Saturday 18 April 2020


Dasakam - 11 - Sanaka Enters Vaikuntha

The creation of species progressed with Brahma creating Swayambumanu and Shatarupa. The four divine sages Sanaka, Sananda, Sanat Sujatar, Sanatkumara desirous of having darshan of Lord, went to the Vaikunta. Crossing Six fortresses or gates and a beautiful garden full of Kalpa trees, known as "NAISREYAM", surrounded by several lakes and mansions shining with pearls and gems, the divine sages came to the abode of the Lord,

As sages were about to enter the Lord's abode, gate keepers Jaya and Vijaya stopped them. The sages, prompted by Lord from within, forgot their satvic nature and got angry. They cursed Jaya and Vijaya to become asuras, as the conduct of the two made them unfit to be in Vaikunta. Jaya and Vijaya requested the sages to pardon them for their mistake.

The divine sages sung praise of the Lord standing at the gate of the abode, Lord appeared before them with Mahalakshmi on Garuda vahana. Having got the enchanting darshan of the Lord, sages became so happy and fell at the Lord's feet. 

Jaya and Vijaya, now took refuge at Lord's feet, prostrated and asked for pardon. Lord with great kindness said that Jaya and Vijaya will have only three births in earth as asuras and then will come back to Vaikunta.

Jaya and Vijaya were born as Hiranyaksha and Hiranyakasipu, for Sage Kashyapa and Diti. Both were cruel in nature due to mother Diti conceiving them at the wrong time of twilight. The two brothers tormented the whole world with their evil tendencies.

One of them, Hiranyaksha sought an opponent to fight. Since no one was ready to fight with him, he immersed the earth in the waters and roamed around the worlds with his mace.

God Varuna, the Lord of waters told Hiranyaksha that only Lord Vishnu is proper opponent for him. He then went around searching for Lord Vishnu, who can be attained only by his devotees.

Bhattathiri requested Lord, whose form is visible only to his true devotees, to cure him of his ailments. Lord Guruvayoorappan acknowledged his request immediately by nodding his head.

Lyrics of Dasakam 11

क्रमेण सर्गे परिवर्धमाने
कदापि दिव्या: सनकादयस्ते ।
भवत्-विलोकाय विकुण्ठ लोकं
प्रपेदिरे मारुत मन्दिरेश ॥१॥

krameNa sarge parivardhamaane
kadaapi divyaa: sanakaadayaste |
bhavat-vilOkaaya vikuNTha lOkaM
prapedire maaruta mandiresha || 1 ||

मनोज्ञ नैश्रेयस काननाद्यै:
अनेक वापी मणिमन्दिरैश्च ।
अनोपमं तं भवतो निकेतं
मुनीश्वरा: प्रापु: अतीत कक्ष्या: ॥२॥

manOj~na naishreyasa kaananaadyai:
aneka vaapii maNimandiraishcha
anOpamaM taM bhavatO niketam
muniishvaraa: praapu: atiitakakshyaa: || 2 ||

भवत्-दिद्दृक्षून् भवनं विविक्षून्
द्वा:स्थौ जयस्तान् विजयोऽप्यरुन्धाम् ।
तेषां च चित्ते पदमाप कोप:
सर्वं भवत्-प्रेरणयैव भूमन् ॥३॥

bhavat-didR^ikshuun bhavanaM vivikshuun
dvaaHsthau jayasthaan vijayO(a)pyarundhaam |
teShaaM cha chitte padamaapa kOpa:
sarvaM bhavat-preraNayaiva bhuuman || 3 ||

वैकुण्ठलोकान्  उचित प्रचेष्टौ
कष्टौ युवां दैत्य-गतिं भजेतम् ।
इति प्रशप्तौ भवदाश्रयौ तौ
हरिस्मृतिर्नो-अस्त्विति नेमतुस्तान् ॥४॥

vaikuNThalOkaan uchita pracheShTau
kaShTau yuvaaM daityagatiM bhajetam |
iti prashaptau bhavadaashriyau tau
harismR^itirnO(a)sitvati nematustaan || 4 ||

तदेतदाज्ञाय भवानवाप्त:
सहैव लक्ष्म्या बहिरम्बुजाक्ष ।
खगेश्वरां-सार्पित चारुबाहु:
आनन्दयंस्तान् अभिराममूर्त्या ॥५॥

tadetadaaj~naaya bhavaanavaapta:
sahaiva lakshmyaa bahirambujaaksha |
khageshvaraam-saarpita chaarubaahu:
aanandayamstaan abhiraamamuurtyaa|| 5 ||

प्रसाद्य गीर्भि: स्तुवतो मुनीन्द्रान्
अनन्य-नाथौ अथ पार्षदौ तौ ।
संरम्भ-योगेन भवैस्त्रिभिर्माम्
उपेतमित्यात्त-कृपं न्यगादी: ॥६॥

prasaadya giirbhi: stuvatO muniindraan
ananya-naathov atha paarShadau tau |
samrambha-yOgena bhavaistribhirmaam
upetamityaatta kR^ipaM nyagaadii: || 6 ||

त्वदीय-भृत्यौ अथ काश्यपात्तौ
सुरारि-वीरौ उदितौ दितौ द्वौ ।
सन्ध्या समुत्पादन कष्टचेष्टौ
यमौ च लोकस्य यमौ-विवान्यौ ॥७॥

tvadiiya-bhR^ityov atha kashyapaattau
suraari-viirov uditau ditau dvau |
sandhyaa samutpaadana kaShTacheShTau
yamau cha lOkasya yamov vivaanyau || 7 ||

हिरण्यपूर्व: कशिपु: किलैक:
परो हिरण्याक्ष इति प्रतीत: ।
उभौ भवन्नाथं अशेष-लोकं
रुषा न्यरुन्धां निजवासनान्धौ ॥८॥

hiraNyapuurvaH kashipuH kilaikaH
parO hiraNyaaksha iti pratiitaH |
ubhau bhavan-naatham asheSha-lOkaM
ruShaa nyarundhaaM nijavaasanaandhau || 8 ||

तयोर्हिरण्याक्ष महासुरेन्द्र:
रणाय धावन्-अनवाप्तवैरी ।
भवत्-प्रियां क्ष्मां सलिले निमज्य
चचार गर्वात्-विनदन् गदावान् ॥९॥

tayOr-hiraNyaaksha mahaasurendra:
raNaaya dhaavann-anavaaptavairii |
bhavat-priyaaM kshmaaM salile nimajya
chachaara garvaad-vinadan gadaavaan || 9 ||

ततो जलेशात् सदृशं भवन्तं
निशम्य बभ्राम गवेषयंस्त्वाम् ।
भक्तैकदृश्य: स कृपानिधे त्वं
निरुन्धि रोगान् मरुदालयेश ॥१०।

tatO jaleshaat sadR^ishaM bhavantaM
nishamya babhraama gaveShayamstvaam |
bhaktaika dR^ishya: sa kR^ipaanidhe tvaM
nirundhi rOgaan marudaalayesha || 10 ||

-------Sri Krishnarpanam------

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