ikshaa vikshataa: kshvela vegaat |
pakshivraataa: peturabhre patanta:
kaaruNyaardraM tvanmanastena jaatam || 4 ||

काले तस्मिन् एकदा सीरपाणिं
मुक्त्वा याते यामुनं काननान्तम् ।
त्वय्युद्दाम ग्रीष्म भीष्मोष्म तप्ता
गो गोपाला व्यापिबन् क्ष्वेलतोयम् ॥५॥

kaale tasminn ekadaa siirapaaNiM
muktvaa yaate yaamunaM kaananaantam |
tvayyuddaama griiShma bhiiShmOShma taptaa
gO gOpaalaa vyaapiban kshvelatOyam || 5 ||

नश्यज्जीवान् विच्युतान् क्ष्मातले तान्
विश्वान् पश्यन् अच्युत त्वं दयार्द्र: ।
प्राप्योपान्तं जीवयामासिथ द्राक्
पीयूषाम्भो वर्षिभि: श्री कटाक्षै: ॥६॥

nashyajjiivaan vichyutaan kshmaatale taan
vishvaan pashyann achyuta tvaM dayaardra: |
praapyOpaantaM jiivayaamaasitha draak
piiyuuShaambhO varShibhi: shrii kaTaakshai: || 6 ||

किं किं जातो हर्ष वर्षातिरेक:
सर्वाङ्गेषु इत्युत्थिता गोपसङ्घा: ।
दृष्ट्वाऽग्रे त्वां त्वत्कृतं तद्विदन्त:
त्वामालिङ्गन् दृष्टनाना प्रभावा: ॥७॥

kiM kiM jaatO harSha varShaatireka:
sarvaangeShu ityutthitaa gOpasanghaa: |
dR^iShTvaagre tvaaM tvatkR^itaM tadvidanta:
tvaamaalingan dR^iShTanaanaa prabhaavaa: || 7 ||

गावश्चैवं लब्धजीवा: क्षणेन
स्फीतानन्दा: त्वां च दृष्ट्वा पुरस्तात् ।
द्रागा वव्रु: सर्वतो हर्ष बाष्पं
व्यामुञ्चन्त्यो मन्दम् उद्यन् निनादा: ॥८॥

gaavashchaivaM labdhajiivaa: kshaNena
sphiitaanandaa: tvaaM cha dR^iShTvaa purastaat |
draagaa vavru: sarvatO harSha baaShpaM
vyaamu~nchantyO mandam udyan ninaadaa: || 8 ||

रोमाञ्चोऽयं सर्वतो न: शरीरे
भूयस्यन्त: काचिदानन्द मूर्छा ।
आश्चर्योऽयं क्ष्वेलवेगो मुकुन्द-
इत्युक्तो गोपै: नन्दितो वन्दितोऽभू: ॥९॥

rOmaa~nchO(a)yaM sarvatO na: shariire
bhuuyasyanta: kaachidaananda muurchChaa |
aashcharyO(a)yaM kshvelavegO mukunda-
ityuktO gOpai: nanditO vanditO(a)bhuu: || 9 ||

एवं भक्तान् मुक्त जीवानपि त्वं
मुग्धापाङ्गै: अस्तरोगांस्तनोषि ।
तादृग्भूत: स्फीत कारुण्य भूमा
रोगात् पाया वायु गेहाधि वास ॥१०॥

evaM bhaktaan mukta jiivaanapi tvaM
mugdhaapaangai: astarOgaamstanOShi |
taadR^igbhuuta sphiita kaaruNya bhuumaa
rOgaatpaayaa vaayugehaadhi vaasa || 10 ||

----------Sri Krishnarpanam--------

Friday, 12 June 2020


Dasakam - 53 - Denukasura vadham

Krishna completed five years and entered boyhood, which is between 6 to 10 years. Then Krishna gave up tending of calves and started to rear cows and cattle. Krishna's reason to incarnate was to protect Gothra, the earth and cows.  As first step, Krishna started to protect cows, befitting the reason he took to incarnate.

One day while Krishna was roaming happily in the forest with his brother Balarama, his close friend Sridhama mentioned about the Talavana near by where there are lot of ripe Jambukas or Palm fruits. The fruits were tasty but no human or animal or birds could enter the forest for the fear of a demon called Dhenukasura. Krishna and Balarama entered the Dhenuka forest. Balarama shook the long Jambu trees and ripe and unripe fruits began to fall. Along with the fruit, Denukasuran appeared in the form of a donkey.

Dhenuka means cow, Krishna being protector of cows did not want to kill the asura with the cow name. So Krishna entrusted slaying of Denuka to his brother Balarama. Balarama caught hold of the hind legs of the donkey and swirled him as fast as he could, hit him against a tree and killed him.

Dhenukasura's friends came rushing in the form of jackals or Jambukas and attacked the brothers, but Krishna and Balarama effortlessly threw them as if they were jambu fruits and killed them. God Varuna who witnessed the event was also shocked as he too had a name called Jambuka and was scared to reveal it outside for the fear that he would be in danger too and so let the name remain only in vedas.

Devas who witnessed the slaying of Denuka, praised Lord that the fruit of incarnation is beginning to be achieved already. However Krishna laughed at it and agreed that he got the fruits in the Denukavanam. Krishna and Gopa boys ate the  honey dripping fleshy fruits to their heart content.

Krishna, Balarama and their friends carried loads of fruits to their houses in the evening. The people at Vrindavana welcomed the boys and happy over Denukasuran vadham, praised the brothers for their mighty valour and ate the sweet fruits happily. Bhattathiri prayed to the Lord who was blessed to live long and be victorious always, to cure him of his afflictions.

Lyrics of Dasakam 53

अतीत्य बाल्यं जगतां पते त्वम्
उपेत्य पौगण्ड वयो मनोज्ञं ।
उपेक्ष्य वत्सावनम् उत्सवेन
प्रावर्तथा गो गण पालनायाम् ॥१॥

atiitya baalyaM jagataaM pate tvam
upetya paugaNDa vayO manOj~nam |
upekshya vatsaavanam utsavena
praavartathaa gO gaNa paalanaayaam || 1 ||

उपक्रमस्यानु-गुणैव सेयं
मरुत्पुराधीश तव प्रवृत्ति: ।
गोत्रा परित्राण कृतेऽवतीर्ण:
तदेव देवा आरभथा: तदा यत् ॥२॥

upakramasyaanu-guNaiva seyaM
marutpuraadhiisha tava pravR^itti: |
gOtraa paritraaNa kR^ite(a)vatiirNa:
tadeva devaa(a)(a)rabhathaa: tadaa yat || 2 ||

कदापि रामेण समं वनान्ते
वनश्रियं वीक्ष्य चरन् सुखेन ।
श्रीदामनाम्न: स्वसखस्य वाचा
मोदादगा धेनुककाननं त्वम् ॥३॥

kadaa(a)pi raameNa samaM vanaante vanashriyaM viikshya charan sukhena |
shriidaamanaamnaH svasakhasya vaachaa mOdaadagaa dhenukakaananaM tvam || 3

उत्ताल ताली निवहे त्वदुक्त्या
बलेन धूतेऽथ बलेन दोर्भ्याम् ।
मृदु: खरश्चाभ्यपतत् पुरस्तात्
फलोत्करो धेनुक दानवोऽपि ॥४॥

uttaala taali inivahe tvaduktyaa
balena dhuute(a)tha balena dOrbhyaam |
mR^idu: kharashchaabhyapatat purastaat
phalOtkarO dhenuka daanavO(a)pi || 4 ||

समुद्यतो धैनुक पालनेऽहं
कथं वधं धैनुकमद्य कुर्वे ।
इतीव मत्वा ध्रुवम् अग्रजेन
सुरौघ योद्धारम् अजीघतस्त्वम् ॥५॥

samudyatO dhainuka paalane(a)haM
kathaM vadhaM dhainukamadya kurve |
itiiva matvaa dhruvam agrajena
suraugha yOddhaaram ajiighatastvam || 5 ||

तदीयभृत्यानपि जम्बुकत्वेन 
उपागतान् अग्रज संयुतस्त्वम् ।
जम्बू फलानीव तदा निरास्थ:
तालेषु खेलन् भगवन् निरास्थ: ॥६॥

tadiiya bhR^ityaanapi jambukatvena
upaagataan agraja samyutastvam |
jambuu phalaaniiva tadaa niraastha:
taaleShu khelan bhagavan niraastha: || 6 ||

विनिघ्नति त्वय्यथ जम्बुकौघं
सनामकत्वात् वरुणस्तदानीम् ।
भयाकुलो जम्बुक नामधेयं
श्रुति प्रसिद्धं व्यधितेति मन्ये ॥७॥

vinighnati tvayyatha jambukaughaM
sanaamakatvaat varuNastadaaniim
bhayaakulO jambuka naamadheyaM
shruti prasiddhaM vyadhiteti manye || 7 ||

तवावतारस्य फलं मुरारे
सञ्जातमद्येति सुरैर्नुतस्त्वम् ।
सत्यं फलं जातमिहेति हासी
बालै: समं ताल फलान् अभुङ्क्था: ॥८॥

tavaavataarasya phalaM muraare
sanjaatamadyeti surairnutastvam |
satyaM phalaM jaatamiheti haasii
baalai: samaM taala phalaan abhunkthaa: || 8 ||

मधुद्रवस्रुन्ति बृहन्ति तानि
फलानि मेदोभर भृन्ति भुक्त्वा ।
तृप्तैश्च दृप्तै: भवनं फलौघं
वहद्भिरागा: खलु बालकैस्त्वम् ॥९॥

madhudravasrunti bR^ihanti taani
phalaani medObhara bhR^inti bhuktvaa |
tR^iptaishcha dR^iptai: bhavanaM phalaughaM
vahadbhiraagaa: khalu baalakaistvam || 9 ||

हतो हतो धेनुक इत्युपेत्य
फलान्यदद्भि: मधुराणि लोकै: ।
जयेति जीवेति नुतो विभो त्वं
मरुत्पुराधीश्वर पाहि रोगात् ॥१०॥

hatO hatO dhenuka ityupetya
phalaanyadadbhi: madhuraaNi lOkai: |
jayeti jiiveti nutO vibhO tvaM
marutpuraadhiishvara paahi rOgaat || 10 ||

--------Sri Krishnarpanam--------

Thursday, 11 June 2020


Dasakam - 52 - Brahma Garva Samanam

Lord Hari took so many incarnations previously. But the glory and majesties seen in Krishna incarnation was the best of all, especially like slaying and salvation of Aghasura. Watching all these, Brahma decided to test Lord and so with his power of Maya, took calves and hid them in an unseen place. Gopas searched for their calves everywhere in the forest and became worried and complained to Krishna. Krishna, knowing Brahma's intent, in the pretext of finding the calves, set out to search for them with half-eaten rice ball in his hand amidst his lunch. Thus making it easy for Brahma, who then  made the cowherd boys disappear as well and trapped all of them in a cave. 

Krishna understood the happening through his divine powers and decided to teach a lesson to Brahma. He multiplied himself in to many forms and took the form of each and every Gopa and calves, utensils, horn, flute which they used, played in the woods for long. Evening Krishna went back to vrindavana along with the Gopas and calves, all of which were his own forms. They were so accurate like the original Gopas and calves that even their mothers and cows could not see any difference. Gopikas and cows received the gopa boys and calves with great joy.  

Every life born in this world, which belongs to God is received by the parent, with the delusion that it belongs to them and show love to it. In such a situation, if Paramatma himself goes as a child, then their joy becomes limitless! Mothers developed more affinity to their children and cows kept licking their calves as they were all Lord himself. Even Balarama could not make out the difference until an year ended. Though both are brahma swaroopam, still Lord was unique and special.

A year went by, one day when Krishna and Balarama went to forest with Gopas and calves, Balarama mentioned that somehow all gopas and calves resembled Krishna only to him. Krishna then revealed to him the maya played by Brahma. Brahma by then, came to forest, got confused, seeing the Gopas surrounding Krishna and Balarama and calves grazing happily as before. When Brahma saw them intently, every gopa and calf looked like krishna with four arms adorned with crown, mace, conch and ornaments. To Brahma, each one of them were Narayana himself reclining on the snake bed, set in a trance, with Mother Lakshmi massaging his feet, sanakas and sanandaras worshipping him. Brahma's mind was  totally confused with delusion and while he was witnessing all these, Lord merged all the forms together in to one and stood as Krishna with half eaten rice ball.

Brahma was humbled, he bowed down to the Lord, sang his praises, freed the Gopas and calves and went back to Sathyaloka. Krishna came back to vrindavana, rejoicing with Gopas and calves who were unaware of what had happened to them. Bhattathiri happy with Lord's mercy and power with which he subdued Brahma, requested Lord Guruvayoorappa to save him from his afflictions.

Lyrics of Dasakam 52

अन्यावतार निकरेषु अनिरीक्षितं ते
भूमातिरेकम्-अभिवीक्ष्य तदाघमोक्षे ।
ब्रह्मा परीक्षितुमना: स परोक्षभावं
निन्येऽथ वत्सक गणान् प्रवितत्य मायाम् ॥१॥

anyaavataara nikareShu aniriikshitaM te
bhuumaatirekam-abhiviikshya tadaaghamOkshe |
brahmaa pariikshitumanaa: sa parOkshabhaavaM
ninye(a)tha vatsaka gaNaan pravitatya maayaam || 1 ||

वत्सानवीक्ष्य विवशे पशुपोत्करे तान्
आनेतुकाम इव धातृ मतानुवर्ती ।
त्वं सामिभुक्त कबलो गतवांस्तदानीं
भुक्तां-स्तिरोऽधित सरोज भव: कुमारान् ॥२॥

vatsaanaviikshya vivashe pashupOtkaretaan
aanetukaama iva dhaatR^u mataanuvartii |
tvaM saamibhukta kabalO gatavaamstadaaniiM
bhuktaam-stirOdhita sarOja bhava: kumaaraan || 2 ||

वत्सायितस्तदनु गोप गणायितस्त्वं
शिक्यादि भाण्ड मुरली गवलादिरूप: ।
प्राग्वत्-विहृत्य विपिनेषु चिराय सायं
त्वं माययाऽथ बहुधा व्रजम्-आययाथ ॥३॥

vatsaayita-stadanu gOpa gaNaayitastvaM
shikyaadi bhaaNDa muralii gavalaadiruupa: |
praagvat-vihR^itya vipineShu chiraaya saayaM
tvaM maayayaa(a)tha bahudhaa vrajam-aayayaatha || 3 ||

त्वामेव शिक्य गवलादिमयं दधानो
भूयस्त्वमेव पशु वत्सक बालरूप: ।
गो रूपिणीभिरपि गोपवधू मयीभि:
आसादितोऽसि जननीभि: अति-प्रहर्षात् ॥४॥

tvaameva shikya gavalaadimayaM dadhaanO
bhuuyastvameva pashu vatsaka baalaruupa: |
gO ruupiNiibhirapi gOpavadhuu mayiibhi:
aasaaditO(a)si jananiibhi: ati-praharShaat || 4 ||

जीवं हि कञ्चिदभिमान वशात्-स्वकीयं
मत्वा तनूज इति रागभरं वहन्त्य: ।
आत्मानमेव तु भवन्तम् अवाप्य सूनुं
प्रीतिं ययुर्न कियतीं वनिताश्च गाव: ॥५॥

jiivaM hi ka~nchidabhimaana vashaat-svakiiyaM
matvaa tanuuja iti raagabharaM vahantya: |
aatmaanameva tu bhavantam avaapya suunuM
priitiM yayurna kiyatiiM vanitaashcha gaava: || 5 ||

एवं प्रतिक्षण विजृम्भित हर्षभार-
निश्शेष गोप गण लालित भूरिमूर्तिम् ।
त्वाम्-अग्रजोऽपि बुबुधे किल वत्सरान्ते
ब्रह्मात्मनोरपि महान् युवयोर्विशेष: ॥६॥

evaM pratikshaNa vijR^imbhita harShabhaara-
niHsheSha gOpa gaNa laalita bhuuri muurtim |
tvaamagrajO(a)pi bubudhe kila vatsaraante
brahmaatmanOrapi mahaan yuvayOrvisheShaH || 6 ||

वर्षावधौ नव पुरातन वत्स पालान्
दृष्ट्वा विवेकम्-असृणे द्रुहिणे विमूढे ।
प्रादीदृश: प्रतिनवान् मकुटाङ्गदादि-
भूषांश्चतुर्भुज युज: सजलाम्बुदाभान् ॥७॥

varShaavadhau nava puraatana vatsa paalaan
dR^iShTvaa vivekam-asR^iNe druhiNe vimuuDhe |
praadiidR^isha: pratinavaan makuTaangadaadi
bhuuShaamshchaturbhuja yuja: sajalaambudaabhaan || 7 ||

प्रत्येकमेव कमला परिलालिताङ्गान्
भोगीन्द्र भोग शयनान् नयनाभिरामान् ।
लीला निमीलित दृश: सनकादियोगि-
व्यासेवितान् कमलभू: भवतो ददर्श ॥८॥

pratyekameva kamalaa parilaalitaangaan
bhOgiindra bhOgashayanaan nayanaabhiraamaan |
liilaa nimiilitadR^ishaH sanakaadi yOgi-
vyaasevitaan kamalabhuurbhavatO dadarsha || 8 ||

नारायणाकृतिम् असंख्यतमां निरीक्ष्य
सर्वत्र सेवकमपि स्वम्-अवेक्ष्य धाता ।
माया निमग्न हृदयो विमुमोह यावत्
एको बभूविथ तदा कबलार्ध पाणि: ॥९॥

naaraayaNaakR^itiM asankhyatamaaM niriikshya
sarvatra sevakamapi svam-avekshya dhaataa |
maayaa nimagna hR^idayO vimumOha yaavat
ekO babhuuvitha tadaa kabalaardha paaNi: || 9 ||

नश्यन्मदे तदनु विश्वपतिं मुहुस्त्वां
नत्वा च नूतवति धातरि धाम याते ।
पोतै: समं प्रमुदितै: प्रविशन् निकेतं
वातालयाधिप विभो परिपाहि रोगात् ॥१०॥

nashyanmade tadanu vishvapatim muhustvaaM
natvaa cha nuutavati dhaatari dhaama yaate |
pOtai: samaM pramuditai: pravishanniketaM
vaataalayaadhipa vibhO paripaahi rOgaat || 10 ||

--------Sri Krishnarpanam---------

Wednesday, 10 June 2020


Dasakam - 51 - Agasura Vadham and 

Vana Bhojanam

One early morning, Krishna wished to go on a picnic to the forest along with the children of Vraja Desa. They carried eatables, cooked rice, curd rice and all delicacies and left to the forest with the cows and calves. As Krishna walked through the forest, the sages collected the dust raised by Krishna's tiny lotus feet in the forest, smeared their body with it, which has power to purify the three worlds.

Krishna and Gopa boys  were grazing the cows in the forest grasslands. Suddenly the most terrifying Aghasura, demon brother of Putana and Bakasura, planning to revenge Krishna and Balarama for slaying of his siblings, appeared in the form of a Python and blocked the way. The snake was 8 miles long and thick as a hill with its mouth so wide open that it touched the clouds. 

When Krishna had gone out, the innocent cowherd boys mistook it to be a cave in the hill and entered it along with the cows, in their enthusiasm to explore the woods. When they reached the snake's belly, notwithstanding the excessive heat, they cried for help. Krishna entered the snake to save his helpless friends. Krishna kept increasing his size at the throat of the python so much that Aghasura choked and withered in pain. Krishna tore the snake's neck killing Agasura and freed the cowherd boys and the cows. A huge radiance which emanated from the body of the snake, stood high in the sky for an instant and then merged with Krishna, once he came out of the huge snake. Brahma, other Gods and divine sages showered flowers on Krishna rejoicing his mighty action. 

Then Krishna, Balarama and cowherd gang enjoyed the lunch picnic by eating the delicacies, they had carried from home in the noon. Brahma, Devas and other gods followed Krishna in the skies, wonder struck at the happenings in the forest. Krishna, tucking horn and flute in his waist, holding ball of rice in hand, entertained the children with his humorous talks. Brahma and other gods watched the above scene and sang Lord's glory joyfully.

The great Gods admired the compassion and love shown by Krishna, when he was enjoying the meal in the company of cowherds more than he would have enjoyed the "Havis" offered to him  through the sacrificial yagnas by Gods and sang words of appreciation immediately. Bhattathiri prayed to Lord Guruvayoorappan of such glory to protect him from his afflictions.

Lyrics of Dasakam 51

कदाचन व्रज शिशुभि: समं भवान्
वनाशने विहितमति: प्रगेतराम् ।
समावृतो बहुतर वत्स मण्डलै:
सतेमनै: निरगमदीश जेमनै: ॥१॥

kadaachana vrajashishubhi: samaM bhavaan
vanaashane vihitamati: pragetaraam |
samaavR^itO bahutara vatsamaNDalai:
satemanai: niragamadiisha jemanai: || 1 ||

विनिर्यत:  तव चरणाम्बुज द्वयात्
उदञ्चितं त्रिभुवन पावनं रज: ।
महर्षय: पुलकधरै: कलेबरै:
उदूहिरे धृत भव दीक्षणोत्सवा: ॥२॥

viniryata: tava charaNaambuja dvayaat
uda~nchitaM tribhuvana paavanaM raja: |
maharShaya: pulakadharai: kalevarai:
uduuhire dhR^ita bhava diikshaNOtsavaa: || 2 ||

प्रचारयति अविरल-शाद्वले तले
पशून् विभो भवति समं कुमारकै: ।
अघासुरो न्यरुण दघाय वर्तनीम्
भयानक: सपदि शयानकाकृति: ॥३॥

prachaarayati avirala shaadvale tale
pashuun vibhO bhavati samaM kumaarakai: |
aghaasurO nyaruNa daghaaya vartaniiM
bhayaanaka: sapadi shayaana kaakR^iti: || 3 ||

महाचल प्रतिम तनोर्गुहानिभ-
प्रसारित प्रथित मुखस्य कानने ।
मुखोदरं विहरण कौतुकात्-गता:
कुमारका: किमपि विदूरगे त्वयि ॥४॥

mahaachala pratima tanOr-guhaanibha-
prasaarita prathita mukhasya kaanane |
mukhOdaraM viharaNa kautukaat-gataa:
kumaarakaa: kimapi viduurage tvayi || 4 ||

प्रमादत: प्रविशति पन्नगोदरं
क्वथत्तनौ पशुप कुले सवात्सके ।
विदन्निदं त्वमपि विवेशिथ प्रभो
सुहृज्जनं विशरणम्-आशु रक्षितुम् ॥५॥

pramaadata: pravishati pannagOdaraM
kvathattanau pashupa kule savaatsake |
vidannidaM tvamapi viveshitha prabhO
suhR^ijjanaM visharaNam-aashu rakshitum || 5 ||

गलोदरे विपुलित वर्ष्मणा त्वया
महोरगे लुठति निरुद्ध मारुते ।
द्रुतं भवान् विदलित कण्ठ मण्डलो
विमोचयन् पशुप पशून् विनिर्ययौ ॥६॥

galOdare vipulita varShmaNaa tvayaa
mahOrage luThati niruddha maarute |
drutaM bhavaan vidalita kaNTha maNDalO
vimOchayan pashupa pashuun viniryayau || 6 ||

क्षणं दिवि त्वदुप गमार्थम्-आस्थितं
महासुर प्रभवमहो महो महत् ।
विनिर्गते त्वयि तु निलीनमञ्जसा
नभ:स्थले ननृतुरथो जगु: सुरा: ॥७॥

kshaNaM divi tvadupa gamaartham-aasthitaM
mahaasura prabhava mahO mahO mahat |
vinirgate tvayi tu niliina-ma~njasaa
nabha: sthale nanR^iturathO jagu: suraa: || 7 ||

सविस्मयै: कमल भवादिभि: सुरै:
अनुद्रुत: तदनु गत: कुमारकै: ।
दिने पुन: तरुण दशाम् उपेयुषि
स्वकै: भवानतनुत भोजनोत्सवम् ॥८॥

sa vismayai: kamala bhavaadibhi: surai:
anudruta: tadanu gata: kumaarakai: |
dine puna: taruNa dashaam upeyuShii
svakai: bhavaanatanuta bhOjanOtsavam || 8 ||

विषाणिकामपि मुरलीं नितम्बके
निवेशयन् कबलधर: कराम्बुजे ।
प्रहासयन् कल वचनै: कुमारकान्
बुभोजिथ त्रिदश गणैर्मुदा नुत: ॥९॥

viShaaNikaamapi muraliiM nitambake
niveshayan kabaladhara: karaambuje |
prahaasayan kala vachanai: kumaarakaan
bubhOjita tridashagaNairmudaa nuta: || 9 ||

सुखाशनं तु -इह तव गोपमण्डले
मखाशनात् प्रियमिव देवमण्डले ।
इति स्तुत: त्रिदशवरै: जगत्पते
मरुत्पुरीनिलय गदात् प्रपाहि माम् ॥१०॥

sukhaashanaM tu-iha tava gOpamaNDale
makhaashanaat priyamiva devamaNDale |
iti stuta: tridashavarai: jagatpate
marutpuriinilaya gadaat prapaahi maam || 10 ||

---------Sri Krishnarpanam---------

Monday, 8 June 2020


Dasakam - 50 - Vatsasura and Bakasura Vadham

Krishna with a radiant form which is pleasing to everyone's eyes desired to tend the cows and calves in the beautiful Brindavan, where swam of honey bees fleet around. Carrying horn, flute and a cute stick, he left to the forest together with his brother Balarama and other cowherd boys and spent his time happily. Lord's lotus feet which protects the entire world, caressed fondly by the lotus hands of  Goddess Sri Lakshmi, when it touched the brindavana, all the trees, plants, creepers, water, earth, mountain and fields became fertile and bloomed with prosperity.

One day, amidst cool breeze from Govardhana Mountain, Krishna was playing gently his flute and taking care of calves which were grazing in the meadows. Vatsasura came in the form of a calf and hid among the calves grazing there, wanting to kill Balarama and Krishna. Asura walked wagging its tail and amidst that was gazing in an odd way at the brothers, waiting for a time to strike.

Krishna noticed it and went near it, caught it from behind its hind legs and tail and spinned it over his head so fast and hit it against a tree. The force with which evil-minded asura fell dead, few tress in the forest fell and destroyed the forest. Devas watching the sight from heaven were so pleased and showered flowers on Krishna. The innocent Gopa children wondered and asked from where flowers fell on Krishna's head. Krishna jokingly replied that when asura was thrown, ue to impact of hitting the asura on the tree, the bloomed flowers at the top of the trees rose up and came down slowly now.

A hot summer day, Krishna and cowherd boys felt very thirsty and went to river Yamuna to drink water. There was a huge crane flapping its wings and looked like the mountain Kailaash whose wings Indra forgot to cut, when he was cutting off the wings of the mountains.

When the cowherd boys went to drink water, the Bakasura in the disguise of crane advanced towards Krishna and pricked him with its beak. Krishna became like a ball of fire. The crane charged again towards Krishna to attack with its beak. Krishna, who is adept in slaying evil-minded ones, caught hold of both sides of the beak and tore the bird to death. Bakasuran reached the abode of death quickly as if in a hurry to see his sister Putana who went before him or to welcome his younger brother Agasura who is going to follow him soon. Devas and other gods showered flowers from heaven. Krishna returned home along with cowherd boys from the Brindavana.

As Krishna approached home, hearing to the beautiful notes of Krishna's flute, Gopikas rushed to recieve him and were happy to see him. Bhattathiri prays to the Lord Vasudeva one who resides in Guruvayur, who gave immense pleasure to Nandagopan and Yashoda, to cure him of all his afflictions.

Lyrics of Dasakam 50

तरल मधुकृत् बृन्दे बृन्दावनेऽथ मनोहरे
पशुप शिशुभि: साकं वत्सानुपालन लोलुप: ।
हलधर सखो देव श्रीमन् विचेरिथ धारयन्
गवल मुरली वेत्रं नेत्राभिराम तनुद्युति: ॥१॥

tarala madhukR^it bR^inde bR^indaavane(a)tha manohare
pashupa shishubhi: saakaM vatsaanupaalana lOlupa: |
haladhara sakhO deva shriiman vicheritha Dhaarayan
gavala muralii vaetraM netraabhiraama tanu dyuti: || 1 ||

विहित जगती रक्षं लक्ष्मीकराम्बुज लालितं
ददति चरण द्वन्द्वं बृन्दावने त्वयि पावने ।
किमिव न बभौ सम्पत्-सम्पूरितं तरुवल्लरी-
सलिल धरणी गोत्र क्षेत्रादिकं कमलापते ॥२॥

vihita jagatii rakshaM lakshmiikaraambuja laalitam
dadati charaNadvandvaM bR^indaavane tvayi paavane |
kimiva na babhau sampat-sampuuritaM taruvallarii
salila dharaNii gOtra kshetraadikaM kamalaapate || 2 ||

विलसदुलपे कान्तारान्ते समीरण शीतले
विपुल यमुना तीरे गोवर्धनाचल मूर्धसु ।
ललित मुरलीनाद: सञ्चारयन् खलु वात्सकं
क्वचन दिवसे दैत्यं वत्साकृतिं त्वमुदैक्षथा: ॥३॥

vilasadulape kaantaaraante samiiraNa Sheetale
vipula yamunaatiire gOvardhanaachala muurdhasu |
lalitamuralii naada: sanchaarayan khalu vaatsakam
kvachana divase daityaM vatsaakR^itiM tvamudaikshathaa: || 3 ||

रभस विलसत् पुच्छं विच्छायतोऽस्य विलोकयन्
किमपि वलित स्कन्धं रन्ध्र प्रतीक्षं उदीक्षितं ।
तमथ चरणे विभ्रत्-विभ्रामयन् मुहुरुच्चकै:
कुहचन महावृक्षे चिक्षेपिथ क्षतजीवितम् ॥४॥

rabhasa vilasat puchCham vichChaayatO(a)sya vilokayan
kimapi valita skandhaM randhra pratiiksham mudiikshitam |
tamatha charaNe vibhrat-vibhraamayan muhuruchhakai:
kuhachana mahaavR^ikshe chikshepitha kshatajiivitam || 4 ||

निपतति महादैत्ये जात्या दुरात्मनि तत्क्षणं
निपतन जव क्षुण्ण क्षोणीरुहक्षत कानने ।
दिवि परिमिलत् बृन्दा बृन्दारका: कुसुमोत्करै:
शिरसि भवतो हर्षात् वर्षन्ति नाम तदा हरे ॥५॥

nipatati mahaadaitye jaatyaa duraatmani tatshanam
nipatana java kshuNNa kshONiiruha kshata kaanane |
divi parimilat bR^indaa bR^indaarakaa: kusumoTkarai:
shirasi bhavatO harShaat varShanti naama tadaa hare || 5 ||

सुरभिलतमा मूर्धनि-ऊर्ध्वं कुत: कुसुमावली
निपतति तवेत्युक्तो बालै: सहेलमुदैरय: ।
झटिति दनुज क्षेपेण-ऊर्ध्वं गतस्तरु मण्डलात्
कुसुम निकर: सोऽयं नूनं समेति शनैरिति ॥६॥

surabhilatamaa muurdhani uurdhvaM kuta: kusumaavali
nipatati tavetyuktO baalai: sahelamudairaya: |
jhaTiti danuja kshepeNa OordhvaM gathastaru maNdalaat
kusuma nikara: sO(a)yaM nuunaM sameti shanairiti || 6 ||

क्वचन दिवसे भूयो भूयस्तरे परुषातपे
तपन तनयापाथ: पातुं गता भवदादय: ।
चलित गरुतं प्रेक्षाम्-आसुर्बकं खलु विस्म्रृतं
क्षितिधर गरुच्छेदे कैलास शैलमिवापरम् ॥७॥

kvachana divase bhuuyO bhuuyastare parushaatape
tapana tanayaapaatha: paatuM gataa bhavadaadaya: |
chalita garutaM prekshaam-aasurbakaM khalu vismR^itam
kshitidhara garuchChede kailaasa shailamivaaparam || 7 ||

पिबति सलिलं गोपव्राते भवन्तम् अभिद्रुत:
स किल निगिलन् अग्निप्रख्यं पुनर्द्रुतम् उद्वमन् ।
दलयितुमगा त्त्रोट्या: कोट्या तदा तु भवान् विभो
खलजनभिदा चुञ्चुश्चञ्चू प्रगृह्य ददार तम् ॥८॥

pibati salilaM gOpavraate bhavantham abhidruta:
sa kila nigilann agniprakhyaM punardrutam udvaman |
dalayitumagaa ttrOTyaa: kOTyaa tadaa(a)(a) tu bhavaan vibho
khalajana bhidaa chunchushchanchuu pragR^ihya dadaara tam || 8 ||

सपदि सहजां सन्द्रष्टुं वा मृतां खलु पूतनाम्
अनुजं -अघमपि अग्रे गत्वा प्रतीक्षितुमेव वा ।
शमन निलयं याते तस्मिन् बके सुमनोगणे
किरति सुमनोबृन्दं बृन्दावनात् गृहमैयथा: ॥९॥

sapadi sahajaaM sandraShTuM vaa mR^itaaM khalu putanaam
anujam-aghamapy agre gatvaa pratiikshitumeva vaa |
shamana nilayaM yaate tasmin bake sumanOgaNe
kirati sumanObR^indaM bR^indaavanaat gR^ihamaiyathaa: || 9 ||

ललित मुरलीनादं दूरान्निशम्य वधूजनै:
त्वरितं-उपगम्यारात् आरूढ मोदम्-उदीक्षित: ।
जनित जननी नन्दानन्द: समीरण मन्दिर-
प्रथित वसते शौरे दूरीकुरुष्व ममामयान् ॥१०॥

lalita muraliinaadaM dooran-nishamya vadhuujanai:
tvaritam-upagamyaaraat aaruuDha mOdam-udiikshita: |
janita jananii nandaananda: samiiraNa mandira-
prathita vasate shaure duuriikuruShva mamaamayaan ||10 ||

--------Sri Krishnarpanam---------

Friday, 5 June 2020


Dasakam - 49 - Brindavana Pravesam

Gopas were not aware of Krishna's glory or greatness or that he is Lord himself. So they misconstrued the happenings like falling of trees and other incidents as bad omens, They decided to migrate to some other better place. A senior person among the Gopas, Upananda, prompted by Lord from within, suggested that there is a beautiful forest to the west of Gokula called the Brindavan.

Nandagopan along with other gopas converted their present dwelling, Bruhathvanam, in to a cowshed and with great enthusiasm set out to Brindavan. Yashoda lifted Krishna and sat on the cart and all the gopas followed the cart. The hooves of the cattle and the cart made beautiful sounds. Krishna was keeping the gopas and gopikas entertained with his pranks and sweet talks so much that the distance of travel did not matter to them at all.

Krishna was delighted to see Brindavan, which was covered with Kunda trees with flowers in full bloom. The grasslands looked like it is dispersed with green emerald stone everywhere. The gopas built their new houses in a form of half moon (semi circle) and stayed comfortably. Krishna along with gopa boys went around the forest admiring and enjoyed its beauty.

River Yamuna or Kaalindi, daughter of Kalinda was flowing along the winding ways with clear water. The swans on the river made beautiful cooing sounds. The thick growth of lotus flowers in the river appeared like the smiling face of Yamuna. Krishna saw the majestic Govardhana mountains which was radiating the light from the gems it contained. The mountain with its tall peaks touching sathyaloka was attractive with the resonant sounds made by the calls of peacock.

Krishna with his brother Balarama and all other Gopa children wandered all along the forest. He saw Kalindi river flowing full in curves following him everywhere as if she was trying to meet him in solitude. Bhattathiri prayed to Krishna who was spending the days, tending the calves, along with his brother Balaram and other gopa boys in that beautiful Brindhavan, to cure him of all his afflictions.

Lyrics of Dasakam 49

भवत् प्रभावाविदुरा हि गोपा:
तरु प्रपातादिकम् अत्र गोष्ठे ।
अहेतुम् उत्पात गणम् विशङ्क्य
प्रयातुम् अन्यत्र मनो वितेनु: ॥१॥

bhavat prabhaavaa-viduraa hi gOpaa:
taru prapaataadikam atra gOShThe |
ahetum utpaatagaNaM vishankya 
prayaatum anyatra manO vitenu: || 1 ||

तत्रोप नन्दाभिध गोपवर्यो 
जगौ भवत्-प्रेरणयैव नूनम् ।
इत: प्रतीच्यां विपिनं मनोज्ञं 
बृन्दावनं नाम विराजतीति ॥२॥

tatrOpa nandaabhidha gOpavaryO
jagau bhavat preraNayaiva nuunam |
ita: pratiichyaaM vipinaM manOj~naM 
bR^indaavanaM naama viraajatiiti || 2 ||

बृहद्वनं तत् खलु नन्द मुख्या
विधाय गौष्ठीनं अथ क्षणेन ।
त्वदन्वित त्वज्जननी निविष्ट-
गरिष्ठयान् आनुगता विचेलु: ॥३॥

bR^ihadvanaM tatkhalu nandamukhyaa 
vidhaaya gauShThiinam atha kshaNena |
tvadanvita tvaj-jananii niviShTa-
gariShTTayaan aanugataa vichelu: || 3 ||

अनो मनोज्ञ ध्वनि धेनुपाली
खुरप्रणादान्तरतो वधूभि: ।
भवद्विनोदा लपिताक्षराणि 
प्रपीय नाज्ञायत मार्ग दैर्घ्यम् ॥४॥

anO manOj~na dhvani dhenupaalii 
khurapraNaadaantaratO vadhuubhi: |
bhavadvinOdaa lapitaaksharaaNi 
prapiiya naaj~naayata maarga dairghyam || 4 ||

निरीक्ष्य बृन्दावनम् ईश नन्दत्
प्रसून कुन्द प्रमुख द्रुमौघम् ।
अमोदथा: शाद्वल सान्द्रलक्ष्म्या 
हरिन्मणी कुट्टिम पुष्ट शोभम् ॥५॥

niriikshya bR^indaavanam iisha nandat
prasuuna kunda pramukha drumaugham|
amOdathaa: shaadvala saandra lakshmyaa
harinmaNii kuTTima puShTa shObham || 5 ||

नवाक निर्व्यूढ निवास भेदेषु
अशेष गोपेषु सुखासितेषु ।
वनश्रियं गोप किशोर पाली
विमिश्रित: पर्यगलोकथास्त्वम् ॥६॥

navaaka nirvyuuDha nivaasa bhedeShu
asheSha gOpeShu sukhaasiteShu |
vanashriyaM gOpa kishOra paalii 
vimishrita: paryagalOkathaastvam || 6 ||

अराल मार्गा गत निर्मलापां 
मराल कूजाकृत नर्मलापाम् ।
निरन्तर स्मेर सरोज वक्त्रां 
कलिन्द कन्यां समलोकयस्त्वम् ॥७॥

araala maargaa gata nirmalaapaaM
maraala kuujaa kR^ita narmalaapaam |
nirantara smera sarOja vaktraaM 
kalinda kanyaaM samalOkayastvam || 7 ||

मयूर केका शतलोभनीयं 
मयूख माला शबलं मणीनाम् ।
विरिञ्च लोक स्पृशम्-उच्च-शृङ्गै:
गिरिम् च गोवर्धनम् ऐक्षथास्त्वम् ॥८॥

mayuura kekaa shatalObhaniiyaM 
mayuukha maalaa shabalaM maNiinaam |
viri~ncha lOka spR^isham-uchcha-shR^iNgai:
giriM cha gOvardhanam aikshathaastvam || 8 ||

समं ततो गोप कुमारकैस्त्वं 
समन्ततो यत्र वनान्तम्-आगा: ।
ततस्ततस्तां कुटिलाम्-अपश्य: 
कलिन्दजां रागवतीम्-इवैकाम् ॥९॥

samaM tatO gOpa kumaarakaistvam 
samantatO yatra vanaantamaagaa: |
tatas-tatastaaM kuTilaam apashya:
kalindajaaM raagavatiim ivaikaam || 9 ||

तथा विधेऽस्मिन् विपिने पशव्ये 
समुत्सुको वत्स गण प्रचारे ।
चरन् सरामोऽथ कुमारकैस्त्वं 
समीर गेहाधिप पाहि रोगात् ॥१०॥

tathaa vidhe(a)smin vipine pashavye
samutsukO vatsa gaNa prachaare |
charan saraamO(a)tha kumaarakaistvaM
samiira gehaadhipa paahi rOgaat || 10 ||

--------Sri Krishnarpanam-------